And in the one season we got a WoD clefthoof with new armor and Alliance got a unique hippopotamus mount that actually looks like a hippo and not whatever a riverbeast is. We can go back and forth on this forever. I don’t think there’s a bias, just decisions where we don’t agree with blizz, and it’s different for all of us.
It’s not worth it, the gnomish tinfoil helm is screwed on too tight with that one.
Horde invaded Boralus before we invaded Dazar’alor, but apparently Horde like to forget that little factoid because, oh, wait, IT GOT RELEGATED TO A DUNGEON BECAUSE IT WASN’T AS IMPORTANT AS A HORDE CITY.
Mekkatorque is dead. Until we are told otherwise, he is dead. Period. End of story. PERIOD. The only reason people think otherwise is because they told us at BlizzCon last year he would lead the Alliance expedition to Mechagon. GUESS WHAT DIDNT HAPPEN? Guess what did happen? Read the quest dialogue carefully.
But please, keep ignorantly spouting things like that.
Saurfang literally died fighting YOUR warchief, not the Alliance. Anduin tried to help him by giving him his sword. Maybe actually know the lore before spouting things like “Anduin didn’t try to resurrect him.” - You can’t resurrect people in the lore, that’s only a player thing for gameplay reasons. Resurrecting in the lore makes them undead. Anduin has only done that once - with Calia. And he only did it with the help of Alonsus and a Naaru.
What Sylvanas did was LITERALLY PART OF HER ENTIRE CHARACTER. Have you not paid attention to her character in Warcraft or World of Warcraft? THIS IS LITERALLY HER CHARACTER. She only cares about herself and power. Anyone who knows anything about Sylvanas knows this.
Yup. “Sorry” about sums it up. The whole situation left me so sour, I won’t even ride it (not only because it’s ugly, was a waste of money, divided the player base, and made the game look even more foolish after the crappy laws kicked in). It’s a great example of how myopic Blizz is.
Well i suppose from a certain point of view Saurfangs description of how the Horde was built on “Honor” by killing innocents and creating the “Path of Glory” and then also admitting that Sylvanas was the true Heir to being Warchief and not Thrall or Vol’jin could be construed as not evil…but to most people (maybe you have a different moral compass) that is evil.
Just stop. The Orcs destroyed their homeworld, they fell to the corruption, they made their bed and have to lie in what they have. They brought the Horde and the idea of the Horde with them. If the Horde was the nice people you try to make them out to be…we wouldn’t be getting rid of the second genocidal maniac in the last 10 years.
If you want to get stuck in Blizzard trying to muddy the waters after they just had Saurfang set them straight with the REALITY of what the Horde is, that is a you thing, good luck with that.
HAHAHAHAHA where the Alliance only exist as a plot device and ONLY react to whatever the Horde does…in some cases nothing for entire expansions…, please tell me more about the writing bias. Let me know when i can watch my Alliance movie made throughout the entire story of an expansion.
How do you figure?
You chose to play for the faction that schemes against one another for power/glory/honor etc. etc. etc., you get what you chose. Alliance have played well together because it is all about defense and not genocidal maniacs trying to kill everyone and/or power grabs.
Still waiting on the answer for Theramore and Southshore and Ashenvale and Darkshore and and and. Yea, keep going.
Your factions leader, your choices. Deal with it. Not my problem Jaina finally showed after being absent for Legion and gave the Alliance an uber powerful plot armor that can make ships have arcane cannons and remove all Blights with a city sized frost nova that Sylvanas didn’t count on. As i said Alliance exist to move the story along…that’s what Jaina did.
LOL, now you admit we got nothing and then say we should be thankful for it. THIS is the very definition of circular logic and why i said you were in lala land.
Is it? Good, make sure you let Blizzard know you want nothing for the next 4 expansions, the Horde should do NOTHING and then be happy about it because they lost a couple of characters and that was a -25 in your book.
You mean when you spent the majority of the first half of the expansion getting new races in the Nightborne and the months long story of Suramar and also the HM Tauren? Yea that was a whole LOT of nothing, good call.
