It's okay to not cater to "casuals"

Sure, I just disagree with the notion that subscribers are entitled to see content just because they subscribe.


If the GD forums had a motto this would literally be it. No one agrees on the same definition lol

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What I am saying is that I believe the game and development should implement content for diverse players. There seems to be a mentality on the forums that casuals should just go to raiding/dungeons, but I’d like to see lots of new gameplay introduced.


Is it fair to say that the professions revamp, dragon riding, and the diversity of new solo activities (see climbing, the little Pokémon snap mini game), that it seems to be the case DF is implementing a variety of gameplay beyond dungeons and raids?


I think DF is a great start, but I am warily optimistic. I think SL relied too heavily on raiding and dungeons and my hope is that DF learns from that mistake; not by removing the importance of those things, but by adding lots of other things to do at end game as well.


This is a great way to FastTrack World of Warcraft to the same junkyard Wildstar inhabits.

I approve!


Yea, not every game should cater to everyone… sometimes finding that niche group like POE and Elden Ring does, is what’s best… considering it seems like most companies try to make the game completely accessible to EVERYONE. It’s nice to have that, but those niche games should exist in the same sense. Right now, we have content for EVERYONE and I don’t know if removing that is what’s best for WOW.

I never advocated for removing anything. This forum pretends like the average player is a 45 year old mother of 9 that only has time to fish for 20 minutes a day, and that she is what is keeping the game afloat.


If someone wants to spend 20 hours a week picking herbs in greens that is their business and no one else’s. Just buy their death blossom and worry about yourself.


Or that Blizzard’s operating income ytd (June) wasn’t $141 million.

Agreed. They really should do away with PVP.


The “irrelevant audience” has been stated to be the majority of the playerbase by blizzard on multiple occasions.

So stop.

You want WoW to die? Keep telling them to cater to the endgame players. Cause Wildstar did that and let’s see how thriving it is now… oh wait.

Also, reported for insulting casual players by telling us we aren’t important. <3


It was a general statement, not really directed at you or anyone else… yea the game is probably mostly 20-40 year old guys and the average player has the time and just does what they enjoy and pays little attention to others.

Agreed! But they don’t get to dictate how progressive endgame content gives it’s rewards.

Can you explain what definition of casual they used when making these statements?

Solo player is totally different that someone who does LFR/low keys vs higher keys and heroic vs mythic raid and the highest of keys

Not to mention the full time pvpers

I find it very hard to believe the majority of players don’t interact with endgame pve systems

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Honestly as long as specs aren’t completely gutted in world content (as shadow was for a couple expansions despite being a dps spec cuz of lul mythic raiding) just beard on you crazy diamonds.

Fact is, we don’t need the super elite, super narcissistic players either who think they are gawds gift to humanity. If the top 2% all left no one would notice except for the 3rd% which was now first.


There will always be a top 1% of anything. If they didn’t exist the bar would just keep dropping until we were playing candy crush.

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I mean from a game health perspective you need more players joining the game then leaving. Most of these players are casuals so wouldn’t you want to cater to your largest bloc of players? “Casual” means different things to different people yes, but the data is clear that more and more people aren’t clearing raids. Reason being is time. Not to mention raids have increasingly become more complex which demands more of a time investment. Half your time in a raid isn’t even time killing bosses. In 2006 this wouldn’t have been in issue, but as Garrosh once said " Times change".