And a bunch of us don’t consider the removal of this single achievement from a meta-achieve that’s needed for a larger meta is in any way “caving in.” It’s still a year-long slog to get “What a Long Strange Trip,” with plenty of difficult and/or tedious achieves to occupy one along the way.
The “School of Hard Knocks” forced players to ruin BGs for the players who weren’t doing the achieve, so it was always a bad achieve. The Winter Veil PvP requirement rewards players for doing PvP correctly. Players still have to do some PvP to get WaLST, but at least they have to do it right.
this isn’t the only thing they have done lately - if this was the only thing there would be no pattern and no negative outcome.
There were threads on this forum already about people complaining about doing something and when questioned the people didn’t really have a problem doing ‘x’ but didn’t want to do it because they thought they would remove it or make it easier later. That should never happen. People shouldn’t be questioning whether they should engage in the game because of how blizzard changes things to make them easier at a later date.
They are costing themselves $ already by taking this course. I have gone from someone who would try and collect every mount prior to WoD to someone who doesn’t care and that started over their removal of flying. Last expansion I worked on getting essences for 6 or so characters and then they made it simple to get them - I felt all my time was wasted and I should have just done nothing instead.
The paragon caches same thing. Make them a joke to get the mounts after a few months after I paid them specifically to go back and earn the Argus ones. I can’t motivate myself to work on much in this game anymore because they are continually making things easier later.
It is literally destroying the game for me. If you can understand that fine, most of the people in this thread obviously can’t or don’t want to consider the negative side of blizzard doing this.
" a person who intentionally antagonizes others online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content"
Your continued insistence that ‘forced lore’ in one expansion is akin to an incongruous achievement that is disruptive to both bases, that pits one base against itself and irritates the base needlessly for one week a year. At the time it was put in the game it made since because 10,000 gold was a lot of money. However, they have since taken the speed stat out of the game completely and reduced that 10,000 gold to 5,000 and you can farm 10,000 gold in day where in Wrath it would take at minimum 6-12 months to farm that much.
While the difficulty of the single meta achievement stayed the same difficultly level and the reward just wasn’t worth the effort anymore.
While that isn’t blatantly insulting it is nice at all.
I will say it again. You can level doing PvP. You can obtain your goal with being impeded by your complaint. People that want the Purple proto drake could not achieve it with doing the pvp achievment.
I did nothing of the sort. I was discussing why I don’t like them doing this.
It does nothing of the sort unless people can’t accept other people’s opinions. That is just you.
And people could have lived without that drake. I don’t like PvP enough to want to level up doing PvP. There is an entire thread happening about this forced RP business. It isn’t only me that doesn’t like that.
Making things simpler to get later in an expansion is something they’ve been doing for a long time. They deliberately make certain things harder to get earlier on, specifically things that help make your character more powerful. This is due to the folks who want to get everything as fast as possible. If you want to be among the folks who conquer the content first, they make you work for it.
I’m not quite clear on your complaint here:
Removing flying made things harder, not easier, and I thought your point in this thread was you don’t like them to make things easy.
It is a fact that everything in the game is easier to do when you out-level the content. That’s why a few select things can only be done when the content is current.
But I see you’re posting on a Classic character that isn’t leveled up. If you want things to be harder, perhaps you should play the Classic expansions and stay away from retail.
To be fair I was posting on a unleveled Classic character, but then I have been in favor getting rid of School of Hard Knocks since at least 2013-14 when making 10,000 gold was super easy.
I have been playing so long that they have changed the name of the achievement twice. Was originally call the Long Strange Trip as an Ode to the Greatful Dead, then they changed it to the Long Strange Journey and then back to the long strange trip.
CAVING? EXACTLY, HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PLAYING THIS GAME? Again. DUEL SPEC. KEY MASTER. THE PATTERNS IN THE MOLTEN FRONT. World of Warcraft does this CONSTANTLY. It’s a single stupid looking mount. There are like 16 proto drakes in the game, this one is purple. I didn’t do it for the mount. It was the fast flying that I went for. Because Master FLYING was *** EXPENSIVE *** in Wrath.
As shown, I have had the mount since 2011. It took me exactly a year to get it.
It is no longer a rare mount. It’s just a thorn in people’s side. It makes good business sense to remove that meta achievement from the over all achievement, because ultimately what they want is for people to keep subscribing.
This achievement kept me subscribed that first year and I have stayed subscribed ever since with small disruptions.
yes and that is one reason I didn’t buy Shadowlands until 10 months after it released. This is more than just making things easier though, this is changing how systems work entirely.
They devalued my collection by trying to permanently nerf the usefulness in current content. After that I have no trust to put in a lot of effort because they still haven’t end their war on flying.
And it isn’t making things easier that is the issue - it is making things easier after others have done them and in some cases devoted a lot of time to doing them.
see above - it isn’t the difficulty it is the caving in after people work at things.
I tried for the whole week of Children’s Week and could not get into the Alterac battleground! The other three were completed but it would not put me into a battle to finish up. I have everyother achievement except this one. Not everyone is trying to get by without doing the work!
Blizzard has been doing this from the very beginning.
IN FACT they did it going from 9.1.5 to 9.2.0, non-raiders were lucky if and they worked hard enough they had a max of 230-235 ilvl and then 9.2 comes out and BAMM here is some free 226 ilvl gear for almost nothing. I know people that (permanently nerf the usefulness in current content) complained about that when Burning Crusade came out and they quit because of the green gear that got doing mundane quests in Hellfire Peninsula was better than the top level purple gear from Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj and Temple of Ahn’Qiraj. They didn’t continue to play WoW and complain about for 5 years. THEY QUIT before 2.1 came out.
I don’t know what your complaint has to do with them removing a single meta achievement that should have been removed 5 years ago, or more. Just generally want to complain about them nerfing old content.
Same. I worked so, so hard to finish the other PvP achs for this, but I just cannot ever get a queue pop for Alterac, no matter what level, faction, time of day, etc. Been like 3 years
same here Lucrend. i used to pvp alot but bg’s and because i wanted the Battlemaster title. in its time pre nerf it was hands down the hardest achievement to get in game. and i managed to get it pre nerf.
anyway… back on track here. yea i actually enjoyed this achievement as well because i didnt pvp for a few years when i got this school of hard knocks achievement and it actually had me pvping for the few months again just for fun because it gave me just that again . fun.
i feel like if blizzard was to remove this achievement they need to make the mount not available to the people who dont complete it. its just not fair to anyone else that had to do it even though they hated it but did it anyway and got their mount.
what about the rest of us that put in the work and got it. can the new people that attain this get some crappy dimmed out faded recolor that shows they were incapable or to incompetent of getting it please.