Blizzard is a big enough company that they should easily be able to cater to all their players regardless of how much they play and for the most part they do.
I remember Wildstar had this philosophy and it worked out really well for them.
Hopefully Blizzard will follow the same approach. M+ is a really good start.
I guess belittling blind players wasn’t enough for OP…
strawman? lmao.
no one is saying to cater to people who only do two things in the game, guy.
‘casual’ players do a LOT more than that crap.
Im blocking you for wasting my time
If all a person wants to do is log in and fish then okay. Why does this offend you? Or is this just a troll post?
things start to crumble abit when you get the types of forum dweller who believes soemone playing on an easier difficulty is some sub human who should pay their money and log off, so the "pro’s can have their raids. Some of the comments made during the slime cat incident highlight that.
Meanwhile theres such a stark absence of cries to remove the top level of content. It does always seem to be “look down, shoot down”, so to speak
…and you have to wonder about said forum dwellers real life given that they seem to determine their own self worth on video games.
It’s so funny to read this, because most high end mythic raiders or those running high keys would not advocate for ignoring the casuals.
In fact, many have advocated for some of the features, in ffxiv, be included in wow.
Why wouldn’t you want a full and complete world? FFXIV has a MUCH smaller team and can accomplish this.
People can be mad as they want but OP ain’t wrong.
No casuals, no game. You bury it all on your own with this absolutely pathetic stance.
Looking at his profile and his reputations, he doesn’t play the game more than ZM and very few M0 or M+.
Yall been trolled.
Casuals are the majority.
Casuals keep games afloat.
They pay for your raid tiers.
If WoW drops from #1 for an extended period do you really believe ActiBlizz will give more or decide to give less funding?
I’m shocked your post got flagged. /s Do you realize that the “irrelevant audience” keeps this game alive? Casuals far outnumber the 1%. If it wasn’t for casuals footing the bill every month by either paying a monthly sub or buying tokens off of the AH, this game would be dead in the water.
That’s just flawed logic.
Not every game needs to be for the top elitists either.
Ideally they should try find a piece of delight for all categories of players; so far from what I’ve heard, they’re working on that.
Slow & steady - to much peoples distress & rage, but I’d rather them give an attempt and build the bridge brick by brick than not at all.
Go back to fortnite kid.
Yes he is. He assumes that everyone plays the game for the reasons he plays the game. Some of us just play for fun.
No he doesn’t. He says that some reasons people play the game just aren’t as valuable to dedicate resources to.
That’s what basically everyone who plays, plays for.
Who is he to decide who should get what resource?
He isn’t deciding it, he’s giving his thoughts on it.
Ok so I’m giving my thoughts on his thoughts.