It's the economy

So tokens increased your incentive to get easy gold that you took advantage of when before you didn’t want to risk it. Correct?

What you are conveniently trying to obscure is the part where i said “i just farmed it” which the tokens allow me to outsource my farming to someone else. I am not selling the tokens and then continuing to farm gold as if i didnt.

Tokens are nice on the surface (talking retail) but I don’t think they were actually positive. For one, buying and selling gold outside of the game is just plain risky—unsupported, easy to get screwed, and tricky (compared to using your link CC via in-game menus). It was a fairly niche solution. Making it easy, simple, and safe mainstreamed it; it made buying gold a part of the game and a viable solution, rather than something that you could risk getting banned for. Imagine being in a top tier guild pushing progression, and making the decision: “Is it worth potentially losing my account for this?” And where does it leave you if you do?

And then there’s buying the game time, which is where I fell. I had well over a million gold when they were introduced and this came at a time that they kept cutting my gold sinks—few enchants, no gems, no reforging—I had little to spend on, and now found myself farming more than ever. In my head was a constant conversion. I’d bought 10 tokens at 26,000g each. I’d see something on the AH I wanted, maybe a mount for 100,000g. I’d immediately back off and think: “No, I should save my gold for game time. No, I wouldn’t pay $60 for that.” I no longer thought of gold as gold, but there was an inherent conversion to USD always present.

It has been nice not paying a subscription fee since tokens were introduced, but it has really changed how I played and changed the landscape and feel of the game. I don’t think its worth it. I don’t think there should be such a work-around, any way to change the meaning of the in-game currency. We can’t control what people do outside of the game, but some level of detection for buying/trading gold has worked in the past, and normalizing selling it has turned that upside down.

I know we can’t remove it from retail and with the subs linked much of this is irrelevant, but reflecting on it I wish it was never added, and hope that it never is directly added for Classic.

No you didnt you pointed to one piece of evidence and claimed it was caused by something. Which is odd considering…

  1. correlation =/= causation
  2. you see a similiar jump at the release of EVERY raid release during legion, which also happens to be at the same time as your release of using the tokens as a blizzard balance.
  3. you have no evidence that the gold was newly generated or whether it had been sitting on alts for years.

In summary you do not understand what evidence is and have so much wrong with your assertion that its quite absurd for you to claim that you have proven anything.

Yeah but I’m not talking about that half of it. If you want to talk about the half of you selling the gold then answer this question. Did you ever sell gold before tokens?

So you don’t understand the causation of any of this? Gotcha. I can go back and forth with how you believe it doesn’t mean what it obviously means and what I think it does. If you can’t grasp your head around the tokens at the very least having some impact on what I said, then it’s just easier to call you an idiot and ignore you because it would be harder to explain 1+1 to you at that point.

Go to school then come back to this post and maybe we can have a nice discussion

you link to 1 correlation, and claim causation with no reasoning behind it.

When I point out that jump happened when Nighthold was released and there was a near identical jump when tomb released and a slightly LARGER jump when Antorus released. and you just dismiss the fact that there are clearly other factors at play for your correlation.

Also you have no way of showing how old the gold was that was being spent on those tokens which is a very necessary thing you would need to show since its Core to your argument.

you clearly show you have no idea what good evidence is and don’t understand there is nothing to support your assertions.

It’s pretty easy to read through this thread and pick out the people who never had to labor in a classic economy.

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Sell gold? No. I did give gold to friends if i had a surplus, but i lack the infrastructure required to sell it for real money. Of course, you already knew this was going to be the answer, pre-token individuals couldnt sell gold, there was no mechanism that allowed for it. I dont recall IGE having a goldbuying program in place.

Unless you were Steve Bannon

He didnt do any gold selling. He just bought the company that did it for him. He didnt act as an individual, he acted with a corporation.

Look my dude, if you ask for evidence, and then get provided evidence that clearly shows you what I’m talking about and then you basically say NU UH without providing ANYTHING to counteract what I said then you aren’t worth anyone’s time. You’re a child at this point.

Here I’ll provide an article that supports what I’m saying

Notice how they talk about prices of tokens skyrocketing on new game releases. With that game being released in some cases the token went up in price by 30k. That’s 30k that wouldn’t have been added into the economy each if the token didn’t give you a bnet balance. And it happens on every.single.release of a game that blizzard provides. This is no longer just correlation, this is causation.

If you even ATTEMPT to ignore this fact, you shouldn’t be acknowledged in any conversations regarding really anything as it shows an extreme lack of logical thinking.

Unless you provide me with evidence to counter what I’m saying, then your done speaking to me.

So now the token provided you with a way to give up all that gold you would normally just keep to yourself.

And before you say “I would have spent it on something else anyway”. Then I’m going to throw this thing you said back at you. Wouldn’t you have just farmed more gold to get what you wanted? So either way that gold you just put into the economy is extra gold you wouldn’t have put into it for no other reason than a wow token.

Buddy, you’re way too easy I honestly feel bad.

Also before you comment, please don’t make me spoon feed the logic of this to you… this is getting tiring talking to someone who can’t grasp very elementary stuff here

you really need to learn what evidence consists of.

you point to a jump in price and say “see see I proved my point!”

yet that jump does absolutly nothing to help your case.
you have not proven that an increase in token price is caused by an increase in gold farming. all you have shown is that there was an increase in purchases of tokens.

you have not shown anything about where the gold came from
you have not shown anything about what the gold was used for
you have not shown anything that proves what caused the uptick in purchases.



Once again, you provide nothing. Just like a child.

One more time sweet heart. Come back… when you have. Something. anything. To support your claim. Like I have done for you twice now.

How about the fact that there wasnt a spike when destiny 2 was released so your whole point is invalidated even further than it was.

Also you are the one who is making the claim. you have the burden of proof.


See you even deny hard evidence. It clearly did at the time of destinys release it’s literally in the data I provided for you. And here you are “NO IT DIDNT” this is like arguing that the sky is blue and you telling me it’s green. And ya the burden of proof was on me and I provided it twice, so now the burden of proof on that is on you.

You’re an actual joke of a person. You’re done talking to me.

What you are neglecting is that i generally do not grind gold. I have no need to because there is little reason to unless something fancy catches my eye and those are growing more and more rare these days. Pets, mogs, and mounts just dont have the allure they used to. As such, the only time i would buy a token is when my incidental income brings a character over the 100k mark. If the token didnt exist would i just hoard it? Maybe, or maybe I’d troll the AH for some rare pet or buy some frivolous mount just to spend it. Possibly even give it to a friend so they can purchase some stupid showy mount/pet/mog themselves. Done it before, I’d do it again. Gold hasnt had any real value since TBC if im honest.

Finding an enchanter who was trustworthy and had the patterns you were seeking was a chore and completely rewarding for both players.

My wife would literally get spammed the second she logged on to do enchants for people and had no issues finding groups to farm the enchants she didn’t have because people knew she wasn’t going to run off with their matts.

surprised there’s a few being so negative on vellums.
would suggest they never tried to make money off it and/or liked being able to source enchants for tips.

vellums were by far the best thing that ever happened to enchanters imo.
completely shifted from selling a service to selling a product.