It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

When and where? The Wrathgate? Bolvar himself said he was kept ALIVE by the dragons flames.

That link by the way, has absolutely no information on it and says he is on the horde side.

So no, Bolvar never died.

When he melted.

You’re taking him literally. Sylvanas’s plague did not reanimate the dead. The dragon’s fire did. His model is, in the game, listed as undead.



Bolvar was nearly killed by the [Forsaken Blight], but was kept at the edge of life by the flames of the red dragonflight.[[8]]
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So you’re saying WoWPedia is correct, but Blizzard is wrong? :thinking:

Bolvar being undead is in the game. Has been since Legion. This is not new.


Wowpedia lists the source of that piece of info:

The World of Warcraft: Ultimate Visual Guide is an official [Warcraft] timeline book of events, locations, and characters that have made up the game since its release.

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The link that you posted said that The Lich King is horde, sooo what exactly are you arguing?

There is a difference between the Lich King which is undead, and Bolvar who is not. Bolvar is a vessel, just like Arthas was.

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No it doesn’t, don’t pretend to be illiterate. I know that you’re an intelligent, well meaning poster. The quest is Horde. There’s an Alliance version too. But the npcs for both quests?

Listed as Undead.


It doesnt say “undead” anywhere on that page.

In fact, the page isnt even about Bolvar, its about the Lich King, which is listed as undead. Bolvar is not the lich king, just a vessel, and now there is no Lich King.
You could literally Ctrl+F it, Kelliste. :roll_eyes:


Yes, the Lich King is undead, that isnt up for debate. Ner’zuls soul in the armor, which souls are classified as undead.

This is about Bolvar, who was merged with the Lich King, and he isnt dead.

He’s not dead but he’s also not technically alive either.

“The Dragon’s flames sealed my fate[…] The world of the living can no longer comfort me.”

If that’s not confirmation that he’s dead then I don’t know what is.


Because Blizzards lore said he didnt die.

“Because Blizzard is bad at writing.” Oh shove off. They’ve been working on this cinematic for months. They knew at every step of the way that Bolvar, a Death Knight in all but title(apparently) would be using Cryokinetic magic, AKA Frost, with a two-handed Mace. They could’ve easily swapped those out for two Maces, a Mace and an Axe, or literally ANYTHING ELSE. This was absolutely deliberate.


Blizzard is bad at writing, and when I said that, it wasnt talking about what weapon he was using. It was the fact that Sylvanas just totally obliterated him without getting touched, that somehow breaking the helm shattered the barrier between life and death when all it did was hold part of Ner’zuls soul, like Frostmourne did, as did the armor he wears.

He also is not a death knight, he never was. He went from Paladin, to that ever burning monster which people think he was killed at the Wrathgate and he thinks that the the people wouldnt accept what he is and think he is some undead abomination. And yes, he used remorseless winter and threw around some pillars, but by those standards you should just delete unholy and blood since the Lich King didnt use them. Death Knights take after the Lich King, not the other way around. He isnt restricted to what he can do and can control a whole army on a whole other scale. He was created by the demons because he pissed off Sargeras.

The Lich King is Ner’zul. The daddy of all Death Knights.

No it didn’t.

Also do you have a source stating that Bolvar is a separate entity from the Lich King that ceases being undead when the crown is removed?

Source or you’re lying, like you always do.

Metzen specifically told you he wasn’t.

Q. I have a question regarding the storyline of Ner'zhul: is he finished, or what's going on with that?
A. "Yes. Yeah, Ner'zhul is done. He served us well in that capacity, but really the Lich King idea... really has the ultimate expression, you know, as Arthas or whatever. Ner'zhul's done."[63]

^ BlizzCon 2010 Lore Q&A Panel


Yay, more evidence of Blizzards bad writing. Ner,zhuls soul was split and put into the armor, which I dont know where that went even though Bolvar was wearing the shoulders, Frostmourne which was shattered, and the helm.

You havent given any sources other than to support the narrative you want to push, I am taking the overall established lore which has been messed with each time Blizzard puts pen to paper or fingers to keyboard.

I’ve given you Blizzard’s own content. Wowhead datamines. Bolvar is listed, in World of Warcraft’s game files, as undead.

As if seeing his rotten face in Ultra Definition wasn’t proof enough.


No, you have given a link to a quest about the Lich King. Now that there is no more Lich King what is Bolvar?

And he didnt die at the Wrathgate.

Blizzard Ultimate Visual Guide says "Bolvar was nearly killed by the Forsaken Blight, but was kept at the edge of life by the flames of the red dragonflight.

Bolvar’s body was altered by the dragons’ flame, and was taken by the Scourge into Icecrown Citadel, where he was tortured by the Lich King in an attempt to bend him to his will. However, the noble spirit of Bolvar resisted the Lich King’s depravations."

The Lich King was created by Kil’jaeden from the spirit of the orc shaman Ner’zhul to raise an undead army to weaken Azeroth in preparation for the Burning Legion’s invasion."

It also talks about how the Lich King was made. “Kil’jaeden tore the old shamans body apart, but kept his soul intact and aware.”

“Encased within the frozen cask and warped by the demon lord’s chaotic powers, Ner’zhul felt his consciousness expand ten thousand-fold and he became a spectral being of unfathomable power: The Lich King.”

But, if you take some peoples thoughts that Arthas took over as Lich King overpowering Ner’zhul then Arthas was just defeated by Sylvanas but if he didnt, which I would say his soul returning to his heartless body, would mean that the Lich King was still Ner’zhul just not combined with Arthas anymore.

But now that there is no more Lich King since the helm was destroyed, what is Bolvar now? A burning human with a runeblade?

An undead guy.

“Death is for the living; it holds no power over the damned.”

Are you going to tell me Darian isn’t undead, Kelliste? :smirk:


Bolvar never died