It's ridiculous how paranoid you people are

Nah. They’re trying to get the best talent. You aren’t going to recruit diverse talent if you’re not welcoming to everyone.

Your vacation from real life is being a jerk to people online?


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Haven’t seen any Antifa and BLM coming to burn your neighborhood nonsense in like 7 months. Thanks for the blast from the past.


When and If Elon Musk takes over twitter. I’m going to tweet at him to see if I can get blizzard and all its employees kicked from the platform for wrong think. Wish me luck.

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I have no problem with Blizzard being in control of the GAME. They should not feel entitled to have control of ME. I am not Blizzard’s property. I am not Blizzard’s property when I play their games. Nor is my PC, or any of the hardware connected to it. Why is this hard to understand?

As far as FromSoftware goes? I had to search, but I assume you’re talking about Elden Ring? I confess that I haven’t played the game. So I don’t know.

How can you hire talent, if your only standard is what someone is, rather than who?

What a vacuous response… Must suck to be so simplistic…

As someone who interacts with their other customers in the GAME, they are entitled to stipulating what behavior is and is not tolerated by YOU, in the GAME. This isn’t just WoW, this is every business on the planet. If they don’t like your behavior in their establishment then they can ask you to leave.

You’ve already agreed to all of these rules before the Social Contract, as part of the EULA that everyone accepts to play. Outrage over a new package is histrionic.

How you act out of the game isn’t something Blizzard is trying to manage.

If you have a problem with Warden you’re always free not to play any Blizzard games. Otherwise you’re consenting to some limited control over your PC.


Ngl, I don’t really care about the contract. I dont talk to people outside of my tiny M+ friend group. No trade chat, no gen chat, no open world chat.

No reason to. I got muh dungeons, i got muh frens. Why would i need to talk to other people?

Yeah, you’d think I could determine what I could tolerate without Blizzard stepping in if I hadn’t explicitly requested it.

Here’s an example: I do something that understandably irritates a friend of mine. That friend, now pretty upset, calls me out in front of a crowd of people and uses more than a little harsh language. Maybe I decide that I should let my friend say his peace and clear the air, but the mob decides on my behalf that my friend needs to be punished. So they have him actioned. Now, rather than a catharsis, we’ve got a bigger problem.

Because someone wants to manage my outrage for me.

Clearly you’ve never read the Social Contract or the EULA because the Social Contract is quite a bit more authoritarian and behaviorally restrictive.

Funny you should bring this up. As it stands, I DO have a problem with companies using backround software to spy on everything that happens on my PC. To the point of logging every last keystroke, CPU process, and browser search. But, in this day and age, who ISN’T doing that? I figure the FBI, Scotland Yard, Microsoft, the CCP, and who only knows who else already has that information. Some of them have the capacity to creeper me through my monitor and my mic. But hey… Simp for them if you want.

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Im a very private person. Just the thought of some video game company, let alone a government agency monitoring my pc usage makes me uncomfortable. Its no ones business but mine what i do on my computer.

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I’m being simplistic? LOL

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You already are under said social contract when youre out and about.

If you act like a complete douche in bar, you get kicked out, maybe said banned if its bad. If you decide to act out in a ride share you get thrown out.

If you are in my home and start going out of your way to disrecpect people close to me, you will get tossed out.

Here is the same youre in this large game board with a multitude of players. Sure competitive garbage talk cool no probs. But trying to degrade youre fellow players def. nope.


while you say these inepties, do you have a cellphone?

Yep, you can. If you don’t feel something needs reporting then don’t report it. You’re out of your mind if you think Blizzard is reading everything every person writes.

In front of a crowd isn’t between you and your friend anymore. They have as much right as you do to deciding what they can tolerate, even as bystanders. This isn’t a problem if you and your friend resolve it in private.

It’s not any different than you annoying your friend at a restaurant and then suddenly having your friend go on a loud expletive ridden tirade and being asked to leave for disrupting the other patrons. Public chat isn’t your living room.

I’ve read both, but it’s fairly obvious you haven’t if this is your takeaway. But I’ll bite, please cite which places exactly you find the Social Contract to be more authoritative or restrictive. Exact quotes, not a general hand wave.

It is if what you’re doing on your computer is trying to cheat in the game they’re hosting. Which is what the Warden software is there to prevent.

For that matter, what you do on your computer can be lots of people’s business depending on the circumstances. Without going into specifics, there are plenty of things that could be classified as criminal activity that are absolutely the business of the society that you’re violating if you’re doing them.


To be fair, I don’t think they are monitoring computers. We are playing on their servers. They are monitoring their own computers and seeing how we interact/engage within their creation.

Monitor their servers? Sure that’s fair. My computer however is my business and no one else’s.

lmao, hahahaha, you now you can get in jail for stuff you could have on a computer

Obviously but since i dont do that kind of stuff, its still my private computer.

on that we agree

To be fair, they are. They use a program called Warden to see what is running while the client is running and sift through that information looking for programs that are used to cheat.

Really? So you can run DDOS attacks from your computer and it’s no one’s business? You can use your computer to steal information and it’s no one’s business? You can look at illicit images of children and it’s no one’s business?

Do I need to go on or are you ready to abandon that ridiculous statement?