You mean the unskippable RP? Lore has been in the game since WarCraft I. Yes, the unskippable RP has been more annoying this xpac than previous xpac, but every xpac has had a certain about of unskippable RP. It was quite pervasive in BFA as well, by the second or third time through. You were saying “enough already I have seen/heard this stupid story before” that’s the nature of MMO’s. Go play Overwatch if you don’t want lore and want more pure PVP, but stay away from League of Legends because it has way TOO MUCH lore.
Part of the problem in Legion is that every expansion before it (mean 1-6) allowed you to get to max professions without doing dungeons and painstakingly collecting useless mats and the only way to get enough to make it worthwhile was to be a raiding guild because LFR gave you like 3% of the mats you need per week. So unless you were in a guild that did Normal/Heroic/Mythic you couldn’t fabricate any top tier stuff in a timely fashion, because either your skill level wasn’t high enough or you didn’t have the patterns because many of them were stuck behind (YOU GUESSED) DOING PVP AND GETTING MARKS.
I still haven’t max professions out from Legion on some toons and i have 18 toons at 50 and above and 6 60’s and Oh. I have been playing for 13 years.
PVP for me is the least enjoyable part of the game.
To be fair, there were patterns that allowed you to progress that didn’t require pvp. That’s why I was able to max out all the professions …except cooking …because, Nomi.
They were either in raids, or you got them from marks of honor, now granted you could get Marks of Honor (I think that was BFA). Either, way professions in legion were less than desirable.
To bad you weren’t here when SoHK was introduced. Horde and Alliance swapping capture points. Back of forth, back and forth. Anyone with an orphan out was left alone. The only struggle was beating other Alliance players to capture points.
I have been playing 13 years and I probably would have a hard time naming 5 characters in WoW lore and stating one thing about them. I am doubtful I would be able to even name 10 characters at all. Lore up to this expansion has never been forced on people to the extent it has this expansion. This expansion you have all sorts of forced RP even questing to level up.
Yet if you asked me about professions or PvP or a lot of the actual gameplay - heck even dungeons which I rarely do I could give a pretty good list of details.
Lore is not fundamental - you can play the game just fine without it and they shouldn’t try to force feed people their bad story telling. If people shouldn’t have to be forced to do PvP for an optional achievement, they certainly shouldn’t be forced to put up with the RP leveling up. To claim one shouldn’t happen yet the other is okay just makes someone a hypocrite.
Oh, come on. You have to know characters like Sylvanas, Jaina, Khadgar, Vol’jin, and Thrall. They’re all part of the “lore.” Seriously, the “lore” is just the story framework for the game. It’s nothing special.
But I totally agree that it’s boring as heck when we’re forced to sit through characters babbling about one thing or another. The whole opening sequences of Shadowlands destroyed the expansion. The Maw was bad enough, but once you managed to get out, you were forced to run around doing nothing but talking to characters. I hate PvP myself, but I was ready to jump into the nearest BG just to get away from those people.
I knew 3 of those 5 - I recognize the names on the other two but I wouldn’t have thought of them and could tell you nothing about them except Khadgar had some sort of toy in Legion.
Yeah I got it all of it done in 2010 on my mage except this one and got on my mage in 2011 but I couldn’t get on my priest or warlock at the time. My priest got all but warsong gulch as you can see from the image if you copy the link and remove thes spaces.
[quote=“Marla-westfall, post:313, topic:164382”]
Lore is not fundamental - you can play the game just fine without it and they shouldn’t try to force feed people their bad story telling. If people shouldn’t have to be forced to do PvP [/quote]
You aren’t required to do PvE to level. You can Level by PvP’ing just fine. There by skipping all the lore, or the time wasting RP. Also, that’s the expansion (Shadowlands) vs a meta achievement that has been inthe game since Achievements were put in the game.
You are an anomaly. 99.9% of people play an mmo for the story.
Been playing since Wrath and ever since I started doing these holidays this was always one of the ones I dreaded. Sure, like so many I would try for the whole week to get this done since it was the last to do for the meta but as usual always failed either because of players who also were after it or the other side not caring about us pve players.
So thank you Blizzard for listening to the players asking that this get removed and now only achievement I have left for the mount is the one in Winter Veil which should be way easier.
I have had the achievement since before you started playing the game (already linked it above) . In Wrath 5,000 gold was a LOT of money, akin to 5,000,000 now. I wanted the 310 flying because my guildees had it. Neither one of us are required to play this game at all. You’re the one whining about force Lore in an MMO. Like I said before go play League of Legends or Overwatch if you don’t want lore forced on you.