Yea except for all of them that got runover in Darkshore or were burned alive in Teldrassil or died in the fleet that had been recalled from Feathermoon…so yea the Night Elves are almost completely spent and not nearly
Well, since three different colors were datamined and only one is accounted for now, that still leaves two others they may implement. Maybe you guys will be able to access a recolor somehow.
Lacking that, if they really are making the bees an ally only thing, then eventually the pendulum will swing the other way and you guys will get something unique, too. That’s just how this kind of thing goes. Spose we’ll see what happens.
Imagine Tyrande fighting Anduin, them killing each other Jaina telling the Alliance to go suck eggs and teleporting off. That’s basically what happened to the Horde. The whole reason the Horde followed Sylvanas was she may have been evil, she may have been making us into pawns, but she had some love for the Forsaken, she valued her loyal subjects and even if she valued her survival, she valued the Horde who increased her chances of survival.
Her turning around and says the Horde are useless is just bad writing and expecting Horde players to be loyal after that would just be stupid.
The Orcs, like the Eradar, were tricked. They were tricked into destroying their world and drinking demon blood. Did you not do any of WoD-- Okay. Well. Hm. I wouldnt blame you if you didn’t do any of WoD. We don’t really speak of that time.
The Orcs drank the demon MT. Dew and came to Azeroth (with the help of a HUUUUMAN. A very highly thought of member of the Alliance mind you… Medivh!) and then fought to break free of said corruption. To find a new home since theirs had been taken from them out of trickery from Guldan and his ‘overlord’.
What important characters did you lose? Memorable characters with lots of depth or story potential?
I’ll wait.
No, I chose to play the honorable and misjudged alliance of “monster races” that weren’t actually “monsters” in character. The Horde founded by Thrall in Warcraft III and was the Horde of Vanilla WoW.
Gee, I seem to recall Daelin and Jaina attempting mass genocide… Oh, and Genn was a major powermonger back during WCII, he even schemed to take the “Alliance of Lordaeron” from Terenas Menethil for his own (and Gilneas’) gain. Oh, and then there’s Aiden Perenolde, who sold out the Alliance for his own country’s survival due to being a cowardly opportunist.
This one has no legitimate counter, it is thus the only real “point” you can ever make.
Was axed in mirror of Taurajo.
Was never an Alliance zone, gameplay wise. It has been “contested” since Vanilla WoW, and even the Night Elves only had it sparsely populated.
Was lost in mirror of Tirisfal. Least they actually used it, instead of doing nothing like with Tirisfal.
You really think Horde players write the game’s story? Please come back when you can use “logic”. Horde players don’t write the story, “I” didn’t “choose” any of the story developments. You’re crazed.
Yes, you should, as the alternative is having most of your cherished lore characters killed off, and you are the one to do the killing of your own, while the other faction takes pity on you and helps you do it.
Yes, it is, judging by most of Legion. Where the Alliance got all of the positive story developments, with no real losses outside of Varian getting a badass death scene, while Vol’jin died from some Felguard mook.
Wrong. Most of the Night Elf Army was down in Silithus when the tree burned, only a small fraction of their army was able to make it back to Darkshore during the assault.
No, no. See, I went through this last night. As of BFA Legion was totally a horde biased expansion because they only got Argus, but all of High Mountain and Suramar is 110% Horde content.
Eh, If I had a penny for every time I saw insane bean counting over whos yard had more blades of grass in it, I’d be able to afford one of those cool frog mounts.
I’d say I’d welcome no Horde story again, but I’m afraid they’ll use that blank time as an excuse for whoever the next warchief is (assuming they actually bother to give us one) to turn completely evil because we still haven’t learned what the Horde really really REALLY is yet.
I don’t want to give up Kuafon. I maxed a Horde toon and did the questline for it. It’d also piss off many Alliance. Taking away things is never the right decision here. Give Horde the bee. That is the correct and fair option. It does not screw the Alliance over.