It's Okay to Sell carries for gold


i can’t comment on today’s scene but back in ye olde days we were very thorough with apps and trials assessing a potential roster addition and even then what they portrayed didnt always translate into solid raid performance.

Zero basis for that one. If it was truly because blizzard profits off it being the only reason not to ban then carries would be outright impossible to do on Classic. The exact opposite is true where Classic has an even more rampant selling market with mage carries as well as your traditional raid clears.

Literally no one in mythic raiding cares about people buying AotC. It’s funny because these people that are supposedly soooo offended someone bought the achievmenent…are the ones selling it.

Oh boy someone sneaks into a heroic AotC PUG and does doodoo dps and gets kicked after one boss. End of the world right there. AotC, or even CE, buyers are never getting into a guild “worth anything” so who really cares. I already assume everyone in PUGs will be gray parses so even that doesn’t affect me.

What server and how much?:grin:

No? If I was selling for money why would I be taking payments after each single dungeon? That would be terribly inconvenient for everyone involved. Clearly i’m talking about gold payments. Just because I said cash doesn’t mean i’m not referring to gold anymore.

I will buy a N’Zoth kill and will pay with toilet paper :slight_smile:

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