It's Official: Delves are too hard

Turns out I was right all along.

About 2 weeks early but you got there eventually.


This community hates anything that isn’t a loot piñata so I knew it was only a matter of time before people asked for nerfs. No one hates playing wow more than the average GD poster.

Oh you’re trolling.

Yeah that’s what’s needed, more toxicity, that’ll fix the problem.


I’m not mythic raider and I’m doing delves normally.

Is it a git gud issue?

They were not bad when Brann was, apparently scaling-bug, yet he tanked like a boss. Some posters even mentioned allowing Brann to ‘tank’ (as DPS since he’s only healer or DPS options).

Now, nerfed but ‘buffed baseline 125%’. The problem being before a Level 38 (current soft capped Brann) at times scaled to the tier (so at Tier 8 Brann was comparative to a Tier 8 elite).

No more. The post-nerf ‘buff’ does not outweigh the nerf itself. So, oof.

That’s the neat part. Every spec is having a completely different experience in delves. High damage brann evened that out a bit, but he has been taken away.

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They’re also fine on Mage if that’s your issue.

[quote=“Snozay-area-52, post:65, topic:1932014”]
Pets have also been bugged since launch and aren’t able to hold aggro and die in two hits.[/quote]

This is just talking about survival, right? BM having a higher proportion of pet damage and Clefthoof tankiness makes their pets actually functional if you spam mend pet.

Previously if you had Buff Brann ‘tanking’ (as a DPS) it was mostly fine but wonky.

Now? Yeah now it’s no longer the case. Delves are now a chore. Post ‘fix’.

When tanking, they aren’t too bad.
One my hunter, they are…spotty. Did a duo with a heals, and yeah some of the rares you can’t pull because their mechanics one shot you unless you are a tank, but otherwise they aren’t impossible. Overtuned probably, but not hard.

Not true. I never got into mythic raiding at all and I am able to complete a delve.

That’s not totally true I guess. The highest progress I ever did in raiding was in Legion where I think I was able to down two bosses on mythic. But then I just gave up because it was too hard and not for me and I wasn’t willing to put that much effort into a video game. But later on it’s common for the first couple bosses on mythic to be puggable, then the game starts hurting your feelings.

If something isn’t working, I immediately adjust my strategy. It’s meant to be a bit dynamic. If I wipe, I probably had the wrong build or I was doing something wrong or I wasn’t respecting a mechanic or I had an ilvl that was too low. If you’re in the range of the recommended ilvl, they should be not that hard. Some classes that have an advantage or higher skill can do them at lower ilvls sure but uh… I disagree. Mythic raiders laugh at Delvers and call us Mole people or something. To say that these are for Mythic raiders is just… not true.

I have social anxiety really bad, maybe that’s why when I play Delves I’m like super good but when I’m in a group I die to dumb mechanics that I otherwise wouldn’t because hell is other people for me… delves are great, without them I probably wouldn’t subscribe to the expansion and they wouldn’t have my moneys.

I liked the mechanics in Cata. The beam boss was so much fun with people rage quitting because they couldn’t understand the mechanics.

And people dying because they didn’t understand that you needed to kill the adds on the last boss in Grim.

And the VERY FIRST boss that had that Chain grab whack mechanic that instagibbed you if you didn’t run away? That was hilarious.

Oh, and I like Delves. Because they require you to be careful and take your time. Not just run in and gather up the entire delve and whack them. I’ve done up to 8s and I’ll do 11s when I get geared. Until then, I’ll keep going slow and steady and learning the mechanics.

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Yeah it would be horrible content if mobs were all trivial and not threatening.

And I say that as somebody who is unskilled trash and is bad at video games. Seriously, I am. If I can do these - YOU CAN TOO.

You’re the best around, no delve is gonna get you down!

well I tried to be nice. Maybe you do need to just ‘get gud’ but hopefully somebody can teach you how to do that. I mean I don’t believe in bullying people, but if you are trying these on a Rogue it is one of the more complicated specs to play.

I admit when I first heard Delves come out I wanted to be a Hunter or Warlock to complete them more easily because I am not very skilled. I wouldn’t make things harder on myself and try to main a class that’s already difficult with endgame content. Rogues are a lot more complicated and harder to play than so many other classes, if you can’t make one work- it’s not the end of the world.

I’m not having any issues. Never said I was. I just know some classes/specs are having harder/easier times in them.

No they aren’t, you just want to faceroll a T8 for Heroic level gear

If you have a problem with this, you are playing the wrong class. Try BM hunter.

Sounds like a skissue to me. Did all my 8s solo. Wasn’t overly difficult.

this just in: content that drops champion track gear should be hard. News at 11.

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It actually goes up to hero with bounty, and I think the vault is also hero track?

At the appropriate ilvl for the difficulty, isn’t too bad.

But I’m pushing my luck with a T6

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

What? Now that’s a funny one :popcorn: keep entertaining me please