It's Official Horde Can't ride the Bee Mount

Didn’t the Alliance sack Zuldazar, killing many pterodactyls, direhorns and other dinos in the process, yet Child of Torcali and Kua’fon have no issue with you?


That must :honeybee: upsetting for you guys

Enjoy your op racials though :kissing_heart:

Pretty sure Dark Iron’s have the best AR racial for PvP, humans have the best racial for grinding rep and Mechagnomes have the best PvE racial for bosses… Meanwhile Blood Elves racial silence was removed, trolls had their racials nerfed and Undead’s racials haven’t been good for a decade.

Are you being facetious or willfully ignorant? I honestly can’t tell… :thinking:


In every single “What would you like to see in the game” question from Blizzard, I put in how much I wanted to have flying insect mounts for my hunter. My darkspear troll. Wasps (bees didn’t exist then), moths, dragonflies, etc. No bee for the troll.

And could you imagine how cute a Vulpera on a fat bumblebee would be?! Heck yes.

This is sort of an out of sight, out of mind thing for me. I don’t think I’ve even seen an Alliance ever USE the Bee mount, and since I can’t get it as a Horde… I sorta forgot about the mount until this thread showed up. Alliance gets like… 5 million horses. Let them have the bee mount. It’s not like they are choosing to use it. I do see a lot of alliance use various flying horses though. I think Alliance likes their horse mounts more than they let on.

Ohh a cute little fox riding a fuzzy bee? * Dies from the cuteness overload *

It’s a harsh farm, and if you main or level an Alliance you’ll see plenty.

I’ve got 5 million wolves and wind riders. Your point? They got both our “Horde exclusive” mounts. Why can’t we have their one?


Alliance can ride the horde BFA mounts because the horde has way more of them, if you don’t have a Horde character? you can’t get those exclusive models and Alliance is stuck with horses, horses that barely change colours, not even armor or saddles.

The motorcycle happened because Horde made a big campaign to rig the votes, so congratulations, they played themselves.

And are you seriously saying that alliance set is inherently better? you realize that in that same place were you craft the stormwind guard set and the orgrimmar guard set you can craft orc sets for each of their clans right? oh but did draenei got sets for their exarch orders? nope, not even considered.

Obviously alliance has a few exclusive things, like mount models since Horde still can’t get the gnomes mounts (AFAIK) but for most things you could possibly complain about the horde, there are underlying issues that were made that way because the alliance got screwed up first in a bigger way.


Horde bias, obviously.



It was removed because it turned into a law suit, this has been established. Blue posters have commented on it. Cite one credible source proving Horde lost it for rigging it. They rigged nothing, they simply had more players so they won.


EDIT: Nvm done reading and replying

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First I’ve ever heard of vote rigging. You got a source for this claim?

For the record, I find both mounts immensely stupid looking and I don’t own either one. My chopper on the other hand is a quality piece of engineering. Anything more than 2 wheels on a chopper is a pure travesty.

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Is this hinting at the new necromancer class?

Because, right there, you got TWO mounts, and much earlier than we did, plus easy access to mount models that we need to get lucky rare drops to ride. People without horde characters might as well never see those mounts.

Maybe if they decided to actually give us more mounts, then things would be balanced enough to let you ride them.

Yes, I know the reason why. And no, it wasn’t a one vote thing, you could vote multiple times and hordes were making campaigns to vote over and over, perhaps not rigging per se but still caused by them.

Because you realized I literally had responded to that already? lmao.

Not so much rigging as in breaking the rules but they organized to overload the votes since you could vote more than once.

The chopper is dated at this point, we really need new motorcycle models.

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That is not a source or evidence in any way. That is you making a claim, again.


Oh I’m not going to give you a source, is not like there was a police investigation or anything. Was just well known on the forums at the time.

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Don’t fret about it. Blizz will add a bee to their cash shop in due time, and Horde will have a bee mount too.

They love the revenue that cash shop mounts generate. Just be patient :slight_smile:

Well then… OK. Then disregarded? Claims without sources are just that, claims.

To be straight blunt, I don’t think just “well known on the forums” sound like a very reliable metric to go by… at all. I mean, it’s the WoW forums after all. Need I really say more?

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Is there a lucky rare drop bumblebee mount? Of any color? I don’t discriminate against bees. If there is, I will shut my mouth and stop complaining.

Ahhhh… matching things I understand. You have my full support.

Personally, I am surprised they have alliance or horde exclusive mounts. If I was in charge, I would have chosen to create suitable race and/or class exclusive mounts.

The only one I can think of is a male human engineer :wink:.

But I think people use it constantly for the bragging rights.

People were able to vote multiple times on the website they presented. So, yeah it was a big cluster.

I know I voted at least 15 times myself. Also, Averyx is correct it was well known on the forums at the time of the voting.


i would trade the horde the bee mount for Vulpera :stuck_out_tongue: