Lol, no you tried to say with authority that your 2h spec was more deadly than dw/ds, which is patently untrue. After mid-expansion, the only people rolling around with 2hers were either blood/unholy, or people who refused to switch to DW and were free HKs because 2h didn’t have the balance of damage/surv that dw afforded with death siphon.
Keep the toxicity out of the thread. If people are bashing your rating/whatever ignore them. No sense of feeding idiocy and derailing the thread.
Yes, it has been buffed through BFA. But that isnt the same as trying to make 2 sub specs balanced. Its not as easy as “oh 2h damage is a little low, lets buff obliterate” because that will just buff it for DW too, so then you are left with adding and adding more abilities to offset it like “obliterate does x more damage if using a 2h” and then if Howling Blast is doing too much in DW, if you nerf that then it gets nerfed for 2h, and then it becomes this convoluted with 7 pages of just different abilities on just how the 2 specs function to get them balanced. Then it just becomes a tuning nightmare.
Unless you just mean remove DW, in which I say, too bad. Its not going away, it has been a staple of Frost since its inception while 2h has struggled to keep up. The only chance it even had was in Wrath when there wasnt any mastery buff frost damage and it compound with Razorice.
So because I didn’t like this expansion or try hard this expansion I don’t know what I’m talking about? If you think it wouldn’t be impossible to balance both 2h and dw for both pvp and pve you’re delusional.
Yes but remember what they said they are now looking at class identity over spec identity. That was literally what was said at blizzcon. So 2h frost could come back.
Yea I main unholy on my Dk. I love how it plays and I love my 2h. I would however branch more into frost more often if it had the option for 2h. I don’t want to remove it being able to DW though. I would be fine with it being purely cosmetic as well.
Another notion. You frost DKs really need to watch the attitude you give unholy about these weapons. Your plight will never gain traction as long as there is any notion of removing unholys 2h. So watch it.
2h was also staple DK until they decided they wanted make it spec fantasy over class. Now that they are looking at bringing back Class over spec again I hope 2h dose return. Keep dual wield let those that want to have 2h have it. A balance can be found between the two. I mean ffs they did that with ww monk until legion.
Just because you do not want it to return doesn’t mean that others can want it to return and be viable. I have a respect for anyone that plays the class but I can not see why this is turning into a flaming dumpster fire over 2h frost vs DW.
So 2h might not work for you then ffs stay dual wield and let those that want 2h to have 2h and get along.
: Edited so that monk was also put until legion. I didn’t think it was necessary but yea it is.
This has to be the weakest puff-up I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading. And “plights” don’t gain traction. Support for ideologies do, and having vague, I guess you can call “threats” like yours thrown at us is only going to encourage more persistence. If you need an outlet for your frustrations, get a hobby. Don’t flex on people in a game forum. It’s pathetic.
This same topic is going on in a number of class threads. A group of people in a class want something, at the expense of others AND go about it in a extremely smug and rude way. No. You will not get it until you act accordingly.
If you had actually read what i said. I said WW monks had the option until legion. They could use 2h’s or dual wield 1h weapons. Blizzard had monks balanced so both options were viable.
Either I’m being pretentiously trolled or I’m talking to a 90 year old.
You’re talking to strangers in a forum, not your great grand-children. This manner of addressing people you don’t know is completely condescending and extremely disrespectful. It’s one thing to take jabs at people here and there in the midst of an in-depth debate, which happens, but what you’re doing right now is just plain unacceptable and nobody is going to receptive to that kind of garbage.
I will be honost I only read where you repled to me saying what are you talking about ww are still stupidly restricted to 1h weapons. I did not mean to offend or upset. But having to deal with other Forum trolls that’s what I was expecting.
I agree weapon choice should come back but not just to us. They should balance fury warriors to allow them to be viable with 1h swords or 2h swords. I do believe that almost all options should be viable. So if you have a fury warrior that misses the vanilla feel of fury then let them use 1h swords. Again this is my opinion which is probably not popular so ohh well.