It's Official: Delves are too hard

Was advertised as truly solo content, finally for that 9 to 5 hard working adult with kids. All bull even the sweaty try hards at 600 ilvl are 5 manning. The solo is harder than anything with content creators even confirming you take three times the damage when you are alone. Just another L, this expansion is making me want to stop playing very quickly.

Really? :astonished:
I thought me and my voidwalker were getting trucked because i was doing 7/8 lol

Also wowhead says:

The health scaling on group Delves has mobs scale much slower than a 1:1 scale of Solo Delves. On a Tier 8, Fungal Gutter has 11.6M health solo, and 20.8M health in a group (with 4 DPS and 1 healer). That’s less than double!

You have 4 times the amount of damage in your group, and a healer, and the mob has less than double the health of a solo players. If you’ve seen numerous reports about how much easier things are in a group and how “faceroll” they are, this is one of the biggest reasons for it.

Like what kind of nonsense is this, Blizz?

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Solo players asked for this.

Cata heroics were easily pugged.

Like I have been saying. Solo players aren’t as good as they think they are.

Its not balanced dude, the scaling is completely broken for people who are trying to do it alone. Why do you think Echo and Method players are 5 manning ? Cus its faster ? No.


I dont think I’m good at all but I also know scaling is scuffed when mobs hit me harder in solo than they do when I’m in a group with a friend.

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I completed lvl 8 with 580 gear. You just need to take your time and do the mechanics.

Also, the original Cata dungeons was the high watermark of dungeons. They were tons of fun, mechanics mattered. I pugged tons of them.

I just don’t agree with your perspective. I’m very casual. This content feels fun and challenging but not impossible.

Bliz finally got something right.

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Literally have soloed the delves.

Sounds like a l2p issue.

That’s exactly the reason. It’s the same reasons we have been doing them in groups.

I do not know, follow or care what those players do

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Citation? Because that’s not really how scaling works.

You also have to factor in their bran compared to yours.

But I have Nemesis and I’m a Tower Ranger :frowning:

Neither do I but supposedly they are “the elite” if so why are they not soloing?

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Wow is a low apm game and what does apm have to do with anything lol

Because for most mythic focused players delves are trivial content. They are doing them in groups to get multiple alts geared for multiple splits.

It’s all about being fast and efficient.

That does sound fun (and +1 for the Nightcrawler reference).

I am just worried that my success rate would become too RNG-based on what crazy powerup I get, rather than my actual character abilities.

I went through a mild case of this in MoP Remix, where once you reached a certain point, your class really didn’t matter. There wasn’t a lot of RNG there but there were variable crazy power choices. It was fun for a brief grind but I would not want to spend an expansion there.

Your toxicity and L takes is the reason this game is dying, go back to ruining League.

L2P and get gud got old in 2014 bro, grow up.

Actually according to Warcraft logs the game is at an all time high having more traffic than wrath did.

Try seeing something from someone elses PoV and stop being a stage 4 cancer feral nerd on the internet.

The if I can do it you can too thing is selfish and narcissistic, everyone moves at different speeds.

WYM they’re too hard? Your gear is just really bad. Go get some rep items, do some WQs, and upgrade what you can.

It’s a progression system and 8 is the cap for this season. If you can’t get there on day 1, get better and try again. Gear will make it easier.

If you find a level you’re stuck at, complete the one below it and use your keys for gear.

It sounds like what you want is just free gear. Why? What does that provide for you?

Really? Man that’s insane if true I wonder when they’re releasing the announcement about this.