It's ridiculous how paranoid you people are

So… telling people that “if you don’t like the social contract, you’re the problem”, that’s the new concern trolling, yeah?


Read my previous comment bud you’re making a lot of baseless assumptions.

These forums are a mess as usual lmao.


Trade chat has never been cleaner, thank you Blizzard!

Yes. very much so.

No, you’re making foolish absolute statements.

Even if you don’t use your computer for illegal activities, this statement defends those who do as much as it defends you. Your computer is then, objectively, not your business and no one else’s.

Not defending anything. I dont do anything illegal on my pc so it is my private business what i use it for.

No, having to remind people of said contract and displaying a physical one is.

Otherwise you will have players playing the stupid card. Well maybe not, examples from post like this.

So you’ll at least concede that if someone is breaking the law on their computer, it’s not just their own private business?

That’s some progress I suppose.

Be condescending elsewhere. You came into this getting all angry because i prefer my privacy stay private.

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I would pay a troll actual hard-earned minimum-wage money to go into their local grocery store and follow a random customer around harassing them endlessly over something like the jacket they were wearing, hurling slurs because they don’t like the hairstyle the person chose today, etc. and just keep a timer running on how long it takes to get your dumb self removed from the premises by management and/or the police.


Be smarter and I won’t condescend at all.

I came into this talking to someone else. If you say dumb things in a thread I’m reading you should be prepared to get called out for them.

Be condescending elsewhere as i said. I’ll also say whatever I wish. You dont get to decide if its dumb. Next time dont assume you know what im speaking of. You look foolish doing so.

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Did you do this on purpose for comedy are you just this oblivious to your own behavior?

I actually do, unless you think you have the right to think for me.

One of us looks foolish, that is for sure…

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You think you have the right to think for me? Get out of here with that foolish statement bud. Go be salty elsewhere. My private business is mine and no one else.

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servers are down, everyone go CRAZY!

You get the point I’m trying to make though? It’s one of standing. I happen to be Native American by blood, I’m not going to get upset if you call me any kind of derogatory or insensitive epithet or make whatever joke about blankets, pontiacs, or casinos. Would you be racist by doing so? Sure. But is it harming anyone? NO. So why would I want some non-Native American to make the decision to be outraged for me? That should be my exclusive province, not the mobs and certainly not Blizzard’s.

Okay. Here’s the EULA.

It only specifies harrassment. And to be fair, that should be enough. The Social Contract expands that to include “Hate Speech”, “Spamming”, and “Advertisements”. Without getting hyperbolic or trying to straw man the upper part of the Social Contract’s “Please do this”, this is a fairly obvious amount of “Rules Creep”. I’ve said before that I consider “Hate Speech” to be a nebulous term that can be interpreted however it needed to be to condemn someone. Spamming? Yeah, it’s annoying but there’s already anti-spam features in game. Why do people need to be suspended over this? Advertisements? So, you can only use Trade Chat for Echo Chamber “Feel Good” messages now?

Pity that “Invasion of Privacy” has never been one of those. I really wish Justice Douglas had done a better job of articulating “emanations of legal penumbras” in qualifying the Right to Privacy in relation to the 4th Amendment. Because the level of surveilance the average person is subjected to is more intensive and more thorough than the closed circuit camera system at your average zoo. Just let that swirl around your brain for a moment.


It doesn’t. Section 1. “Your use of the Platform to interact with Blizzard and other players is governed by Blizzard’s Code(s) of Conduct (the “Codes of Conduct”) and in-game policies (the “In-game Policies”). The Codes of Conduct and In-Game Policies are not meant to be exhaustive. The Codes of Conduct and In-Game Policies are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference, and are available on Blizzard’s Customer Support database, located here. Please note that violation of any of Blizzard’s Codes of Conduct (including with regard to Your use of Blizzard’s Websites and Forums) may result in penalties against your Account, including suspension and/or termination of Game licenses.” (bold is mine)

And the Code of Conduct, in the very first section, "When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions." (bold is mine)

That’s your choice.

What you’re not understanding is I have a right to be outraged for me. Racism is intolerable to me, and just because you’re comfortable with it doesn’t mean I need to be. Just because I’m not Native American doesn’t mean I can’t be upset at racist behavior towards Native Americans, or anyone else. It’s not for you, it’s for me.

That’s not accurate. Hate speech is well defined for anyone who takes a moment to look. It isn’t nebulous or open to interpretation. Whether something is or is not hate speech may require some interpretation, but hate speech is very clearly defined.


Blizzard doesn’t want to ban people. They want as many subs as they can get. The “social contract” is just a set of common-sense guidelines whose intent is to encourage a healthy, fun gaming environment for everyone.


Oh the horror! :scream: My mind can’t bear the eldritch dread of this non-Euclidean nightmare you propose!

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