It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

I was initially going to explain why I called you out but I figured I would spare an essay and just keep it short and sweet. I can only conclude that you even brought up something the time you thought it took me to type a comment because you are irrationally angry about people not agreeing with you and you are just looking for anything under the sun to use as an insult. Also, I flagged your comment because you called one of the other posters an idiot three times. The rest of your post is just frantic rambling about a terrible playstyle.


You didnt read my post. The “rest of my post” wasnt rambling on about a terrible playstyle. That was 1 sentence in my response. The rest was explaining what I was doing with my play time up until I stopped playing, calling you out on not even knowing what to reply with and this last post of yours helps that case, and that you and 2 others are guilty of the exact thing that you flagged me for which there wasnt even a punishment for.

And yes, I did call other people idiots and I dont regret it. If that is your worries then life is going to chew you up and spit you out, or you are just mad for some reason like it seems you are.

And no, I am not angry that people disagree with me, i get annoyed because people have been blatantly misrepresenting the past when trying to get stuff done. Trying to make arguments where there isnt any. I even extended an olive branch to you that you completely ignored for what you are doing now. It was asking why YOU thought 2h was removed and what you would do to fix those issues. I mean, you are rank 1 on your server right on a pool of 1.4% of the playerbase most of which probably quit in BFA not because DW bad, but because the spec is awful and BFA wasnt designed real well. You had azerite traits that were all over the place, some giving a DPS loss, just like Drain Soul for warlocks where its better to pick no talent than to talent into drain soul, you had Warfronts that completely negated any progression through dungeons and even the need to have normal - mythic in the game altogether. You have poor designed spells that defeat themselves just based on how you have to activate them outside of one talent. I wouldnt be surprised if KM was just completely removed next expansion since it really doesnt serve any real purpose.

The only real argument against DW is that you dont like using 2 1h weapons, which you have made quite clear just based on how you dont like 1h weapons and what you have been calling them post after post. Like not real weapons and so on and so on. You cant really bring in playstyle because that can be changed to anything. They can give big Obliterate crits like DW way back when, or how 2h did in WoD which has been an argument since Legion. BFA had just horrible grinds to get back what you already had.

Granted it looks like some things were improved on and if they didnt introduce some way to get Azerite gear from M+ that would probably be a dead aspect of the game as well.

Its not like I did absolutely nothing in my play time like you and some others want to make it out to sound like. They normally dont make big playstyle changes to classes mid expansion. Number tweaking can change what is best, but overall its the same stuff.

I would rather you write an essay than a 1 line attack at me or anyone else. That is all you have been doing lately and it doesnt make your personal character look good.

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Again, disregarding all the frustrated rambling, I haven’t made any arguments against the existence of DW. I am saying it’s just plain bad. My Obliterates crits max out at 25 or 30k. In WoD, a well-timed Obliterate with 2H hit for 150k of a player’s healthbar, back when the max HP with full PvP gear was 564k in PvP combat. The only advantage Dual-Wielding Frost DK’s seemed to have was more Death Siphons lol.


To do this, they need to put more power back into obliterate. Right now obliterate does super little damage and because of this it really affects the use of the talents on the final row. This also has the side affect of inflating the power level of any runic power spending which ends up being the primary damage percentage of the spec besides the remorseless winter.

In short, buff runic power generation spells and then also nerf the runic spenders a bit. It will make talents easier to balance and also give the playstyle feel more like what it used to in the older days of wow

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DW had more dps except for really early on in WoD. Its been like that since they started to try to separate the playstyles.

WoD 2h was trying to make up for a lot of factors combined which lead to insane Obliterate crits which when I and others were in the beta warned Blizzard about and they looked the other way and then had to nerf it on live. There was 25% downtime with full haste gear which was backed up by math, then there was the extra runeforge, mastery, KM procs. Might of the Frozen Wastes was to combat the extra runeforge, mastery and KM procs.

The big issue came with the 25% downtime. When you have to sit out of the fight doing nothing you have to compensate somewhere if you want balance. They pretty much just had to increase the damage of abilities for compensation which combined with Might of the Frozen Wastes produced the numbers that Mages were complaining about and then the nerf bat came. That in turn had an impact on DW and it just becomes a nightmare.

Its kind of the same thing that happened in Cata with the Blood DK. A death strike talent that increased the damage and healing by I think somewhere around 45%, I dont care to look it up, and then vengeance on top of that made the Blood DK against any bad players or say melee look like an absolute god. Right when I got to 85 and I went into pvp there was a Frost DK that was in pvp blues and I was in questing greens and I just absolutely destroyed him over and over and over again and I thought it was stupid. Or in Tol’Barad where I would just run around the map catching stragglers in groups of 2-5 and killing them solo.

People ultimately miss the choice and a fun playstyle. Prot PvP with high block value and a few 2 set bonuses could 2 shot people in Wrath with a Shield Slam and… I cant remember the name of the ability the frontal cone aoe stun. There were some things you had to do to get that to happen, but it was fun. Demo Lock spamming Soul Fires in Meta within execute range was fun, or in Cata stacking mastery and 1 shotting people with Soul Fire in Demo.

