It's okay to not cater to "casuals"

Bootlicking 101.

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Yeah that’s fine.

Oh, ouch, my heart and soul.

This is a fruitless discussion.

It’s too late for Blizzard to cater to casuals.

I, the last true casual, have already unsubscribed.

RIP Blizzard.

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This is a great take. Shame on anyone who reported this. Fragile little creatures.

See you in DF! You “quitters” are full of it.

Well, the forums aren’t going to be as fun without your different take on things.


That reasoning is fundamentally flawed, as it ignores the reasons that people actually quit. It also misrepresents how many people return after quitting. The vast majority of people who have canceled their subs stayed gone - and the reason they stayed gone was because there was nothing in the game they wanted to do. The ones who keep coming back are just throwing tantrums. This ain’t no tantrum. This is despair.

If you see me in DF, Blizzard has fallen to their knees and begged casuals for forgiveness.

If you don’t see that happening, don’t look for me.

I will miss the forums, but I will have access until December. That gives Blizzard plenty of time to do something for solo/casuals.

If something good is announced, I’ll probably end up staying.

If not, I’ll hope to encounter some of you elsewhere in the future.


Sunday posts can be funny, this was is just /fail

The Blizzard team isn’t as big as you think it is. They do in fact have limited resources in terms of time and manpower, and they already have commitments to make m+, raid, and arena work every patch which is already a lot of content on top of normal quests, zones etc for each xpac and patch.

ur a causal though…


I dont get it.

WoW caters all kind of players even Casuals as it is now more Casual friendly than before.

WoW doesnt cater Solo players who doesnt make an effort to group up.

Some solo players remain to enjoy WoW especially those who hasnt seen WoW’s old expansions. But when they consumed that content, only then they would realize that they have very limited content. And that’s when they would start to become unhappy wishing for more content. Some go to the forums asking for entitlement. They play victim as they should be given freebies as they are also paying subscription.

This is my message to Solo players… Learn to group up. It might be hard at the start. Everyone started as a noob. You wont learn group games if you dont try. You would die a lot… cause wipes, would be ridiculed, kicked, etc. But be patient. Try to learn from mistakes. Understand the game more. Watch videos. With repetition, your muscle memory would improve like the veterans. Then you would progress until you start to appreciate the group content that WoW is bragging against their competitors.

Good luck to your adventure. GG.

mythic raiding mounts and titles (limited time)
gladiator mounts and titles (limited time)
M+ mounts and portals (limited time)
What do casuals really get?

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I think a lot more of those people exist than you seem to think.

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Geez this player base is cesspool-y. No wonder new players don’t stick around much.


Other than open world elites that require multiple players to kill…

…no thank you. I’ll stay solo.


Everything else.

Then enjoy your limited content. I am not the one paying your sub.

Because then you become a jack of all trades and master of none. Focus on your strengths and lead with your best foot forward

that is a double-edged sword.
as the saying goes: “be careful what you wish for.”


Yet, you’re casual. Got it my dude.