It's Official Horde Can't ride the Bee Mount

Again, do you want more of our horses? Because we have some many freaking horses i dont know what to do with them other then eat them at this point.

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So the real problem here isn’t even the bee mount. The Alliance got an entire faction with a toy, tmogs, battle pets, AND the mount. In addition there are events associate with this faction that have turned Stormsong Valley into an end game social hub.

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Sure put them out there as drops or make them cross faction usable like the horde equivalents.

You all got an entire expansion dedicated to the rise and fall of a long time lore character, a stroy that only made sense if you saw it from the horde side, the ability to actually make not one but two character choices through the story while the other side only existed once again to prop up your factions story development and deal with ANOTHER horde rebellion for nothing other that reasons, while we also got the character assassination of a life time with tyranda.

We got a bee mount

Which do you think more people would rather of had.


There was no “rising” and also the story was just fine from the Alliance side. If you want your characters going crazy and getting killed off then by all means I hope you get that story next xpac. Also until the very end 8.2.5 the choices were hilarious. They made zero actual difference. Also your “bee mount” includes toy, tmogs, pets, achievements, and zone events. So a few minutes of story vs. a month+ of unique content. Still alliance plays the victim.


No one wants 28 recoloured horses while the other faction gets s unique mount either.

Here’s a tissue.

Truly horrific. The game will never recover from this, you have my condolences.

In the words (kind of) of the illustrious leader of wow development: “if you want to ride the bee mount the alliance is waiting for you.”


I can’t imagine why any self respecting Horde wants to ride a bee.


Cus it’s a sweet mount. Tons of horde people have expressed their sadness/anger at not being able to ride it.

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Was really looking forward to this mount. Thanks for nothing blizz.


I don’t really want it tbo.
I have toons on both factions and haven’t lifted a finger to even start getting it.

That stings


How do you horde cope with the way Blizzard treats you? I would be furious.

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Yes the Alliance has a 30 different horses . it’s not the point. The point is that Blizzard had this mount in the game files for 6+ months and never said a word about if it would be cross-faction mount or just Alliance. Now suddenly it’s Alliance only which isn’t like we didn’t see it coming since Alliance needed a buff to gain more players for their faction and a Kill 25 Horde because we have even less people on in a given week . Alliance’s hand has been held by Blizzard because of unfairness and now a mount . Every rep gives a mount and each now it seems that the 1 oddball rep that comes into play is Alliance only .

It’s simply faction bias . Unfair you bet it is since Horde don’t have a faction that just spawned into existence to constitute a mount reward let alone a new allied race that sided with both Horde/Alliance but in the end decided to go Alliance because they were Gnomes before the king decided Flesh was too weak .

I’ll make a Mechagnome regardles. Just because a faction get’s it’s a$$ handed to them by another faction doesn’t mean you go out of your way to show favoritism.


To be fair the Horde bike could’ve been a plank of wood with two skateboard wheels superglued to it and it would’ve still gotten more votes simply for being the Horde option.

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Just more alliance favoritism. Nothing new.


Even though i am For the Alliance all the way that still sucks. Even if we’ve been screwed in an assortment of ways (im looking at you mechagnome dances) the mount should be for both factions.


Can YOU not read? I’m saying despite the quest text, they’re not killing him off. I bet you they revive him by mechanization. Otherwise they would just leave him to die in the raid or give him a funeral in game.

This was established during the test phase of the patch. It’s not news anymore