They have just made a mess of the specs and Blizzard has kind of admitted to going to far with the pruning. What is Frost supposed to be? Why doesnt Frostscythe replace Obliterate for aoe scenarios? Meaning it functions the same you just pick it up in terms of aoe, same rune cost, no crit multiplier but frost damage but less damage than Obliterate. I would say Obliterate should probably be frost damage at this point as well.

The spec could be designed way better, but at the moment it just looks like a bunch of stuff thrown at the wall with no real direction to it.

I just think Frost needs a complete rework. The efforts that have been put into the spec since Legion have been laughable at best.



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Except the downtime wasnt an ISSUE for players that liked the 2 handed style and could deal with it. Best change that happened was Obliterating for full damage without the diseases up. Big crits were not an issue my man. That was the bread and butter of the spec. Big burst and then go defensive on cd. High risk/reward playstyle. Crit damage in pvp was cut to 1.5x instead of 2x. Problem solved. So obliterate being all physical damage you stacked versatility as high as possible. I had my goddam scourge strikes hitting almost as hard as my oblits due to versatility wearing the same set of gear. Mastery didnt stack the same way for frost as it did for unholy in fact it was a huge difference. So i stuck with what worked for me. Piss on haste. It wasnt the best stat for the 2 hander. I collected a lot of gear in warlords and did a lot of mixing matching simming. Crit up around 28% you critted frequently enough without waiting for the km proc. 2 pc bonus gave your 1st attack after death grip 25% damage increase. And 1st phase of warlords was before the conversion nerf. Specifically 2 handed dk in blood presence obliterating and healing off of runic power gains. Remember how awesome that was? I’ll take raw damage,healing, damage reduction through versatility over a haste and mastery glass cannon build any day. See how i didnt insult anybody there? Also i didnt tell anyone that my playstyle is superior or that they were doing it all wrong. This is what worked for me. And i enjoyed it. I pay $15 a month to play this game the way that i enjoy because it is my choice to do so. (Thousands of random players are invited to play on beta btw)


Correction. Not my scourge strikes. My goddam Festering Strikes hitting like obliterates.


Mastery almost did nothing for the damage output for Frost so of course you wouldn’t go that route. The best stats were multistrike and versa and I can’t remember what that was followed by. That was the problem though, different mechanics and stats which if there was a change to one it had an impact on the other. They couldn’t just tune say howling blast for DW or Obliterate for 2h. If you had to dial back obliterate damage slightly that would have an impact on DW, or if you had to tweak frost strike it would have an impact on 2h. This happened to all subspecs, they attempted it and failed.

Also, WoD was when Frost Dk got really popular due to the outrageous damage of obliterate, just like Blood was popular in Cata for the same thing. Let people beat up on you for a bit and then you slapped half of their health bar off and healed what they did to you. These things just really weren’t intended. Granted port warrior with their 2 hit build that could kill almost anyone in 2 hits wasn’t intended either, that however was at the end of the expansion in Wrath. A lot of armor pen, a couple of 2sets if I remember correctly, block value and a macro.

There are so many things that people liked that aren’t coming back either because they can’t, or blizzard just doesn’t want to. And again, the playstyle can be anything, they can make numbers be anything so it really isn’t a weapon thing when you bring in playstyle.

Mastery frost. Great for frost fever howling blast and frost strike. Versatility great for every ability you have. And 2 hand was the one that got killed?
You should run for congress. Bernie will need your conversation control skills in 2020.


You know except the stat priority is Crit/Mast for frost up until certain breakpoints.

Talking about 2 handed frost dk 2 expansions ago. No break point on versatility at that time.

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2H was viable for like one patch in WoD because Blizzard screwed up. DW was infinitely more dangerous the rest of the xpack.

And thats where youre wrong lad. You and Kelliste should design a new “Edgelord” dk spec. Has an insta cast fear called “Voice of the Naysayer” condemning all others around you for 8 seconds. Its a DW only spec with a skill cap that only about 1.25% of fanbase will be able to grasp. Uses crit and mastery for death grip ranged choking damage on single targets because hey you DW so they dont have a chance right? Mastery “shame” increases the death knights shaming radius by x% over xx yards driving allies and enemies alike into a panicked frenzy and they rip their our eyes out.
“Bursting bubbles” another unique skill the shame spec has. Replaces ice bound fortitude. When youre about to get your butt kicked use “bursting Bubbles” completely negates all damage or even the idea the mob had of doing anything to you because you had to educate them that they dont know anything. Completely freezes mobs in place while you go on pretending they dont exist. Just a couple ideas lol


Except… the Mastery for Frost explicitly increased Frost damage…







I mean do you even have a Death Knight?


Yawn, wow what great input you guys have… oh wait sorry you guys had none, so why exactly did you guys post again? Just to slag people on the forums?

Wow… just wow. If this is what comes out of the 2h community then you guys arent getting anything back, and quite frankly more and more I hope you guys dont.

Yes, because for the most part Mastery scaled better than versa since versa wasnt just a straight damage increase unlike mastery.

Just because 1 stat impacts more abilities doesnt mean its a good stat or better than another. Sometimes you need so much of 1 stat over another when they do almost the same thing that it isnt worth getting if you can help it. Its like that for every class and you have to look at that, and possibly do some math.