It's Official: Delves are too hard

No it doesn’t.

On a group you have support. We ran with three dps and two healers last night. Most content in a group is going to be easier.

ALSO NPCS cast at the same rate solo vs 4 man.

You can only run delves in a group of 4 or less, GJ lying to lie for lying sake.

You asked for it.

Hard to be carried when I’m in the top 5 every boss.

I did them as survival because it has the best aoe burst.

Pets have also been bugged since launch and aren’t able to hold aggro and die in two hits.

So yeah not really sure you know what you’re talking about.

Wrong. You can run in them up to a group of 5.

Literally says “you and 4 friends” on the website.

Oh I know pets are being wonky this expansion. But sure tell me what I know and don’t know lol. This is funny.

This is not what the playerbase thinks. Majority think its too easy and already requesting difficulty buffs to all delve tiers to make the rewards more fair.

If each delve tier increased mob hp/dmg and density by 65% it would be very close to balanced for what drops.

I log in, post up, invite 3 random people out of LFG (don’t care what their XP is, just their ilvl) and then proceed to do heroic dungeon levels of healing while we all casually progress through a 10 minute instance and collect normal raid level loot (with heroic raid level loot in the vault) provided I have coffer keys.

I rolled my first toon in BC, and I’m telling you that end game content has never been easier/faster than this.

AND for the ‘I’m a good player, I just hate LFG’ types, they have content to keep them busy the rest of the season that will reward them like never before.

You’re right, I’m glad you can read things and see them for what they are.

Thank you for being baited into knowing something.

Solo delves are HARDER than DUO delves. This is not up for debate, ANYONE that has done both KNOWS this for a FACT. You pretending to read otherwise is you being DISINGENUOUS at best.

I dare you to try a delve solo, then try THE SAME DELVE in a group of 2, and tell me ITS THE SAME. You are an absolute !%N!KFNQEFK if you claim otherwise. Eat my ASNFKANSFI@!HF(!JHFI!N FKNADSFIKAN(#@. Thanks.

Just a FYI but you can invite 4 people and Bran will still be there helping the group even though he won’t appear in party frames anymore.

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Is it really 5 man? That’s hysterical. Lol

yup, you can do a full 5 man party. Guess you could even call it 6 man if you include Bran lol


Solo delves aren’t hard either.

It sounds like a personal issue. I’m sorry you’re not as good as you think you are.

Your reading comprehension is awful. I already stated solo delves are harder than group ones.

The difference is solo delves aren’t hard either.

Delves are not too hard - though they are way too easy in groups both in comparison to solo and for the rewards they provide (as in free raid level loot / heroic vault for very little effort and risk).

Also, I loved the Cata heroics and their mechanics (nothing like watching every tank in every LFD I healed die to the rock boss in Stonecore because movingt out of the bad was too hard), though at launch they were rough given all the nerfs to healers and the changes in design around making trash matter.

All I know is I just tried running a Tier 6 Solo with ilvl 585 and I cleared everything except the final boss in Earthcrawl Mines. Boss was hitting like a truck and I never got hit by the mine cart or the web clear AOE this was just Curse of Agony and Runic Shackles both hitting for 1/10th of my health per tick and seems to have a cast duration of 5 sec. Then there is no healing through it because too much damage coming in for a rogue in leather to handle. It isnt tuned for everyone and I feel the entrance should do some sort of check for your character type. It shouldnt be easy…but it shouldnt kill you 1min into each encounter with the final boss especially if you are over the recommended ilvl. I could accept the failure if it was my fault for standing in fire or whatever but this is solo to a point content for some classes.

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too hard? more like annoying to do than hard

Wait, this topic was posted 2 weeks ago, before we even had the higher difficulties…lmao?

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Check to see if you’re using his ability that drains his health in exchage for damage, i stopped using that and he hasnt died since.

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You do know the reason most raiders are 5 maning delves is because they drop 610 gear at T8+ and with a 5 man group you can do all 4 bountiful delves within 1-1 1/2 hours. Thats potentially 20 610 pieces for for day 1 raid. The 5 manning is to down them fast and to have a couple of rezzers so you can finish with 5/5 lives for the guaranteed 610. Yes you could do them solo is very possiblethey are not that hard, but when you only have 2 hours to do anything before your raid go hard for the next 3? Yeah get a group down all 4 quick get your gear boom your raid team just got a slight edge for your raid night.

That boss fight might be overtuned to be fair. We did it on T8 and i got hit by a stray spell and it did something like 4.3 million damage in 1 hit im a restro druid i have like 3.6 million life even with barkskin and maybe ironbark i dont think id have survived that hit.