It's Okay to Sell carries for gold

So you are confirming you sold for cash instead of gold?

The silence penalty only compounds if its reviewed by a GM and deemed worth the penalty. OP is likely only getting squelched. The automated thing.

…that was kind of my point.

there’s no way they’ve been silenced that many times.

people just like to make stuff up.

Generally gold carry advertisements in trade don’t bother me. I’ve never advertised but I’ve helped out with a few lower level m+ carries and my guild does raid carries. However if I see one toon spamming the same macro every 60 seconds then sure I’ll report it as spam, because they are spamming.
I only make more serious reports like cheating if they are advertising external websites with RMT, like wowhunt.

This might be the first thing I agree with you about. :smile:

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This is an interesting argument. I wager those who are pro-selling carries would argue fewer people would play if they weren’t able to buy their gear via carries.

I don’t know what’s correct out of the above. But I do think people buying carries has helped to make this game very trashy indeed.

Im not the one who needs the crutch. and speaking of not caring about someone elses opinion :wink:
we done here?

Well theres caring and then theres stirring up/debating a random forum poster. My point still stands. I’ve “climbed my mountains” so now I just buy my mounts/titles/transmog if its from a more dedicated aspect of the game.

What is earned and not earned is completely arbitrary and you don’t decide what is what.

Well advertisements of any kind in the lfg is against the tos so report away.

How is selling a heroic carry pay to win? Its just gear my dudes

Life changes such as being a husband and father now means i don’t have the time to dedicate to a raiding schedule nor does being the best hold much interest anymore. If carries stopped happening people like me would find other things to dump gold on.

Yeah…you tell that to the REAL raiders who have to deal with the unlearned carried players that you supply for them

No different than any new recruit padding their guild app (is that even still a thing?) You have trial periods for a reason and i remember many a failed trial nabbing up gear, a black temple attunement or amani war bear they may not have “earned”

Bad players trying to sneak their way into a high end guild isnt a new practice.

you helping them LOOK like GOOD players sure aint helping anyone, thats for sure.

pretty sure that the only people who care, are more interested in the players IO than their gear.

I don’t think Blizzard is going to stop it. They make real money from players buying gold for carries.

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Considered they didn’t even try to stop CM sales when tokens didn’t even exist, probably not.

As far as I know, the major mythic raiding guilds always go into massive debt so they have to sell runs to recoup their losses.

RMT was a don’t ask don’t tell subject for Blizzard before the token. The actually didn’t even try to stop it before WoD.

I think you’re confused - I’m buying carries to add mounts etc to my collection, not selling them…