All I’ll do is report you for spamming if you keep filling up my chat box with it.
I do think its flat out cheating, however, because the players get what they havent yet worked up to and earned and its is deceiving to other players who might actually believe the carried player is better than they are.
Lose/lose…except for you.
multiboxing isnt the same as helping someone get an achievement they didnt earn themselves. the MBer still has to do the work.
That is an interesting stance and worth considering, I think.
Does it affect no one else and thus lay outside the scope of their bizwax?
Well multiboxing does indeed affect others. That is patently available to even the simplest observation.
But that’s not the real subject of the thread so lets put that aside.
Do paid carry runs affect others?
Might be worth examining why paid carry run are so prevalent or useful.
Current culture in WoW is all about the underclass. We have ranks and tiers of content much of which has very stiff requirements that punish everyone in the group if even one person fails to dance-dance-revolution correctly.
So software exists to parse your worth and boil it down to a single score that define whether you will be accessing content or not. Enjoy your brand.
To be fair, there are levels of content that anyone has access to that is almost the same as those behind the golden gates.
But everyone wants to be among those rarefied few. And no one wants to be called trash especially when they have no evidence that it is not true. Its a hard place to be and this community will definitely do that in a myriad of ways.
So why buy carries?
Well it isn’t rocket surgery is it? The demand is right there, the peer pressure, the knowledge that you aren’t worth anything if you don’t raid X. You aren’t good enough. You aren’t worth my time or my key. Make your own group, you aren’t worth mine. And it gets much, much uglier.
But along comes the diet pills for that little black dress of a raid. A chance to push all that verified self-loathing behind them. All it takes is gold.
And by gold I mean money.
Because I don’t have that kind of gold, but I can.
A few token purchases, a little AH time and voila! I am game-wealthy and able to pour it all into someone else’s pockets. And why not? It’s mine. Well, it was.
It can look like the I am paying the seller but in reality I am paying Blizzard, which might go a ways toward explaining why they don’t regulate that sort of thing. They don’t care why the income is up.
The thing about humans is that they are very good at pattern recognition. They can even recognize patterns that they cant identify. They know there is something there even if they can’t see every angle.
So they might see a pattern of clueless predation and collusion and not really know what they are seeing but they know it “feels wrong.” And they tell you so, OP, even if they don’t have the words to pin it to the board. They know there is something off, something sinister and ugly in the effort.
Do paid carries affect others. Well yeah. In the worst way. But so do rent-to-own, title for cash and check cashing places and there are plenty of them.
Might just have to accept your place in the fur of the beast, OP.
Actually considering gold = real world currency now…
well…you can finish the rest.
Thing is a lot of the sellers are using bait, and switch tactic. They tell you that it’s for whatever amount of gold for the carry, then get you into Twitch, or a discord channel, then let you know, oh btw for rl$ this is included with the carry lol. Guess folks forget about the numerous threads that were made during Wod about raid carry sellers using that tactic. About the only thing you can do is report it, and hope blizz can investigate it, and perma ban the folks trying to sell carries for real life money. Trade chat carry sellers just ignore them, or report them for spamming, if they are constantly flooding chat. Just my opinion, but the political spam in chat, is more annoying than mythic dungeon, or raid carry seller spam lol.
Not true. You can turn real world currency into gold but you can’t turn gold in to real world currency without breaking the TOS.
I didn’t realize I or others should care what you think is earned and not earned in game.
I was a hardcore raider and am now retired and play casually. Gold making is my new passion in game and collecting transmog and mounts which is made easier with said piles of gold. I’m not buying carries to impress you or anyone, i just like some of the raid mounts.
People who sell carries for gold deserve the hate they get.
In-game goods and services for in-game currency.
The general rule of thumb is “if it fits in the trade window, it’s okay.” Services are a bit different, but Blizzard enforces the terms set.
If you give someone 400k for a AOTC. for example, and you don’t get AOTC, you aren’t automatically going to get your gold back. Usually what the seller of the AOTC run will do is bring you in next week. (This is more common for Mythic final boss sales, however.)
If the seller claims you won’t be receiving what you paid for and does not reimburse you fully, definitely make a ticket and provide your side of the story. Timestamps are amazing. And pulling the chat logs make it easy.
How I feel about this:
-Selling stuff for gold is fine.
-Spamming WTS carry runs is annoying.
-Give them their own chat channel and I will stop reporting them for spamming.
On some servers I just give up and turn off trade chat on others I use an add blocker addon.
P.S. Selling stuff for irl cash is bad and scamming is bad.
As a DPS, it takes me anywhere from half an hour to an hour to form a M+ pug. I don’t know any good regular players to play with so I’m stuck pugging. My IO score is only high enough to get into 11-12s and even then I’m waiting a lot. If I find a group, it’s usually another half an hour to an hour of dungeon time. So all in, I’m out 1-2 hours of time if I want to do a M+.
I have a semi-busy life so it can be hard to dedicate 1-2 hr sessions at a time for poor results.
So if someone wants to charge 1 WoW token worth of gold to carry me through a 15 and I’m done in about 30mins and I have my 470-475 gear…it is absolutely worth it for me.
I always assumed the sellers were on automated responses? Usually a link to some site or discord. Not shady at all. Of course not all are like that but when you see a level 10 spam the same message for hours it’s not suspicious at all.
This is of course dodgy.
This is often just an alt on a second account with a macro who you leave in a city so you can advertise while doing a carry to save down time.
So you’re saying they’re automated messages to be sent while not at their computer? Huh. This rabbit hole goes deep.
I should point out that I don’t care if people are selling their carries. I hate spam and shady practices. Would have been nice if blizzard allowed these people to have their OWN channel or tool in the game. Where people could rate their “services” and they could show their actual prices in gold etc.
No it is sometimes but other times its just a macro that they press.
/2 wts… Etc.
After killing a boss in a carry just mouse over to the other screen and click the button. As easy as changing songs
As long as it’s not breaking ToS then I don’t care. What consenting people do with each other is nobody elses business.
Got 2 pools of player here , those who sell carries and those who play the game .
My only problem is only that its getting more and more common , few years and premade/pug scene will be dead ,it’ll either be in a guild or buy a run . The pool of those who play the game will split to those who sell carries and the new group that simply buys them .
My problem isnt selling carries but how ridiculous its getting now a days …
I mean like… DBM and BigWigs does this very often. A simple script that reads the message for key words (“price” “carry”) etc., could be fairly reliable. You still need someone logged in though.
Still fine.
Just don’t list them for gold in group finder as that’s considered advertising and will not just get you silenced.