WoW Classic General is that way ======>
I’d appreciate if you kept your negativeness to there and not spread it here. Especially considering without Retail you wouldn’t even have Classic.
WoW Classic General is that way ======>
I’d appreciate if you kept your negativeness to there and not spread it here. Especially considering without Retail you wouldn’t even have Classic.
Im mad at bad changes, Doomfist was fine, in the video he even explains why.
I want bad heroes to be buffed, i want OP heroes to be nerfed, but i dont want heroes to be ruined, or changed for no reason
Which is exactly what the patch will do… My gosh. Anyways, this isn’t the OW forums. Also 99% of the playerbase disagrees with you about doomfist, including the devs. the 1% are doom players.
And Doomfist wasnt in either category, they are nerfing him really bad with this patch, and he didnt need it.
No, you can’t tell me where to post, and it’s not against the rules.
Even before classic came out, I always thought some of these mounts were just ridiculous.
As for negativity, you are the sole person who introduced such. However, I’m betting you feel cool for checking the “go to classic” off your forum troll list today.
We get it, you’re okay with riding the same horse for all eternity and you think it’s far superior than the huge selection of mounts you can use in retail. Maybe you can tell your classic buddies over at the classic forums.
You get 2 Unique Mount Quests and Alliance gets squat if they aren’t also playing Horde.
That’s an idea, but the Alliance would come here to say how we are being favoured. It goes both ways, the moment one faction gets something unique and shiny the other faction complains.
What I don’t understand is how you think you control my $15 a month. I’ll provide whatever feedback where I wish, especially if it doesn’t break the rules.
The devs have prove to be stupid a MASSIVE amount of times, and the community is largely crybabies, if you were in the OW forums for a while you would notice.
A clear example was the whole situation with Brigitte that escalated to the point that the hero got nerfed to the point of being useless and the voice actress getting harassed.
Or the Aim elitist that constantly insult people that play heroes like Junkrat and Moira.
You’re not providing feedback though. You came in here boasting about how superior you are because you play classic. I think you forgot to mention again how much classic is better for the 20th time.
what two unique mount quests? One’s a mount that’s available as a raid achievement award, the other is yet another direhorn mount.
except that an alliance player can use those horde mounts as an alliance if they get it on a horde character.
The bee is alliance only to use, even if a horde player has an alliance alt to try to get it.
Quote me where, but for now until you can figure that out, I’ll quote the only things I’ve even offhand mentioned about classic:
In the above statements, I mentioned no superiority or implied such, and also in the same post:
You are trolling, gatekeeping, and I am where I belong.
I always feel that there’s something worse than a bad person, and that’s a good person who thinks they’re doing something righteous when instead they’re doing harm. You do not tell me where to post, especially if the rules clearly state that I am in the correct area.
Both of which YOU CAN RIDE! They aren’t exclusively Horde. You can ride them on your NIght Elf or your Worgen. And both of those just recolors that are in no way special. How is that fair? In any way?
It’s like the Allied Races all over again: Alliance get something utterly unique and new, that had a new rig and animations put into it, and the Horde got reskins.
You literally came in to a thread to derail it with something 100% off topic. Troll R U.
Can’t buy a bee mount anyway.
Yeah, it’s not off topic because I play retail, sorry bud. Quit focusing on my avatar.
Gatekeeper nonsense.
Unique as in Alliance can’t do it.
This Thread was about not being able to use/get a Mount on a certain faction. YOU came in whining about Mounts you didn’t want to see. Completely off topic.