It's okay to not cater to "casuals"

And that’s sad you like it or not. I’m over 30 and I do play games, but when I realize that I’m wasting my time on games taht literary don’t give anything. Reason is replied to this post is , the OP is thinking everyone needs to take games serious

I’m 27. Married. Just bought a house. I’m 2 months sober from alcohol. This is just a game. It is not my life, and I never claimed it was.

You missed the mark entirely.

Good for you. But my point is everyone has exactly the same right in this game for they $17 they paying. I’m a dead casual and I run 4 subs. My kid sometimes asks me to play with him, my brother on EU servers. I wish this game has much more solo content and helps casuals.

I didn’t play wow for few months because every alt I log in I have to run allot c**p to get legos and stuff needed to play this game. Otherwise I can’t do quest without dying 2 times if I agrro some elite

People in these forums think that people like you are beneath them and deserve handouts. They claim you feel alienated from the community, that you need more accessibility options to see the same content as them. They are offended for you, when in reality you probably don’t give a flying love making about whatever cutting edge content is out.

This whole thread is a train wreck of people jumping to conclusions and straw-manning the hell out of me.

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Everything in life is a waste of time. You’ll die eventually and none of it will matter. You can have kids, but they’ll die someday, too. We’re all mortal, and nothing any of us does will ever be permanent.

We exist only to enjoy ourselves and learn. Games help with that significantly more than workplaces and colleges ever could. While you can get a degree in college, you’ll both enjoy yourself and learn considerably more by following your passions and doing research online. And when it’s all over, you won’t owe any student loan payments.

Working for someone else is just a catastrophic waste of time, because money itself is meaningless. The only reason anyone wants money is because most of the stuff we want and need in life is gatekept behind currency.

The only thing better than spending your time having fun is spending your time having productive fun. If the things you enjoy most can generate something that you can give to the world, always do that.

But I’d never fault someone for simply pursuing their own happiness. I’d much rather be an 80-year-old gamer living in the basement of my 110-year-old parents’ retirement home and gaming like I’ve done since the 80s than to be a successful businessman who has to wear suits and talk to people on the phone. I hate talking to people on the phone. I also don’t drive at all anymore due to visual impairment, so no. I drive in American Truck Simulator, but I flipped 88,000 pounds of dynamite upside down on the interstate yesterday, so I dare not try it for real.


I find plenty of fun doing other things.

My gear is perfectly adequate for what I do.

I don’t need to pretend.

There, that’s the spirit!



You aren’t a hyper casual. No one here is a hyper casual. Hyper casuals don’t exist like GD claims, and the ones that do exist sure as hell aren’t on GD.

You don’t drive at all? You claimed you were filling up your hummer a few weeks ago?


I guess I’ll shut the hell up about what I want in WoW.

I used to be really good and had to stroke my epeen. Now, I could “carless”. I’ve done what I wanted to do.

I want to log on and chill.

Legion was mostly amazing and I have zero complaints looking back.

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Oh whew, for a moment I thought you were talking about me.

But I don’t enter heroic dungeons (as current content).

Here’s the major issue. People who’ve been playing a long-time resort to casual play, because doing the same thing 10,000 times gets tiring, they want a streamlined experience, and also so do new players, and so do players who have less time to play. You do realize 4% of the player base is raiding right now. 4%, i mean if you want to cater to them then fine, but the game’s going to hurt bad for it.

That’s the spirit. Dont ask for Raid or Mythic Level rewards without doing the same effort of people who does them.

Keep it up. Hope you stay in tact even after consuming all the old contents you’ve missed.

Keep in mind that when you decide to confront the game’s final Boss, there’s dungeons and raid to overcome first. There is no such thing as solo path straight to the Final Boss.


There’s more than you want to believe, and we add money.

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I think you missed my point .Those class writers are optimizers , the very ppl Blizzard doesn’t design the system around.

If Blizzard designed around these ppl , you wouldn’t need these so called class writers ,guides, theory crafters to do the math on which choice is better because there will be no other option to do the math against. I give you option A and that’s it . There is no option B for you compare A with and say A is the better.

What, not everybody plays the game the way Mogrim thinks they should?

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I disagree with your OP, but congratulations on 2 months sober!

I personally have never asked for this.

Of course there is. I just wait two or three expansions and then go back and solo it.



I don’t drive at all right now because of my eyes. But I’m in the process of correcting that (I hope). I’m in a clinical trial for Stargardt’s disease and am receiving biweekly injections (once every two weeks) in both of my eyes. Well, I received one so far in the right eye and it helped considerably. Enough that I started playing American Truck Simulator to try to tell if I could drive or not. Spoiler Alert: Not really. My left eye is still blank in the central vision and so I have a significant blind spot.

But I get new eyeball injections on Tuesday, and we’re optimistic I’ll see some improvement in my vision.

I don’t know if I’ll end up driving again or not, but my fiancée likes driving me around. We don’t use the H2 as much anymore because it’s a little big for her to handle and it chugs gas like chubby kids drink gatorade.


Ok if you say so we will see don’t be shocked if blizzard cater to those people sir.


I understand. You would buy Dragonflight to play Legion or BFA. You would play Shadowlands on the next expansion after Dragonflight.

More power to you. Do you think you are the majority of WoW population? Just asking.