It's okay to not cater to "casuals"

I really have no idea. I’m pretty sure it’s more than just a few.

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I’m sure you have a source for this, right?

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No cure for it? That is unfortunate. Wishing ya gud health and that’s nice you have your fiancé to help you.


His thoughts are dumb.

He’s an example of how not everything that enters your mind needs to come out of your mouth.


So you’d totally be ok with them getting rid of PVP right? I mean it is a small minority of people that actually play the game for primarily that reason.


I’m not sure you really do. But playstyles are different.

No, I would buy it to play Dragonflight. I just wouldn’t do some of the parts you might do.


Yeah I noticed you don’t have any. Sorry couldn’t help myself.

No cure yet, but there’s a treatment. It’s a drug injected deep into the back of the eye. So I get to have long needles puncturing my eyeballs when I go for the procedure. And, of course, that’s after they effectively blind me with flood lights for two hours.

The treatment is FDA approved and effective, but it’s still in the clinical trial phase, so it isn’t yet a commonly administered drug for Stargardt’s. I think it’s been used before to restore central vision in age-related macular degeneration.

id prefer if they picked a side and embraced it 100% but lets be real… they just care about money and the way to get more money is to hit a wider audience. the widest.

money ruins everything :wink:

nothing is about pride for the product anymore.

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I am not against you. I am against entitled Casuals who seek higher ilevel loots and Slimy Cat mount without making an effort. They want Devs to focus on them.

Why would Dev focus on players who wont make an effort to play their game?

It’s very likely that you do agree with me, just not in the way you think.

Where are you getting 4% number from? There are currently 10k guilds with some heroic kills, say they have on average 20 players that’s 200k players already. Not counting people that do normal or are not in guilds.

This is the most nonsense dumb take I have ever read.

“I don’t play like this so it’s an irrelevant gameplay style!!”



Sounds like torture. I’m sorry

Man, you ruined the moment.

I wouldn’t think it should be their main focus, but it should be at least reasonably considered in the plan.

I believe much of WoW’s early success came from it having content for everyone. The focus does seem to be shifting of late, which I don’t think is a good thing.

Time will tell.

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Eh, no more than the daily reality of living under the oppressive yolk of authoritarianism and capitalism. Stuck making a choice every two years between moldy oranges or moldy grapefruits. They’re both trash.

We all share in that torture, and there’s no panacea that can balm the pain it causes.

My eye injections, on the other hand, are administered after numbing eyedrops have robbed me of all feeling, so it isn’t as bad as you might think.


We weren’t having a moment.

By week 3 not even the #1 guild in the world could carry 5 people, there is a reason carries for mythic jailer was still millions on the last week of the previous season. Not everyone was carrying +5 players.

If every guild could carry +5 players for months, they would run out of carries to sell real quick.