It's Official Horde Can't ride the Bee Mount

I came in saying I didn’t like the bee at all. It’s literal feedback.

Buzz off. Pun 100% intended.

I’ll eventually just get it on my Nelf. She’s at 110. I should really level her.

Then there is no issue, you can’t earn it anyway.







The only thing this post is missing is a slap in the face.


Least all your leaders aren’t being killed off or written as cowards/traitors/big baddies that are going to be killed soon.
So when do we get to kill an Ally leader Lorewise yet?
So far we’ve lost… Four? Well, Five if things keep going the way they are, to death. Six if you count Thrall going LOLBYE.

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don’t forget the horde cheated by voting multiple times, too and Blizz looked the other way.

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(10 characters)

She doesn’t have one.

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I can go about my day then.

And just what is a Blood Elf going to do with a bee mount?

We’re getting another mount at a different time.

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Horde should get a badass wasp. It’d make more sense than a bubbly bumble bee.

You live in lala land. Sylvanas did this, the Alliance was COMPLETELY reactionary. ALL of the story is Horde side, Alliance simply reacted as usual. You lost 2 characters who faced off with one dying and the other running away after outing herself and laying bare her motivations…WHILE the Alliance propped up your faction and picked their nose.

UC was destroyed by…Sylvanas who made it a blighted wasteland and forced the Alliance attack after she burned Teldrassil to the ground and murdered countless civilians and soldiers. Sylvanas gave the Alliance the “moral high ground”.

Already covered but basically one was evil and ran off after killing the other, NOTHING to do with the Alliance as usual.

Unless you consider Darkshore is destroyed and Teldrassil is a burnt husk in the middle of the ocean and either way you look at it you won the battle of Orgrimmar and it was YOUR WARCHIEF who destroyed the already decrepit UC. It was YOUR WARCHIEF who killed everyone on both sides. Not really a loss but not a win either, just everyone dead.

You mean besides the 12 or 15 horse mounts the Alliance got this expansion? Give me a break, that is laughable.

Every battle was a loss or inconclusive OR we helped you guys by propping up your rebellion…AGAIN but everything will be forgiven i am sure because no one is ever punishable accept the big baddie (in this case Sylvanas) and everyone else gets a pass.

Yea because our “leadership” of Tyrande and Malfurion didn’t go on a hiding spree for the total of the expansion after our millennia old leader had a 3 year old’s tantrum. Alleria…MIA, we don’t ever see LFD’s leadership or Velen or Pandaren or DI but we do have Genn and Jaina. I guess they always end on a high note if we are always propping up the Horde as usual and only react to what the Horde does and hold their hand. And lastly…yay moral bragging rights, i guess maybe if Saurfand hadn’t just laid out the reality of the Horde in a cinematic but he did and so i don’t have to explain WHY you are having to deal with that “slight”.


You play for the Evil faction as Saurfang just laid out for you…did you expect they would all play well together? Did you think they would all live when they become homicidal maniacs or scheme against one another while also siding with beings of evil such as death gods?

That is the way the old cookie crumbles, don’t want to have turnover, play for the good side where folks don’t scheme to get a hold of power.

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If you want a fuzzy friend, the Alliance is waiting for you.

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Not to mention while our “goldsinks” are gryphon recolors, they got 3 Pterrodaxes, one of which is spectral. Whereas our gryphons are basic colors.


Where does it say Horde is evil?
Go on.
Go get me a source.
I’ll wait :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Orcs came to Azeroth corrupted, but broke free of the demon blood curse. They then realized they needed a home. Because everyone deserves a home. However, the Alliance are like NAW MAN YOU GUYS STILL BAD AND THIS IS OUR LAND, and they grab up a bunch of orcs and ENSLAVE them.

Then there’s the Tauren. We’re apparently one of the first few races, along with trolls, furbolgs, etc who weren’t made of stone or machines. We’ve been chilling here for a while. But then some Cenarius guy’s son gets with Missy Rocklady and has some angry Centaur babies that almost wipe us out to extinction. Our neighbors, the Night Elves, just watch. They dont help us, a very peaceful and kind race. They just kinda sit back and let us all get slaughtered. Least the Orcs offered to help and did so.

The Trolls, again, one of the first few races and the ancestors of Elves, have been trying to live their lives. A lot of them are aggressive though. I get that. Darkspear? Not so much. They’re struggling to get by. Its been tough. Again, Elves are just kinda watching, but the Orcs are willing to stop by and help these guys out.

The Undead were once Alliance! They were citizens and soldiers of Lordaeron! They fought hard for the Alliance, and they didn’t build a big wall in the Alliance’s time of need at any point (COUGH LOOKING AT YOU GILNEAS).
They were attacked.
Struck down by their own Prince! A human! A human, just like the leaders of the Alliance. Human.
But, most of those from Lordaeron were able to break free of the Lich King’s will with the help of the Banshee queen! They tried to return home to those they loved and held dear. Their fellow Alliance.
And what did the Alliance do?
They screamed and tried to hunt down their Forsaken brethren. They hunted them down like dogs and refused to let them return home. Even their own families turned them away. Called them monsters.

These are our main core races since the beginning of WoW. I don’t see anything evil in any of these things. I see creatures that are trying to survive in a world where the other inhabitants want them not to survive.


No, I live in reality, you know, with the writers all being pro-Alliance at every turn? All of that “Horde story” was to fix what Blizzard broke to begin with. We wouldn’t even be getting it in the first place if Blizzard hadn’t taken a dump on us by forcing Garrosh into the role of Warchief.

And lost less than the Horde did, by far. Which Alliance racial leaders have we killed? Oh, right, none. Which cities have we destroyed that didn’t warrant an equal loss from our own? Oh, right, none. The one living “lala land” is you.

Oh, boy! We destroyed OUR OWN CITY! And we didn’t get ANY major Alliance character deaths out of it at all! Such a victory! That’s something to write home about!:roll_eyes:

And this is the core problem with Alliance whining: you should be very thankful you get nothing. “Nothing” is better by far than the “developments” the Horde has gotten since Cata. I would rather take a “0” than a “-25” in terms of a score. The best time I had as a member of the Horde recently was during Legion, where, you guessed it, the Horde did “NOTHING”, because at least then we weren’t beating up ourselves and crapping on our faction.

Considering that the Night Elf army is still mostly intact, easily took back Darkshore, and we lost Undercity and Tirisfal, it wasn’t much of a “victory”.

Boohoo, you got horse mounts. At least you got something genuinely unique, instead of the 5th Direhorn recolor or the 4th pterodactyl mount recolor. Oh, wait, you can actually ride those on your Alliance characters, so it doesn’t even matter.



Same as the whole expansion. Alliance won pretty well everywhere. Sacked Zandalar, killed the king, destroyed the largest Naval Fleet, Horde didn’t kill Jaina, HELL HORDE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO KILL MEKKATORQUE, Saurfang is dead, Anduin couldn’t be bothered to waste mana rezzing him, Sylvanas was hamfisted to not give one crap about the Horde who were loyal to her and left us war chiefless once again.



I was leveling an Alliance purely so I could unlock this Alliance side and get it on my Horde the same as the Alliance got the Horde “exclusive” mounts, but I guess I can stop leveling that toon now :D. I really wanted the unique bee model though.