You will one day become just that within this game, just wait until real life takes over with bills and kids to feed and your time is limited to just casual play, there is a growing wave of casuals in the game far outnumbering competitive players
I think some are being quite ignorant of what the OP is saying, he narrowed the casual label down to things like:
Those who just fish, not fish while waiting for a queue to pop or while looking for a group, just fish.
Those who collect battle pets (note this can take running older content and exploring so I am not really sure how it counts).
To me, this means he is trying to target the 1% on the other side of the spectrum of the world first raiders/high end arena players, in other words the “hyper casual”. The issue, content wise, is if something is put in for the “hyper casual” who says that the casual will not enjoy or do it as well?
I am one of these people. I do everything but the group content. I agree that I have plenty of stuff to do and am doing. I just don’t understand why people like OP seem to hate people like me.
But tradeskills didn’t need a revamp, just add recipes people want and bolt on the consignment function for DF content job done. They don’t need the amount of time that must have been invested in redesigning from the ground up and recoding for the ‘new’ tradeskills across every different expansion, not a good choice to spend large numbers of development dollars on when with the exception of SL and DF content much of the redesigned tradeskills will see little use.
TBH the design remit seems more like it follows Ions whims and less like it benefits the players.
Im biased by what was announced and the way it was annouced , ooh look shiny playable dragon race that can fly, but then you see the models and its a let-down, if the drak could switch to dragon form it would be great but they can’t and then there’s the subject of using player flying mounts in DF which last i read would be in a ‘future’ update, well Blizzard won’t be getting any extra money from me until that ‘future’ is a reality and that’s because I’ve had enough having to relearn flying just because blizzard want to put speedbumps in players paths.
People just need to ask themselves if the description you put forward applies to them, no adding their own twist, no reading between the lines etc,
Think of it like like the circle graph where the smaller circles would represent the smaller groups and the larger the circle, the more they represent with the largest representing all casuals.
This forum frequently advocates for more support of players that don’t do anything in the game. No, I don’t believe it’s happening right now, but I was talking to the community, not Blizzard.
Likely because people tend to ignore adjuctives/adverbs like “hyper” and focus on the noun/verb like “casual”.
Let me put it this way: to me the hyper casuals are those that could easily get what they want elsewhere, like pokemon for pet battles or a fishing game for fishing, but they enjoy the setting/s provided by WoW. Casuals on the other hand, might want PvP mixed in with their pet battles, or to have a dungeon break up their fishing, etc.
I won’t say the hyper casual needs to quit but maybe they need to look at why they want their content in WoW instead of going where that kind of content is the focus (and note, just liking the setting of WoW would be enough of a reason for me).
I understand that, and I never stated they were doing anything wrong. I questioned why someone would pay a sub fee to only do things like that though. If they want to do that, fine. This forums speaks for them and claims that they are alienated and need more.
More what exactly? They have everything they want from the game already.
This thread had nothing to do with anyone playing the game “wrong” and everything to do with this benevolent savior complex people have. Hyper Casuals can keep on playing pokemon all they like, BUT they don’t deserve the rewards from other content. If they wanted it, they would go get it.
Fact of the matter is, while some casual content could use work, there is enough “casual” content for everyone if they want to do it, there is just not enough for hyper focused casual players that only do things like fishing and possibly pet battles, even those who do nothing but fish, mine, or herb can at least sell what they get on the AH and possibly buy the high line BoEs from said AH.
But with that in mind, there is the idea that adding more for the hyper casuals will also add more for the casuals/everyone, and it very well might but it is not a sure thing.
Correct, what is likely happening is “WoW’s social justice warriors” trying to influence the content for the ones that don’t speak up, likely using the label wrongly to refer to themselves (I.E. they call themselves hyper casual or even just casual when the description being used does not apply to them).
One thing some need to realize is the ones that are under represented might be such because they have so few in the community, it is one thing to be under represented when you make up a decent chunk, like 25%, and the largest majority is only 60%, but it is another to clam under representation when you are or for those who make up 1% when the rest of the divide is fairly even.