Okay, I’m really confused. Are you done replying to me, or not? Are you having a hard time making up your mind? Are you confused as to what you said and how what you’re doing is 100% contrary to what you said you’d do?
In the way a lot of us are mentioning, you have been able to gain those mount models since MoP. And the Direhorn there’s even one you can straight up buy from your mount vendor this expansion.
So, went to warcraft mounts, Advanced search, just for mounts available now, so nothing upcoming and nothing retired, used the Alliance Only and Horde Only search.
Now, I will note that there are more paladins on the Alliance than the Horde and they get a racial class mount, so looked that up too.
Alliance has 6 Horde has 5. Since the most that counts for the achievement is 2 you take off the difference.
Alliance: 117
Horde: 115.
Hey now - only one race is homeless really… the Worgen… since the Night Elves were practically genocided off the face of the planet. Do they even really count as a race anymore?
Yeah and your side destroyed Teldrassil, killed Nelves, and to keep pushing it, Slyvanas is still alive and most likely won’t be killed off, and Tyrande will most likely be killed off for a bullcrap reason, all so people can keep their little wet dream alive.
Let the Alliance have something this expansion. You get Sylvanas, we get the Bee.
Problem being that does not actually factor in the only can obtain on one faction. At a MINIMUM (giving your argument the benefit of the doubt without ont one anyone listing what mount doesnt have a horde equivalent for them, they just trust a site to tell them numbers) they are finally EVEN if you do that because torcali and kuafon we HAVE to have a horde to get, but because they are not marked horde only it isn’t factored into your math. Before the bee it was 1 for you guys based on your math. It still gives you guys a heads up since we would still HAVE to make a toon on a faction we do not like just to get them.
Incorrect. The only way you can use this mount is if you are Alliance.
Actually tried envisioning this and almost lost my water to my computer screen. That would be hilarious. Still isn’t going to push me towards investing any time into obtaining the thing though - but ty for that visual.