Its not too late to give Ret Mortal Strike

The major tuning pass hasn’t happened yet. Shamans just got a major revamp

Don’t trust any numbers you see now

What has and will affect my spec choice is experience on live. If a spec kills me so easily while I’m CC locked that I had no way to defend myself, I will then do that to people playing that spec. Thats it. Of course, Blizzard’s going to do whatever tuning they’re going to do, before TWW is live and after, I will adapt, on different specs. It’s just frustrating that the spec that I want to play isn’t allowed to be good for more than three days.

Then you need better healer partners and rotate your CDs better.

I dont rotate CDs, one CD gets cast, one of the many specs that can dispell do, I have Forbearance so CDs that are off CD cant be used, then I’m in the graveyard.

DP and SoV can’t be dispelled and bubble only by two classes.

You or ur mates can easily shut down a war or priest after u bubble.

And by rotate I means yours and ur mates…

If u can’t live for 30 sec between forbearance abilities then your team played bad

Ret doesn’t need MS.

Ret need better heals which blizz confirmed they will do to all hybrids.

End of story

As one of the 4 remaining holy paladins, y’all can keep complaining about ret, but holy needs some better mobility

Give me a portal/leap or give me death
Jk I’m already dead from lack of hps


“End of Story” Oh, thank you. I’m so glad you decided what reality is.

Fact is you can (I have) die with SV removed in 2 GCDs while DP is active. SV and the pvp nerfed DP are weak AF and Ret without massive cool down defensives active is made of paper. I cut down Rets as MM fast, It is probably in no small part due to the armor nerfs that plate wearers got.

Could a healer save me from dying in 5 seconds so I might live the 30seconds of forbearance (28 seconds vulnerable)? Yeah, but they might have been abducted by a Blood DK or otherwise occupied. Ret has gotten less durable every time the Devs look at it since 10.0.7.

I feel like you’re talking about 3’s and I’m talking about Blitz or Random Battlegrounds.

No major tuning? Pre expansion patch comes next tuesday…
Divine protection remains 10% wall a week from the first major release of TWW, and you’re banking on blizzards word to buff “hybrid healing” when they havent done nothing but nerf it since the rework is just amazing.

Ap healing has been TRASH since the hp boost back in s4 shadowlands and from them its just gone down and down while the other specs with %based healing keep its healing power throught the expansion.
Inb4 the “tunning pass”

flash of light healing increased by 5%
word of glory healing increased by 8%

There you go

Well yeah…

Bgs are a different monster.

Which again ret doesn’t need MS, just bring other people who got it.

Ret needs something unique for bgs

What that is idk. Perhaps some sort of support like abilities?

Tuning passes beyond pre patch as beta is still going

But yeah I agree % based heals are a problem, which they directly addressed in that post I referenced

If my teams Warrior or DH if we have one is the only strong MS we happen to have doesn’t follow our healer, Ill likely stick with the healer and just not have strong MS applied to anything near me if playing Ret. I dont feel durable to go off and do my own thing and I dont have invisibility like on my Hunter if I play Ret.

Then that’s them not playing as they should…

If they’re not staying with the heals…

And honestly as ret it’s every easy to blow someone up with wings in bgs unless they have a healer with them and you’re by yourself. Which frankly even with MS you’re not gonna kill them, nor should you be able to.

A melee that fights at a range is no longer a melee.

It’s amazing that blizz had not fixed it yet.

Also i agree we do not need an ms

Well that’s cuz they don’t wanna give us a leap, so it is what it is. Just gonna enjoy it for what it is. Just like surv and unholy

Still have to be at melee though with the new templar strikes in beta, which hits even harder than FV, even before the dot.

But here’s to eventually getting wings of liberty and a reliable slow

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We have 2 slows no?

They not reliable?

And they’re not going to because YOU don’t make the rules.


30%, not really.

Chains of ice, ranged 50% spammable, now that’s a real slow.

Or passive rogue slow, chef’s kiss.

If they’re gonna remove jurisdiction they need to give us proper tools. That includes consistent and powerful slows and a gap closer.

Just don’t see it happening unless they change their design philosophy for paladin

He may have meant that our slows are not effective. When some specs put a slow on you , you notice. When a paladin casts a slow do you do not notice. But just to clarify is there someone here that thinks Ret needs NONE of the following?:
More powerful slow
Instant mobility

Neither do you. Keep it up. Harrassment is against the forum tos.

I mean we can talent into judgement and consecration to snare foes, it’s not chsins good, but it works.

We do need this, and the payment for it is 10 yard FoV and BoJ.

Not good enough without our 20 yards when you compare it to modern design of other melee.

Unholy has great snares and their ranged pressure is crazy.

We need a stronger slow if we go leap route. And steed AT LEAST removing active snares of not granting immunity