It's ridiculous how paranoid you people are

Lol what? Smh hahaha

If people could act like mature adults instead of childish, self-centered brats, and use speech that is appropriate to their environment, it wouldn’t even be an issue.

They can, in the privacy of their own space with their own friends or family. The standards are different when you’re sharing space with other people. My language is very different with my friends than it is at work, or at a job interview, or at a family dinner. Adults are supposed to have the ability to understand where they are and with whom, and adapt accordingly.

You could use this argument to support being naked in public, or even public sex acts. If you don’t like it ignore it or don’t look at it. That’s not how shared spaces work. The community standard doesn’t allow for that type of behavior, and there are consequences for it. The same is true for speech that isn’t appropriate in public. Do you actually think someone should be able to chant the F word at their loudest volume at a restaurant while people are trying to enjoy their meals?

You need to grow up and start learning that you aren’t the only person on the planet, and the rest of us shouldn’t need to accommodate you. I certainly won’t.


Yep, I definitely see why they were suspended, last month before this contract was in place.

Its not about being mature or growing up. Hell we have man babies in the game, people talking beastality on the forums and i and others get censored for far less. Its the double standard of rules and censoreship of people being people. Yeah i understand its their rules and they can do what they want. But it doesnt mean i agree with it! Is it wrong for me to even have an opinion about it and chat about it on forums or is that wrong too?

It really is. I’m sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, although I’m sure you’ve heard it before, you seem to lack a basic awareness of other people and courtesy towards them. You seem to feel that you are entitled to whatever you want wherever you want. That is extremely immature behavior that most people start growing out after in their early years.

How do you know they weren’t also sanctioned? And why do you think that other people’s bad behavior is a justification for you to behave badly?

No, everyone is entitled to an opinion, even when they are wrong. Where a lot of people get tripped up is the belief that their opinion is automatically valid. It’s not. Opinions can be wrong, as yours is in this case.

But you are free to continue to express it, as long as you stay inside the community standards for doing so.


Nobody did that.

[quote=“Thundertotem-blackwater-raiders, post:399, topic:1254313, full:true”]

Mirasol has no moderation authority. [/quote]


If you don’t know what an MVP is, you shouldn’t be trash-talking them. Didn’t we have a go-round of this a few years back, when people were insisting MVPs could remove posts, silence people, etc. ? And then being slackjaw-stunned when they found out the only perk to being MVP was green text?

Im not entitled to anything. Immature language or not. People should be able to speak their mind. Its the internet, not a restaurant. And yes im aware of others courtesy nonsense feelings. Theyre the ones being entitled, people shouldnt have to tip toe around every little feeling someone may hurt that may be subjective.

Because they kept posting for days without consequence. Its not about my behavior or anyone elses, its about the double standard of forum rules. I wasnt behaving badly just said the wrong thing because someone didnt like it.

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“The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.” – Hubert Humphrey


Then you proceed to list all of the the ways you want the world to accommodate you…

I would assume that this level of contradiction is trolling me, but I believe your sincerity.

With no limitation? Someone who is racist should feel free to shout their nonsense at the mall, and people that don’t like it should just ignore them? Society is better if those people aren’t welcomed to do that kind of thing and need to keep it in private.

We’re talking about WoW, not the whole internet. Both are businesses hosting their clientele, who have paid to be there. Both have the right to limit behaviors from customers that are disruptive to their other customers.

The fact that it’s subjective means that yes, we should be more aware when we are in a public setting, because we don’t know how all of our words will land. That’s the whole point, about being an adult who is aware of your surroundings.

And we’re not talking about every tiny issue either, we’re talking about the limitations of hate speech, discriminatory language, and harassment. If you feel like that is too restrictive then you are the problem.


Its not about just me, but others as well.

People already do, and yes on the internet and in some cases in real life just ignore it. Its just words. Ive been called all kinds of racist slurs in my life and it would upset me. But once you realize its just words and doesnt actually hurt you, you can live life alot easier. I agree in restaraunts and work places sure shouldnt be said only because its an owned business and their rules, like it is here on forums. Even though i dont like how restrictive these forums are.

As i mentioned before its their rules, doesnt mean i like it.

