Its not too late to give Ret Mortal Strike

What do you mean? Yes they do. FV is 20 yards with jurisdiction. I have beta…

You forgot BoJ.

This is getting buffed or something? I saw a thread about hybrid heals getting a buff.

I dunno what they are thinking, but we don’t need an ms.

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even hunters and warriors heal more than paladins and it is no longer viable to just hit from distance like in df since you crusading strikes/templar strikes are melee

I don’t mind being melee again but a hybrid class with less self healing than the rest is outrageous, I enjoyed playing paladin because I would help my team with strong utility cds and healing, even as dps

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What distance? In df the range for that was 8 yards.

Do you mean fv/boj being 20 yards? Yeah that is an issue and will be one until blizz gets a fix to get rid of that band-aid.

Hybrid heals is getting buffed i thinks.


10 char

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From ; Healing Updates in The War Within

Well when is this changing cuz in beta our self heals are pathetic

I’d ask blizz lol. But also tuning is not 100% done yet either.

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You either dont play ret or you are just trolling.

The fact that you mentioned “offheals” and the plethora of cds that can be removed with a single button tells me you are probably trolling.

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It’s a shame they made herald of the sun hero tree terrible for ret. I was looking forward to having an off heal dps option. There’s still time for blizz not to force rets into the templar tree though.

As for MS, we’ll have to see how burst damage works out in the release build for TWW because currently ret does too much damage to add MS on top of it. Now here comes the rets complaining they can’t 100-0 people in their burst window, when realistically all they need to do is 50-0 someone on a good switch :roll_eyes:

Agreed, our damage is good currently on the PTR the onky issue is thats all it is, damage. People have the ability to make things harder because of MS, if im swapping to a healer, i may do damage but it all get healed back with ease because lack of MS, id happily give uo some of our damage to get access to MS. Doung so would allow us to have more comps to play in Arena

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No I’m not trolling…

Ret has a ton of utility, we don’t need MS. What we need is our healing tuned to not be pathetic.

MS doesn’t fit our fantasy and you can just roll with a partner with MS.

Don’t blame lack of MS for your short comings

We are talking pvp, fantasy has long long left the building buddy unless you tell me feral having ms is their fantasy? Because anyone can create a talent and name it acorsdingly to fit a class.

You are trolling because you mentioned offhelas when they literally do nothing, when all blessings barring sacrifice can and will be dispelled, stolen purged and our huge op immunities literally disappear in one gcd.


Some specs have more CC than Ret that does not break on damage, and Disarm, and instant mobility, and MS. Thats why in pvp Rets feel a bit handicapped.

Because Ret healing is pathetic, it is not worth mentioning unless asking for Ret healing to be buffed.

Having a hybrid that does nearly no off healing in pvp, is not a good reason to say it doesnt need a skill most melee have.

Heals are a tuning issue…

If you okay right and coordinate with your mates then your stuff isn’t gonna be dispelled within a second after it’s cast…

Again, just roll with an MS partner and play better

Most melee also don’t have a perpetual 20 yard range…

Ret doesn’t need MS…

Fighting at 20yd js asking to lose and you know that. Holy power generation goes down the drain and once your shield pops and with 10% dp you will die. Plus you need to be closer to actually land hoj sanc sac and all your stuff


Fighting at 20 yards feels amazing… It’s something no other melee else has.

Holy power generation is still decent at range. Stop lying.

You realize you also have two team members to rotate CDs with right?

Maybe you just don’t like paladin and be happier with something else. You want MS so bad then go roll arms or something.

We have too much MS in the game, we don’t need more.

We need less if you ask me, just war and rogues, maybe hunters. The OGs essentially

Yes in my perfect world ms is heavily nerfed and with very few specs. Its also something with a cd. But we dont live in my perfect world, and as it stands now ret has nothing that justifies it having no ms. Not in 2024.

Fighting at 20yds change literally nothing. Mages locks evokers will co tinue to outrange you with a single blink or port and you will chase them just the same. Most melees will connect to you just fine too. Its purely qol over being reta win condition.

Holy power generation goes down because no csaa/ts and no art of war resets. Do you even play the spec

I like the range attacks, but said range is in no way replacement or enough compensation for having no ms.

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