Lol why do you keep saying stuff like ‘wrong’ or ‘thats Not right’ when you clearly don’t know anything about vanilla. Everything you have mentioned about vanilla is entirely wrong yet you think you know how it works in this game.
Epic mount is hard to get. Most people at 60 just simply chose not to farm that gold and didn’t care about getting it. With tokens people will just buy it so they don’t hve to farm something they wouldn’t have farmed anyway. Same will go for boe epics and such.
You are simply just wrong about everything you’re talking about on here. And it’s not even like you’re making any valid points to kinda get your point across either, everything you are saying regarding vanilla just isn’t right.
Keep talking about it all you want you came in too late to the game honey bear
Vellum no need. WoW tok n go farm them on retail. However, guild bank existed in vanilla it was just on a guild members account as an alt. This meant account sharing to get things of that person was not on. The possibility for serious damage to a guild if that one account was compromised or if that person decided to go rogue. Adding a guild bank would add a large gold sink to vanilla reducing the gold in the economy, does not affect inventory management because all you’d do is make a new alt with bags.
/snort. Sweetheart please. My account was created 12/9/04. Ive done my share of buying and selling tokens and buying platinum in EQ before wow came out. They will farm. It wont be efficient and it wont be a single long grind, but they will farm. Slowly, bit by bit, they will save. AH things they would have vendored, farm nodes instead of mobs, sell dungeon runs and the like. It may take a year instead of a week but they will farm if they desire whatever they would’ve sold that token to get.
Hard for a man who died in the early 70s to win a nobel prize in 2007 (also, he never won a nobel in economics period. I checked the list). That said from the brief review of what i read on this ideas its not comparable to this situation since his ideas were “communism bad”. They revolved around the state owning the means of production, distribution and sale price. That doesnt apply in MMOs.
And you still have not provided anywhere close to sufficient evidence that tokens affect the economy of the server in a negative way.
A small jump(it was no where near double) in a steady increase that started months before and continued for well over a year that occurred that also occurred at the release of the 2nd raid and when the 3rd raid opened you see a near identical size jump in price till the 4th raid opens when you see yet another even larger jump in price. Its almost like when they release content people come back and use stockpiled gold to buy a month of game time to try out the new content then let it lapse till the next wave of content is released.
Also the price of items has drastically increased since the token was introduced… people expect you to have hundreds of thousands of gold purely because the token exists… when in reality if you just play the game normally you probably have 50,000 across all of your characters.
Hmm that wouldnt have anything to do with how easy it was to farm millions of gold through near passive methods from garrisons. Which were also out at the same time.
They have introduced increasingly expensive gold sinks every expansion.
Quite a lot of people had a large amount of gold income from garrisons and mission tables in legion, even though not everyone set up multiple alts to really capitalize on it.
The game has be fighting inflation for a long time.
20k tundra mounts in wrath(3)
120k mount in MoP
Reduction of gold gained from garrisons+mission tables+old raids.
Also there are numerous people running around on the 5mil AH mount not sure the frog mount is your best bet for gold sincs especially since people routinely buy things for gold cap off the BMAH and have been doing it since WoD at least.
I have been playing since vanilla and I’ve never been poor but I’ve never been that rich either, I guess you are totally right there are and have always been people who have butt loads of gold. I guess it’s just annoying that blizzard punished the entire playerbase in order to get at the 5% of players who can actually afford the 4 million gold mount… I mean that’s kind of offensive… dev time spent on a mount no one can afford lmao
To create a mount is minimal Dev time, its mostly Art time and considering its a common model in BfA I dont see that mount taking that much time to create.
But ya played some of every expansion, never had much gold till I played seriously in WoD. Never had epic mount in vanilla never got epic flying in BC, couldn’t get mammoth in wrath.
However with alts running garrisons and farming old raids in WoD i made enough to get all 12+ of my alts 310% flying, full 30slot bags, all heirlooms fully upgraded, buy multiple tokens, create alt guilds with multiple tabs, and still had enough left over to lose between 400k and 800k in gold rolls during raiding. The ammount of gold you could earn in WoD with minimal effort was frankly obscene.
Oh look a ad hominem + ad verecundiam you still did not refute that. Time is money friend, invested time is the reason for gold sellers, same situation of means of production. So back for discuss you will prove your point or not?
Thats not ad hominem…
its possibly a straw man(dont know what he actually said) he most certainly is oversimplifing it, but that does not make it wrong or a fallacy.
Also you are the one who did the ad verecundiam falacy by bringing up a man who was correct because he supposedly was the “winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics” which is easily proven FALSE by quickly searching “2007 Nobel Prize in Economics” and you get a result of “Eric Maskin, Roger Myerson, Leonid Hurwicz” noticeably Ludwig von Mises does not appear to be in that list.
There was no ad hominem, i did not attack his person, nor yours. As for the argument from authority, that fallacy is on you, not me. All i did was point out that your claim that he was a nobel prize winner was false. I acknowledged that my review of his theories was very brief, indicating that i am by no means a master of his work. However, with the exception of instance lockouts/respawn timers and quest rewards, blizzard has very little control over how much gold is produced in the game. Therefore, they do not truly control the means of production in a practical sense (there is no cap to how much you can generate per week for example), nor does blizzard absolutely control the means of distribution outside of soulbound gear. Therefore, his economic views are not compatible with how wow’s economy works. And thats ignoring the fact that there are multiple economic theories that oppose his own and you have yet to indicate why his should be more valued aside from falsely claiming a nobel prize.
I’d like to see Blizzard implement a new forum policy:
Whomever posts the most in a thread gets awarded with a temp ban - for no other reason than that individual’s own good.
Maybe some sort of threshold percentage of all the posts within a thread. Like a person not being able to post another reply if they already represent 10% of all posts within a topic.
There’s been a few topics today where the discussion has been radically unproductive due to a few individuals who make their point and can’t let go when someone has a different view. To the extent this is demonstrated on these forums… it’s a concern.
Buy gold in wow? No, i just farmed it. Risk/severity of getting caught was too high compared to the time saved by farming. In everquest? Hell yeah, i bought a metric ton of plat compared to the tokens