It's okay to not cater to "casuals"

People are continually replying to me as though I said that people who do LFR and random BGs are irrelevant to the game but that just tells me they didn’t read what I wrote.

Then we’d have a new set of top 2% of players and guess what? Rinse and repeat; just because they’re the top 2% doesn’t mean they’re narcissistic… just means they’ve practiced until they’ve mastered their class and the content they consume. It seems like people always seem to think the worst of people at the top… y’all seem to see one or two people and tag everyone up top with that. Not everyone is crusader.


Exactly my point. Among the top players are people like OP whose sense of self importance is way out of whack. Not all top players are like OP but there are enough.

They think they are more important than the game itself and their goals are the only goals anyone should consider.

If they left, no one would miss them.


Quoted in its entirety due to what an impressive example this is of when someone has such narrow minded views of things, they’re just outright delusional and wholly clueless.

If your understanding of how things work in an online game are this far off the mark, then please entertain us with your observations on life in general.


Im not anywhere close to a top player. I certainly do more than fishing and heroic dungeons though. I don’t think you read my post if you think im some type of elitest player.

Change company name from Blizzard Entertainment to Blizzard Catering.

Because they sure do cater a lot.

No you are right, among the top 2% are some wonderful people.

Those are fine with those of us who see WOW as a game with a goal of having fun. But people like OP don’t see it that way. For them it’s their way or the highway.

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You are saying we should not even be playing the game. Why? Some of us casual types play for fun. What’s wrong with that?


Not every game needs to succeed so…


Keep your friends and other loved ones close. Think before you speak in anger. You wont regret saying I love you to anyone if you really mean it. And it’s later than you think.

Those ideas are pretty important to my world view.

Just taking a casual meander through to see what all the hullabaloo is about.

Some people take it seriously and is fun for them… I think WOW is one of those games that has something for everyone. It’s not as niche of a game like POE or Elden Ring. My cousin is like 70 and he is just an extreme casual and enjoys himself… I think that’s a good thing when a game can house multiple types of players and still keep that high end player.

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And yet, those are the people that are called casuals and what ActiBlizz has stated, on more than one occasion, to be the majority of the playerbase.

People like the OP would call me a casual, they would be wrong. I am a raider that is taking break from raiding until we get a new dev team. At which point, the majority of my old raid teams, yes, multiple 40 man teams, will re-subscribe to WoW and we will all get back to raiding and I will get back to leading raids.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


they are essentially trying to say that someone who doesn’t do any group content at all shouldn’t be trying to push group content the way they think it should be. since they don’t even do it. it’s a stay in your own lane thing, i think.

that goes both ways though obv. quit trying to ruin WQ and go get CE or something, beardarinos.

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I think technically they’re saying we should play what we already have and be thankful we’re allowed to decorate the open world but also that they don’t understand why we’d even want to play that way, so Blizzard should stop putting resources into us all together.

That’s how I read it, anyway.


Nothing at all, and I never said there was. I said the game shouldn’t cater to players like yourself that spend more time RPing in Silvermoon than anything else. Extending too far into hyper casual development just makes MMOs glorified chat rooms.

We got the OP Casual Carl telling Blizz not to cater the casuals .


if everyone pays, then it damn well better be catering to all players


i have always liked your posts and think you have very similar opinions to my own about a lot of things. gonna go read the OP again because maybe i misunderstood something/read too quickly.

No, that person should be more aware of what they are paying for.