Its not too late to give Ret Mortal Strike

Heyyyyyy devs, we still have time… ima need yall to add MS to my toolkit thankssss booo


Agreed :+1: it is overdue


Very, im grtting of tired of getting into a SS and the o ly reason why im losing is becsuse my ither DPS is a caster withought MS so the other team wins because they typically do.
Plus id like to Zug Zug healers

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No, there’s enough classes with MS, rather get something else

At this point there is zero reason why ret and enhance have no ms yet arms fury unh , all rogue specs, monk, dh, feral have ms

Its literally gatekeeping.


Exactly, its one of those things that there is literally no reason as to why we dont have it. We have been expressing for years that we would willingly sacrifice our damage for MS. In TWW our damage isnt as good as it was but one can pray.

All the specs i mentioned didnt sacrifice anything to get ms. They just got it for free and tbey hit hardsr than ret on live and beta

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We have a ton of utility that those classes don’t…

We do not need an MS…

Just play with a partner with an MS.

As for RSS, the random nature is how it is so yeah

What utility do we have that ither classes dont have, or some form of?

Double freedom? BoP, spell BoP? Bubble with no draw back, 6 sec stun, aoe blind, off heals, perpetual 20 yard melee range, sacrifice,freaking sanctuary???

Just off the top of my head.

What makes you think we need MS on top of all that???


Bop only affects rogue, every other class has a instant way to remove it.
Spell bop is good, rarely dispelled but can be dispelled by non melee classes (which doesnt sffect melee)
2 classes can remove bubble, and the drawback is a 30sec debuff not allowing us to use our ither BIG 5 min cooldowns. Mages have IB which also heals them, 2 in frost.
Offheals? Besides LoH, WoG and Flash are agreed upon to be the biggest waste of a GCD and are not effective in PVP. And yes, other classes have off heals, lock rocks, commanding shout, hell even dks can give AMS to party.
Sanc can be dispelled. Priest have MD, warriors have banner, dks have AMZ, Dh have darkness
All the classes above have MS, and thats not even going into detail.
People always use bubble as some excuse as to why paladins dont deserves ABC and its an outdated talking point.

I do not think paladins needs an MS. Paladins as a class fantasy is not one for making things suffer to death. They would prefer a quick clean kill.

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All you’re doing is listing, there tons of counter play that skilled rets can do to make the most of our tool kit…

An MS is overkill and doesn’t fit out class fantasy.

Honestly, just get rid of MS entirely, it has no real function in pve and just oppresses healers in pvp on top of busted burst and a millions ccs

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Your response has no validity, if you put someone equally skilled vs a ret, based off class design, loses the majority of the time.
Youre just arguing to be a contrarian.

Not if the ret has a partner with MS…

not anymore in the beta :joy:

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What do you mean? Yes they do. FV is 20 yards with jurisdiction. I have beta…

You forgot BoJ.

This is getting buffed or something? I saw a thread about hybrid heals getting a buff.

I dunno what they are thinking, but we don’t need an ms.

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even hunters and warriors heal more than paladins and it is no longer viable to just hit from distance like in df since you crusading strikes/templar strikes are melee

I don’t mind being melee again but a hybrid class with less self healing than the rest is outrageous, I enjoyed playing paladin because I would help my team with strong utility cds and healing, even as dps

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What distance? In df the range for that was 8 yards.

Do you mean fv/boj being 20 yards? Yeah that is an issue and will be one until blizz gets a fix to get rid of that band-aid.

Hybrid heals is getting buffed i thinks.