The heck is the deal with that, anyway? They cited legal reasons, but they are both still in the game, the winner isn’t buyable.
What backwards legal technicality are they afraid of?
The heck is the deal with that, anyway? They cited legal reasons, but they are both still in the game, the winner isn’t buyable.
What backwards legal technicality are they afraid of?
NO mount is worth playing Alliance. Seriously, if an Alliance mount is that big a game breaker for you ROLL ALLIANCE. But brew a lot of coffee, you will need it to stay awake while leveling.
Sure you can, if you really hate yourself.
You shouldn’t be able to buy it at all
No, not everyone. If I cared in the slightest to work on and get the stupid thing, and could gift it to someone, trust me it’d ‘bee’ all yours.
You got a 3 wheeled motorcycle FOR FREE, stop your QQ
Oh beehave.
it really stings that we have been left out
I can’t get over these gems from the OP. Lmao.
Doesn’t play Alliance at all…so they wouldn’t be able to earn it anyways.
Wants a person fired because said mount is only available to one side.
Honestly, I would’ve been fine with that. We need more updated raptor mounts. They could’ve also made the Child of Torcali questline a Child of Gonk questline instead. Another dull Direhorn that looks exactly the same as the ones from Pandaria outside of color scheme is bleh.
Spectral Pterrowing is ugly. I’ve seen like two people use it since it was added. Arguably spectral is somewhat unique but its still just a Pterodactyl, which is nothing new or exciting, that’s also why you see so few Horde actually riding it.
Personally, I think Blizzard missed an opportunity for the Alliance rep mounts. Proudmoore Admiralty’s horse could’ve easily been similar to the Collectors Edition mount, minus the lamp type thing. Braided mane, Kul Tiras emblem in the front, you know, make it worthy of being a prized horse from royalty and whatnot. The Order of Embers horse could’ve been been infused with the Drust magic, had some wicker charms dangling from its feet and neck, etc… I don’t really feel bad about the Gryphon’s since 3 of those match our 3 reskinned Pterodactyl’s.
But, back on topic. The issue a lot of Horde has, is that our “unique” reputation mounts have recolors available that Alliance can get. Our questline mounts, whilst being recolors/reskins are usable by the Alliance. Thus, Horde has no unique and exclusive mount like so many of you Alliance people are claiming.
I mean, I’m all for exclusive mounts truly exclusive to one Faction. But it has to go both ways. It feels really bad for Alliance to have access to all of our “unique and exclusive mounts”, thus removing the “unique and exclusive” bit. Yet if we ask for the same treatment, we are a bunch of whiner crybabies. Logic.
atleast you can still get the motorcycle >_>
I bought the silly thing for my Ally alt. Think I used it once.
i play both horde and alliance and though i wish that, excluding faction mounts, that they were available for all my toons just for the matter of choice the fact that they arent dont bother me because i try to collect all the mounts i can and have so many nice looking ones that dont even get used. and all i know is that even though alliance got remodeled horses and griffins that dont bother me either because if i dont like them it just adds to my count for the collector achievement. now the horde got some pretty sweet rep mounts this expansion that my alliance will never get to use because rng gods hate me for the world drop version. and the way im looking at it i dont think i have seen an original mount that they dont eventually come out with another version at some point.
I understand the Bee Mount is a bone thrown to the Alliance after getting shafted with our rep mounts. At the same time I hope to see there is a drop version just like there is for every other unique model model this expansion that is otherwise faction locked.
There is also datamined evidence to show there may bee one later on
I play Alliance mostly and have no interest in the bee mount at all.
The mount is probably Alliance only to encourage people to play Alliance. Which is a good thing considering the faction is dying in player count
I thought the mount was only obtainable by alliance, but afterwards it was usable by Horde. Am I wrong in this?
Horde won a contest and that was the reward. Alliance didn’t win and still get to buy theirs with gold… you should be appreciative you have that opportunity.
Thats really what this about. You werent spoiled with a unique mount ONE time and you react like this. Good riddance.
Horde this horde that
Blah blah blah.
Why does everybody love that bee? Alliance can keep that thing as far as I’m concerned.