It's Official Horde Can't ride the Bee Mount

Can I have your stuff?

After I hear that there was talk about the Bee mount in the forums, I came to see what the buzz was about. Didn’t surprise me that some are not too happy about the situation, must sting quite a bit I imagine. Oh well, I better leave BEEfore there are any more bee puns.


I call dibs on stuff, your horde I am horde, let’s meet and exchange stories.

What faction war did we win? Teldrassil destroyed and countless murdered (i am sure now that Sylvanas has exited stage left all will be forgiven because no one was complicit in the act ever), UC left as a wasteland with all Alliance soldiers killed, Alliance had to save Baine, Alliance shows up at Org. WITH the Horde to depose Sylvanas…Alliance didn’t win anything but it sure got depleted of it’s citizens and soldiers and land that i am sure there will be no repercussions for.

Maybe the Horde wouldn’t have gotten destroyed if every expansion wasn’t about their story except for WotLK and Thrall hadn’t exited Warchief to be Green Jesus followed by a string of short lived leaders.


It’s an ugly bee mount… why do people care so much…

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Im just switching to overwatch… i have to relieve my saltyness somewhere

Oh honey, I think I’m going to get hives from that post.


It really stings :frowning:


You sure you are not Jelly? lol

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It left a stinger of an impression .

already got the jelly fish mount

When we get a Varian statue in front of Blizz headquarters, I’ll support your efforts to obtain the bee mount. Until then…


Eh, not really a good bee pun.

If you want bee mount then the Alliance is there waiting on you.


Not true, but anyways BEE JELLY!

Pfft who wants a stupid bee mount anyways… buys faction change


You guys are great. See ya !

While i was horde at the time of the vote, but didn’t the horde have more players on that side? Yeah the Alliance motorcycle looked better (imo) but people would still vote for their faction bike regardless if looked good or not…free is free


Have a nice flight on a non-bee mount!

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If you hate that the Alliance gets one unique mount, you’re gonna just love waiting for your main’s turn for a good event skin on OW.

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