It's Official: Delves are too hard

Another mechanic designed to help casual players gear has been ruined and reworked to cater to the elite 10,000 APM button mashing mythic raiders :roll_eyes:

There hasn’t been a screw up this bad since Blizz made Cata heroics unpuggable and totally unfun with too many mechanics.


If they were any easier they’d be a flop.


The ones I’ve done so far have been extremely easy.


Did we do the same content? They are some of the easiest content even if you undergear it.


What are you having difficulty with in them? The ones that I have done haven’t been overly difficult.


I really hope this is bait, because delves are so easy right now, especially at tier 3 lol.


It’s gotta be Clickbait because cataclysm just caught a stray


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Do they all have goofy mechanics and no combat?

Only done 3 I think Delves, think I can go into a rank 4 next time, and I only found annoyances rather than anything hard. The mushroom jumping, leaving Brann behind all the time, the bomb spores with their fast respawns and homing in.

Sure, BM hunter, pocket tank and healer (mend pet). Oh, and our buddy an extra pocket healer, I haven’t tried him in dps mode yet. With crap gear too. The questing gear has mostly been upgrades.

They all have some interesting “mechanics” Tomb Raider / Indiana Jones exploring, with frequent combat. I have tried to find all the chests and stuff for items and Brann experience.

Every single delve so far has been extremely easy, they BETTER get hard at higher tiers or else what’s the point? You wanted FREE GEAR? Well I want GAMEPLAY.


They are a pretty boring slog compared to torghast.

With delves, they got rid of the two things people didnt like

  • the timer
  • the “forced” participation for legendaries

But then they got rid of all the fun crazy powerups

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Do the tier you’re comfortable with. Push higher when you’re comfortable and get more power. You don’t need to be on the blade’s edge.

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I thought this was another thread complaining about high tiers, but this is a post from the first week of the expansion when we only had up to tier 3 available. I think those were only hard for the folks who were doing them at level 80 still in mostly S4 DF gear.

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I don’t think you know what “official” means.

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I have been messing around with the low Tiers.

My BM hunter has had a much easier time than this Feral Druid… and it has a much lower gear level.

I haven’t done a lot of them on either character but the class/spec variance is pretty high.

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I never did Torgast, so I can’t make a comparison. But I would really rather that they not make crazy powerups, as I would rather lean into my class/spec than depend on something that is not part of it.

Speak for yourself I greatly miss 0 CD blink and an army of mirror images all casting at 100% power while I nightcrawler around the building!

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lol…Brann went down like 5 times in the delve I just did. I was ok but for whatever reason his health was gone a few times.

it was boring, drab crap. Nothing like WoW dungeons at all.
If hell it is a real place, Toreghast is worse.
Evil people will spend all eternity being punished in a never ending Torghast tier. lol

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