Sounds like youre just jelly its alliance only rofl.
I mean, maybe if you logged in on Horde during a certain time period. Alliance won in the long run.
I’m just beeeeing truthful.
I don’t beelieve you.
Don’t beee mad
We very much got the shaft in the mount department but personally though, they should have made it the same where a Horde can use the bee if they made an alliance toon and did the grind for it. Its only fair since we have the option to acquire theirs.
Just because you think it’s garbage doesn’t mean it’s not true. It doesn’t matter if Alliance have access to a very low drop rate world mob in Zuldular - Horde get it just by showing up and doing the same reps anyone who has played for 2-3 months will have exalted very easily. And frankly, I always felt it was less about what the Horde got and more what the Alliance did - 4 lazy reskins of Horses. Storm’s Wake, Order of the Embers - something far more iconic could have easily worked, but Blizzard got lazy and, hell, it’s just Alliance… who cares.
It just fit the whole BFA theme - they couldn’t be assed to give Alliance a good story, so they just made them a plot device… couldn’t be assed to give Alliance good rewards, so they just threw 4 horse reskins at them and made jokes about it.
I think that’s why Horsegate, despite its perceived garbage on your end, was a real thing - they faced a lot of backlash over it and they decided they had to correct it. Once they said Alliance was going to get something exclusive, they had to stick to their guns. I’m sure Horde will get access to it eventually though.
the only way to make this fair is to give Horde an Exclusive Wasp mount in the near future.
wasnt the stupid bee because ion got tired of the alliance complaint posts about all the generic horse mounts we keep getting… i dont really do the whole mount thing and honestly could care less who has what and who doesnt. Just wanted to address fact that the bee is really the first thing this expansion that feels unique to the alliance mount wise.
Thank for saying you guys have access to it. You literally proved my point. So thanks.
Low drop is still access. /shrug. I’d be okay with a 1% bee drop if that was what Horde had access to. Long as we had access, I wouldn’t be making a peep about this whole bee ordeal.
But when you guys have access to our unique mounts. And our questline mounts. That treatment needs to go both ways.
Well yes, it’s a fact… not really sure what point you’re trying to make here. You guys also have access to our crappy Horse reskins if you want too via the same method…? lol
By the way - an easy fix to your problem is to stop crying.
Alliance have basically been dicked over this entire game since Cataclysm. Hell, this is actually the first time I think I’ve ever even seen Blizzard give something to the Alliance the Horde don’t get… after years, yall been telling us all to stop crying about things that aren’t fair.
It’s kinda awesome to see these forums drowning in Horde tears because Alliance literally got 1 thing they don’t have.
You are so blind to what I’m actually saying.
Faction exclusivity is fine. But all you guys are literally saying is that it’s 100% okay for Horde to get unique skins provided Alliance has access to the model via recolor. But damn the Horde for wanting that same treatment.
Kua’fon and Torcali. Model has been available to both factions since Pandaria.
Bloodfeaster and Hyena. Models made available to alliance via farming a low drop.
Hippo. 100% unique and exclusive mount, despite the ecology linking it to Nazmir and Zuldazar(so per the Q&A you trolls like to spam, that should’ve been Horde exclusive too. But Blizzard threw yall a bone so yall would quit whining.
Bee. 100% unique and exclusive.
Do you not see what I’m saying? Can you not grasp at it just a little? By all means, exclusive stuff is fine. BUT IT HAS TO GO BOTH WAYS, WHICH IS THE ENTIRE POINT THAT KEEPS GOING OVER YOUR HEAD.
Lets see. WoD which was Wolfgate for Horde(since yall like the horsegate term). Legion whereas the entire story literally focused on Illidan, Khadgar and Velen. With Tyrande and Malfurion in Val’sharah. All Horde got for Legion was the Stormheim drama between Genn and Sylvanas. Yea, you guys have been screwed, totally.
I won’t even get into how many original faction leaders you guys still have compared to the Horde.
TLDR: Exclusive things are fine. But it has to go both ways. Alliance can’t have access to every Horde unique mount and then get defensive when Horde asks for that same treatment. But you are literally a Male Human Paladin’s brother so I’m not surprised that concept keeps going over your head.
Yeah, not interested in the same boring conversation over the tat defenses every single Horde player throws up as to why the game has not been Horde biased for the last 8 years. They’ve been debunked and ventilated so many times, it’s not even worth talking about.
Suffice it to say, after almost 8 years of Horde Bias BS, it’s kinda fun to see you all bawling your eyes out over a stupid bee.
I’m not even bothering to get it and don’t care. It’s just hilarious.
Yea, cause you a troll. You don’t care.
Which is why you are so blindly ignorant its actually sad. But keep doing you friend.
Okay, tell you what. I’ll hush about the bee if we get our hippo back, which is rightfully ours due to the zoology and ecology. Hippos are Nazmir and Zuldazar. Horde zones. Per the Q&A, that should 100% be a horde mount.
I’m done responding to you since you’ve yet to make a point. You are literally a troll who just tries to incite people. So keeping in line with all the bee puns yall like to use.
Buzz off.
I am 100% content the bee isn’t available to Horde. My immersion would be shattered seeing a tauren riding a bee.
Please keep QQing
Just a little bit moar, please
So you whine about things not being fair in a thread, get criticized, make the same worthless arguments every Horde player has for the last 8 years, get mad when I refuse to be trolled by them… and then personally attack me while crying all over your keyboard and storm out?
Yeah, you sure showed me. lol
So sad. That you are. All you do is try to incite.
Refusing to acknowledge why a lot of Horde players are upset.
Per your screwed up logic. It’s 100% okay for Horde to get unique mounts as long as whiny Alliance has access to them via recolors. But god forbid Horde wants that same treatment.
That fact you refuse to acknowledge that speaks loudly of what type of person you are.
I called you a troll because you are a troll. You’ve literally said nothing in every one of your posts except “wah wah, Alliance has been shafted since Cata” Which is false. But you are too stubborn to actually open your eyes as to what is going on. Following that, all you do is post snarky responses in efforts to incite. Every single post you’ve done in every single bee thread. I’m using facts.
And for the 100th time. Unique and Exclusive is FINE. But that treatment has to go both ways. Which is what a lot of the Horde posts boil down to. But you’d rather attack and incite opposed to read.
Edit: Sad that you are camping this thread just waiting to respond with more comments to try and incite, lmao.
See what I mean with the comments just to incite? You can walk away too. And I like how you still haven’t acknowledged any of the facts I’ve laid out. But keep doing you. I was having fun reading the mog thread. I’m just gonna put you on ignore so I don’t have to deal with your constant troll remarks and inciteful behavior.
TLDR. You troll. Bad. Unique mounts good. But go both ways fair.
That slow enough for you?
When alliance can EARN the 2 mounts you got without having to be a filthy horde, then we can talk about being fair. I shouldn’t have to deal with mudhuts and gaudy aztec knock offs to get those mounts.