It's That Time of the Year Again: Remove School of Hard Knocks from Children's Week Meta Achievement

Why? I got it in 2011 back when mounts and achievements weren’t shared. I am happy they removing the requirement for people. It still takes a lot of effort and dedication to get this mount.


Can we now finally make the Lord/Lady of War title account wide as well?

“Times change” ~ Garrosh Hellscream




People are acting like taking out this single achievement is automatically giving the mount to just anyone. You have to complete the metas for an entire year’s worth of holidays. Each required holiday has a whole slew of things to do. Children’s week is still left with a pile of time-consuming achieves even without School of Hard Knocks.

I think the complainers either don’t remember how hard the whole thing is, or they paid someone to do it for them.

Edit: I did a quick count and came up with 70 achieves over eight holidays needed for What a Long Strange Trip, though some of those are actually metas themselves. As I skimmed through the achieves, I was also reminded that they’ve made adjustments to some of these achieves before, so it’s not like this is the first time things have been changed. (Rotten Hallow was a whole lot different–and harder–before Cata.)