It's Official: Delves are too hard

Hes just an idiot probably being carried by his friends while they hit a blunt on Discord, ignore the brain dead takes this kid posts.

Wow man that’s really mean

In this thread,
people did delves in groups and were like WOW WHAT A JOKE.
people did delved solo and went WHY AM I BEING 1 SHOT WHAT IS THIS.

Blizzard can’t do math, they would acknowledge this for at least 2 tiers, suck it.


So is telling someone to get good

There’s nothing to see.

Solo players wanted hard solo content and they got it. Now they are complaining it’s too hard. What pov am I missing?

If you want to be disrespectful don’t cry when it sent back to you.

It’s actually neither. If you can’t complete the content maybe self reflect and fix your personal play instead of demanding the game dumb the hard content down so you can compete it.

I mean wowhead just put out a post, saying they are much harder solo. Groups are doing it easily. Its not about get good when the scaling is off.


And he giga quotes, the cringe holy hell.

It was posted on X. I don’t have an account so I can’t link it but my guildies were talking about it.

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Has a guild, plays on the regular with friends. I see why you cant see it. Not everyone has people or maybe wants people to play with chief.

The scaling is literally broken, theres no self reflection its broken content.


Yeah I like to respond to each of your terrible takes.

Just like

I mean I can show you logs where I’m not being carried if you want to continue to push this ignorance.

I did mine solo and didn’t have an issue. Where’s my paragraph?

Have you tried in a group? Not having an issue vs faceroll…

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Show me the logs, you are bad. Prove to me, post the link I wanna see.

It being harder as solo doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Or the scaling is off.

Yes doing something solo is going to be slightly harder than in a group. Doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Solo players literally asked for this.




Lmfao he posts the log bro im dead.

Holy hell this kid is something else.

Never said they didn’t…weird. You are also playing the easiest class in the game with a pet to take damage for you. So ya its easier for you to solo lol.

Dude, the game, even at the highest level of content is DESIGNED around people who click on their moves still, you can literally do the highest level content Clicking your moves and moving with your keyboard.

This sounds like a you problem.

Every scaling problem can be fixed with; Mo’ gear. (Tip: If you’re have trouble with a boss get higher item level. If you’re having trouble doing damage, get out of green gear!)

You can literally make a character and only choose higher item level you don’t even have to look at stats and your character will be baseline optimized to do most content at an average level.

No, lies, lying to lie.

The scaling might be off but delves being harder solo is not a scaling issue. If delves are harder in a group it means that Bran is playing better than players which would either be a referendum on this player base or because Bran is doing more damage/healing than possible by any player. Solo will always be harder because NPCs aren’t as good as players.