It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

Yes , bring 2h frost back


rofl. Coming from a guy that thinks a bunch of kids whining on a forum will change anything.

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Can’t we just have the choice to have two-handers again? I don’t see why its so controversial to have even the option to have it. So what if 2Handing does lower overall DPS than 1x2 handers? Let the dude have his fun with those big beefy crits.


No he isnt, he used 2 abilities and that was it.

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GIVE ME THE 2H FROST BLIZZZZZZZ. Not 1 question from any QA about weapons for classes. SMH


Because that big beefy crits thing wouldnt happen anymore, it would just be worse damage, and then people that wanted to play 2h would complain about the damage.

YOU don’t have an understanding why it’s gone away. It is entirely and purely because the devs thought specs needed to stand out and stand apart.


Nerf frost fever, buff oblit.
2h frost gets increased damage with melee abilities
dw frost gets passive haste

simple really…


Yeah man we need the 2h back. DW never really felt proper for a knight to have, let alone a death knight. I want my 2h sword ! Also, make them do the Arthas sword point with howling blast


If you wield a 2H with Frost you do the animation with Howling Blast. I believe the animation is built into the character so they do it regardless of weapon. the 2H predictably looks 100000000 times more awesome than a 1H with the animation.


DO you not remember how terrible frost was with both dw and 2h? It was impossible to balance one of the other. If they bring back 2h frost I will lose all hope for this game because theyll be listening to players who do not care about the feel of a spec or the dps they only care about rping as arthas. It’s better not having all 3 specs be 2h. Look at warrior with titans grip, rogues having 2 daggers specs and one sword spec. You can still rp as Arthas w ur 2h u just cant use any abilities and it should stay that way. They already have a hard enough time balancing their game. Frost is in a much better spot without competing with itself and two subspecs in the same spec.


And us actual Frost DK’s are supposed to get a low-energy lecture on how to be Frost DK’s from some random posting on a one-button class?


The argument has already been made that even if it’s just appearance wise, not anything to do with actual equipment or changes to gameplay, we would still be happy.


I am a dk and having raided with the changes before and after 2h/dw dw plays better than 2h frost ever did.


Thank you for proving me right, normal raider.

I mainly PvP’d, so the viewpoints are rather skew. 2H took some talent leveraging and rotation testing but I found it to be far more deadly than DW when I found the right setup for it. DW in PvP was good for getting Death Siphon spams so it was a meta spec for dueling at best, but still couldn’t compete with a 2H that knew how to use it. In any PvP situation I would just see 1H Frosts spamming Death Siphon to stay at 100%. Couldn’t do that in 2H. It was a huge problem in WoD. But you wouldn’t know that because you maxed out at 1500 2’s and have apparently never seen a 3v3 in your life. Good try though, non-PvP’er.

Proving you right about what? I didn’t respond yet. And what, you… raid? Nobody cares if you smack a single AI target for several minutes at a time. Checking your record here, you can’t time half of the Mythic + runs you go on, and your raiding record is scattered to oblivion. You’re sitting level 62 on HoA and have 8/9 Mythic DA.

You got carried my guy.

EDIT: Liking your own post after getting called out like that is even more low-energy than playing DH.


You act like its difficult to make tuning passes in a game, You also act like duel wield has never seen low points, I mean hasnt frost been buffed multiple times throughout bfa? Hmm oh right it has been, Itd be no different if it was 2handed. Your arguments are weak just like your understanding of the class. Youre 346 item level, Dont raid, Dont pvp, Yet here you are trying to argue what direction blizzard should take with the class. Do everyone a favor and just get off the forums


Bring 2h frost back. The “feeling” of beeing a Death knight is just so right with the big bad weapon and being specced FROST


What is it with you and insulting people’s rating? It undermines your argument and you apparently haven’t been much higher yourself broseph.

Also if you had any experience with frost at all you’d realize that dw with death siphon was frost’s meta spec for the entire middle/back end of WoD. It simply was better in PvP, otherwise you played unholy.

Do you spend half your posts ironically insulting people’s rating/progression when yours is usually worse?

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That’s what every meta-carried player said. It was meta as I clearly indicated. I also clearly stated that I found another way to play Frost with 2H without Death Siphon. The statement was not that hard to grasp.

I mentioned three people’s progression, and two of them went after mine first. None of them had seen an Arena, and maybe did some Heroic/Mythic Raids. Terrible Mythic + records. The overlying point being that I have played Frost in a consistent manner in all aspects of the game at one point or another. They haven’t, and neither have you, so I don’t even know who you thought you were trying to puff up to. You did make an attempt as well, though.