It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

Blizzard disagrees, liar.


Not according to their official book they dont.

As the forces of the Horde and Alliance made their way into Icecrown Citadel, it was revealed that Bolvar had been captured by the Scourge, having been kept somewhere between life and death by the flames of the red dragonflight which had also horrifically charred him beyond recognition.[8]

^ a b c Ultimate Visual Guide, 55, 73

Kelliste, what is between life and death? :smirk:

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On deaths doorstep, to be undead you first have to die.

Rivendare was undead before he was killed.


Never said he didnt die from what I am reading.

Well Blizzard did say that Bolvar is undead by putting him specifically as undead instead of humanoid, or uncategorized which they had done in the past.

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Where is this exactly that they list Bolvar as undead?


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So, nowhere does it say he died or is undead. Glad we got that settled.

Why the heck you lying? (Why?)
Why you always lying? (Why?)
Mhmm, oh my god, stop hecking lying
Always lying to me (Why?)
You lying so much (Why?)
You’re making it hard for me (Yeah)


This just cements my reasoning that you are just a troll.

And im not lying. It doesnt say anywhere that BOLVAR died or is undead. You linked the Lich King and you are ignoring the lore and want to call people liars for it.

Keliste: Bolvar is not the Lich King and physically becomes an entirely separate entity when he wears the crown. I have absolutely no lore to support my wild theory. Just lies.



So now that Blizzard said there is no more Lich King that means Bolvar is still the Lich King?

You don’t have an understanding of why it is gone. Way to fish for likes from the bottom dwellers.

You don’t need 2H Frost to farm 11-13s.

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The recent toxicity in this thread is ridiculous. If making a single comment without some form of slander or hostility is not within the realm of capabilities, then stop posting, exit the forum, and see a psychiatrist because a game forum should not be such a potent source of frustration and anger. If you cannot hear opposing viewpoints without lashing out with petty remarks, then you should not be using the internet. This behavior is obnoxious and repulses the actually-mature players from providing what could be interesting or engaging subject material. This thread had several very interesting and informative back-and-forth’s for, even they got a little zealous. These recent instances of insult-exchanges are undermining the productiveness of this thread, though.

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I just want to be able to transmog shadowmourne over my 2 one handers if we stay dual wield or transmog it over my 2hder if we go 2h, but yay we can finally transmog Shadowmourne :smiley:


i support this. love 2h frost. lets keep it positive. even if we don’t get it, supporting the idea for it to return is still good.


rofl okay bud. Says the guy who thinks its gone forever because of mage tower…


New shadowlands trailer lich king is 2h frost. Thanks for teasing us blizz.