It's okay to not cater to "casuals"

Players don’t exist in a vacuum, never branching beyond their initial interests, nor do players necessarily interact with the game systems consistently from expansion to expansion.

Your argument is predicated on a group of players that I’m not sure actually exist, especially not after 18 years.

Did you read the part in the OP where I said that this forum pretends that they do? And that they claim they need more content?

You are literally agreeing with me, and don’t even understand why.

Unfortunately, almost no one can see the OP because you can’t expand the first post in topics created by people you’ve ignored.

Try checking the FoS cheevos . I have AOTC for Sylvanas on another hunter and AOTC Arxhimonde from WoD on this one.

Cheevos link across all characters on the same account. Especially Feats of Strength and Legacy .

So even if this toon of yours is new over all you are a casual based on your achievements.

And I consider my self a casual that actually enjoys doing more solo stuff then group content .

The solo stuff is great for when I don’t want to deal with others especially after a long day .

I think stuff like solo scenarios should be added to the game .


I suppose I don’t really understand what your point is then, sorry.

You’re talking about them, but they don’t exist? Guess I’m just confused.

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They are the presumed majority of players that this forum likes to pretend keep the game afloat. No, they don’t exist, not in any way that is consequential. GD needs to stop pushing for more content for a non existing player base.

It’s a bit like the “white savior” complex. “Oh look how benevolent I am. The people who aren’t as good as me ALSO need content updates.” Without realizing that most casual players are just the 99% of people that aren’t playing for 10 hours a day.

People keep coming at me claiming I’m advocating for the removal of accessibility but in reality im calling them on the bullshark they spew about casuals not being able to do ANYTHING in the game for themselves.

He’s probably talking about me.

I know what LFR is, but I will not do any group content including LFR and BGs and I’m vocal about it.

If he’s talking about anyone other than me, I want to know who they are because that is a comrade.

And you could see me everyday on GD forums doing the same sermon. WoW has always been and would always be with these core games: dungeons, raid and PvP. Good luck finding fun on WoW if you dont play the core. Good luck dodging them expansion after expansion even on Dragonflight. I am okay with you paying WoW your subs despite you hate WoW’s core games. I am sorry if I feel you are in a wrong game. Becoz maybe you are. There are many Solo games better than WoW. And WoW isnt the best for Solo. Becoz it rewards those who play group. Solo players in WoW have the worst gear in the game. Worst gear means many inaccessible content. You could pretend that you are happy. More power to you for staying happy as Solo with WoW. See ya soon.

There are much better games to play if you want to gather and craft. Thats part of the point.

Thank you for the clarification. It got hard to follow with so many side conversations and whatnot in the thread.

Casuals pay the bills


No problem. Thanks for being reasonable. Seems like too much to expect from most people here.

These people pay a sub fee like everyone else. I’ve also met some really cool people in between the rat race of gearing up and chasing the dragon, just standing at a water source and fishing in this game.

No harm, no foul to you, what anyone else does with their time.


I agree with you. Why do I have you on ignore? I don’t understand.

I only ignore the people with the worst takes and your take was good.

I’ll give you a like for now and do some research. Perhaps I ignored you in error.

I don’t know? I’ve posted in your threads before, you liked my comments in the times, I’ve done it.

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They have exactly the same right and privileges like you have , and are not more or less important then you

And they don’t understand people who prioritize game over real life, and somehow even they over 20 years they still play every day instead of focusing on real life. Its sad , and I include my self as well, that people who are 30+ still play games.

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A new subscriber joining just to chat and goof around is also supporting the game. It may not be supporting the core content but it is keeping the server lights on.


I am not really advocating him to quit. I want him to come out of the shell. Confront dungeons and raid. Experience group play. It would be hard at first. You need to be very patient. But when you overcome this, you would realize that dungeons and raid are fine.

But if you tried and made a progress and still unhappy of dungeons and raid, then you would know that you are in wrong genre… or in a wrong game. No need to make tantrums on forums. WoW is not for everybody. WoW caters every level of difficulty but it’s all dungeons and raid. Maybe Fortnite would work for you.

There’s nothing sad about spending your life the way you want to spend it.

It would only be sad if you were unhappy living that way. All the 30+ gamers I know are thrilled to be gaming instead of adulting, myself included.


For the record I do not play any group content. No dungeons, mythics or PvP. I’ll spontaneously group for a world boss and that’s about it. When raids and dungeons can be soloed I’ll go visit them for mogs, mounts and sightseeing.

I logon most every day and have had an account since July 2006 without any breaks. Occasionally, I’ll get something from the store, usually as a gift for friends who play. Blizz has made a goodly amount of money from me while not getting much flak. To further drive folks insane, the few times I’ve needed Blizz customer service for account and game issues I’ve hand nothing but positive experience and outcomes.

In short, I know I’m not a group of one and that we actually enjoy the game as a world to live in rather than just compare numbers against others. I see raiding and mythics as Blizz’s implementation of Dance Studio. Kudos to those of you who can play your class while doing your stuff at a rave and actually enjoy doing it. I’m genuinely impressed.

For me, I enjoy spending time in the “world” of World of Warcraft. People have spent thousands of hours to create it and they have done it very well for many years. Blizz’s story is simply the framework for my head canon and we’re getting along just fine.

I don’t feel motivated to criticize how other play or what Blizz, with all of its data gathering metrics decides who to include in their game. I’m grateful to the parts I enjoy and hope others have fun with the parts I don’t engage in as they are happy, I am happy and Blizz is making enough money to keep doing it. Everyone is winning.