I am aware in public settings, the internet is different. If i say im gonna slap you! You cant do that literally over the internet. So its just words ignore it and laugh. Death threats on the other hand are a different story. I and others on here havent gotten censored for hate speech on here. Ive never used hate speech on here nor in real life. But again its subjective and people take things over the top. I got censored for making fun of gnomes on here, there was no hate speech. And ive seen others not get censored for far more than what i and others said.

It sounds like you and others just want to shut people up because you dont agree with what they say. I suggest people not watch tropic thunder you might get your feelings hurt. Never go full R word!

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But why should anyone need to make that adaptation when we can just expect the people making racist comments to stop? I get to spend my entire life without being marginalized for my skin color. Why can’t everyone have that experience? Because a few people think they should be able to say whatever they want instead? Not a good enough reason.

Again, we’re not talking about the whole internet. We’re talking about inside the game of WoW. Despite it being virtual, it is a public space that people are paying to be in. The same community standards apply. Maybe that’s the issue actually. Because people are physically in their living room they can’t understand that they are interacting in public and aren’t properly modifying their behavior.

Why? Aren’t they just words? Especially on the internet, where most likely the person making the threat doesn’t know who the other person is, let alone how to find them. Why is this different for you?

I believe there is more to this story. It’s not credible that you were banned over a comment about in game gnomes. There is very likely a significant piece that you’re leaving out.

I have no problem at all with people who disagree with me. I will happily go back and forth with you or anyone else on any of these issues with no malice whatsoever. I don’t want people to be permitted to use hate speech in public, including the public chats in WoW. I don’t want people to be permitted to discriminate or harass other people. Disagreement is fine.

Did you ever notice that movies have ratings, alongside warnings about what kind of content can be expected? They are creating a space where people can choose to participate or not to their comfort level. They’re not just forcing it into the general public and saying “if you don’t like it ignore it”.


I chuckled…

If people are having to get there customers to accept “social contract”s… pretty sure people are having a problem with being decent.

At least at that establishment…

I think you are getting your facts mixed up. The ToS is nothing new, the “social contract” is.

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Different people have different experiences. But even hate speech is protected under the first amendment because believe it or not as bad as it is racists are humans too and should abide by the same laws. Theyre words ignore it, or have the business or whichever toss them out. I live in the real world where everything isnt perfect. And silencing people leads down a bad road. If the pendulum swings you end up being screwed.

They are just words and personally i wouldnt care. However death threats have proven to become reality in some cases especially when a person lives close to the person threatened. Ive seen many stories on facebook of death threats becoming reality. When words become physical its no longer speech. And yes, they canfind these people on facebook and other platforms.

There is but, its so stupidly rediculous i cannot repeat it because of fear of being censored again. It was akin to saying gnomes have creepy predo voices.

Again hate speech can be subjective too. I dont want people harassing others either. But who is to say what is hate speech or harassment in circumstances where its so subjective anything can be hate speech. Some people think that if someone says theyre for traditional marriage is hate speech, yes i actually heard that before.

Yes, of course. But are these forums for 5 year olds or teen+ adults? I think we know the answer if we’re being honest.


And I’m not calling for any imprisonment or government action against it. I’m just supporting a business decision that doesn’t allow it and makes it clear to their customers it isn’t allowed by making them accept those terms before logging in.

Governments silencing people leads down a bad road. Private entities setting public decency standards for their clientele is never a problem.

So you understand that words can escalate then?

It’s pretty clearly defined…

That’s false. Stop repeating bad talking points.


It seems you missed the point. Pretty sure he was referring to things like the TERRIBLE segregation laws, or “Black codes”, that were masked as public decency laws. “The Scarlet Letter” may be a good read for you.

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You telling people they needed to change makes me feel attacked, I’m reporting you.

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Thats fair, i dont exactly like it. But what i do and dont like doesnt matter.

Governments, and private entities setting standards too strict leads down a bad road imo. It eventually leads to people not being able to say anything that private entities disagree with. However theyre in their right to implement what they want. I dont know legally how people would be able to change private entiities standards unless youre in charge.

Sure words can escalate, but thats on the individual to make a decision to take acrion or not. But actions are different than words.

Not always in many situation it isnt.

Its not false, its like how anyone can call anything racist now days when something isnt. You got a bigass head! Oh! Thats hate speech! You can call anything hate speech if you want.