It's Official Horde Can't ride the Bee Mount

Bee seeing you…


Horde lost another Warchief, two of our most iconic characters, one of our most iconic cities, and had our pride ran through another cheese grater to make Alliance players feel good about themselves due to their “moral high ground”.

We don’t have a Warchief, we lost every single battle of the war, and we still get less unique mounts. You can ride any of the other unique mounts, Horde can’t.

But, no, you totally lost just because your ugly tree (that was in serious need of a revamp) got burned down. Meanwhile, you’ve lost no meaningful characters, all of your stories always end on a high note, and you get the moral bragging rights.


Yeah i can’t believe people complaining over 100k mount… go buy a wow token.

You can have the one I’m not farming.

My class hall mount is still better. (At witty comments anyway)

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no u

I dare you to explore my mount collection… do i need a wow token… hell no.

Challenge not accepted I already know you don’t have the Bee mount!


Just watch the next store mount be a recolor of it.


this thread is just droning on and on.

I think Hamlet said it best,

"to bee or not to bee, that is the question.
whether 'tis nobler to suffer the stings and apiaries of outraged Horde players.
or to take arms against a sea of Blizzard Devs.
and by opposing them, end your sub


Don’t worry when Horde and Alliance become 1 entity then you can ride it. Filed under resolved.

And everybody wants Quel’dorei too, but one doesn’t always get what they want. If you want the bee, the Alliance is waiting for you.


I was originally alliance… then i woke up.


Well not literally everybody, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that blood/high elf model is the most popular in the game.

Then only those who sleep get bees. Sorry.


Yeah because the WoW team is also the same people that work on overwatch. I’m glad you won’t be getting the bee mount. Entitled horde players :smile: We had to deal with horse reskins while you got more unique mounts at the start of the expansion.


Do you want some cheese with that whine?

People crying over ONE unique mount is ridiculous. You know, it’s not like it’s easy getting the bee. There are no daily quests at all. There is an introductory quest, and that’s it. The rest is pretty much RNG. You have to fly around all of Stormsong in hopes of finding little blobs of jelly. There is one rare you can get rep from once per day. It is not an easy grind.

Alliance’s “new” rep mounts from Proudmoore, etc. are just more stupid gryphons. The mount we get for turning in 7th Legion medals is another bloody cat, yet Horde get a cool bat for their Honorbound medals. Do you not realize that most of the devs play Horde, hence why Horde are usually favored?

Just get over it already.


Its not any better there trust me…

They just announced a new big balance patch and the changes SUCK hard

You must be a doomfist player.

Junkrat and Ashe actually (at least in DPS role), but the Doomfist changes do suck badly

So you’re mad at changes that would most likely make your mains more viable?

I delight in the irony of the Horde getting a taste of it’s own medicine.

But not this time. I feel that the Horde should get access to the mount if they earn it on a Alliance character.

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