Its not that people made a bad choice of a pvp server

When and where have faction specific queues been tried. Certainly not in WoW. The queues are because of server populations and have nothing to do with faction imbalances. Why do you keep conflating the two.

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Cool, so fix the in-game problem by making an out-of-game fix like skewing the queues. And given the population difference, an Alliance going from a 60 minute queue to a 30 minute queue would make the Horde have a 70 minute queue for 3 players instead of a 60 minute one.

You jumped on a band wagon, and didnt like the place it went after you got on it.

Not our problem.

Nor is it blizzards problem to cater to your wants.

It is blizzards problem to cater to their customers if they canā€™t even use the service they pay for. (I mean not being able to leave friendly territory due to a vast difference in population numbers. )

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Faction locked character creation backed up by majority faction queues were tried extensively in PSes for almost a decade and worked very, very well for preventing this very situation we are are experiencing now from occurring, while preserving the spirit of a pvp server.


This is an EXCELLENT story.

Being bullied by two night elf rogues, man. That really draws parallels when youā€™re talking in terms of literal raids of people killing people 15 levels lower than them for days on end. You poor thing.

ā€œOver an hour laterā€. Hoo buoy, thatā€™s good stuff. Yeah, thatā€™s the kind of PvP MOST OF US expect on a PvP server, not being farmed by raids of neckbeards for weeks because weā€™re worth a currency and they have nothing better to do because they have to trickle Classic in a ā€œrelease scheduleā€ just to keep people playing longer like literally everything else neo-Blizzard does.

What are PSes?

not apples and oranges. you tried to equate one thing to another. i corrected your error.

get your friends to reroll with you.

thats a you problem then. it was widely predicted that pvp servers would be heavily horde populated from the time classic was announced up until launch. and gasp, guess what happened?

how do you fix this? without layering. without server merges. without any of that cross realm or sharding crap? go ahead.

you chose to ignore the warnings that said it would be bad. you ignored the various free offers to move to another server.

iā€™d be all for faction specific queues. at least its not cross realm, layering, sharding, or server merges.

I mean, Sunder does have a pointā€¦ I canā€™t even level past 20 now. I definitely expected pvp, I expected and joined knowing Iā€™d be ganked. However, I didnā€™t expect to not even be able to walk 5 feet into a zone without getting ran over by a blue train. People are not exaggerating when they say they cannot level, nor barely play due to this. I know the alliance feel the same way on servers where they are the minority too.

Not in this instance. Population balance has always been left to the players, and the servers themselves.

its not blizzards place, nor is it their perview to just switch thing around willy-nilly because yā€™all dont like that you rolled on a PvP server.

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Not true, BfA had free faction specific transfers bc it was really bad. 30 sec of research isnā€™t hard, man.

BFA was just really, really, bad in general.

Removing all class barriers and normalization is what killed the game, there was no reason to NOT roll horde at that point because they had better racials. For everything.

Retail is trash and we all know it.

thats why we play here.

Catering to the lowest common denominator is what gave us retail.

Alliance tears sustain me.

continue please.

Bro. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying.

That approach did not work out. It had 15 years to be tried. It has failed. It IS failure. It IS the wrong approach.

That approach is why there are no longer pvp servers in retail.

And yes it IS their place to regulate it. You wanna play any other pvp game where itā€™s 60v20? You think CoD or Battlefield would work out that way? You want team starcraft matches where youā€™re 2v2 and you have to play against 3v3 or 4v4 or 5v5?

You wanna tell Epic or any other pvp game company that they should NOT keep team sizes in parity? If you do, what is wrong with you?

Why do you guys NOT get this?

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Yes itā€™s bad, thatā€™s not the point. You said

Not in this instance. Population balance has always been left to the players, and the servers themselves.

Which is what I was replying to.

Well blizzard should have made public realm population and faction balance numbers when the whole world was creating characters, if everyone was made aware most servers were horde heavy alot of people would have probably rolled alliance to have more balanced serverā€¦

With that being said and that is in the pastā€¦ blizzard should allow free character faction change on same server from higher populated factions to lower populated factions available to people who would like to help balance their servers out

Those arent open-world things.

There are designated 10v10 etc etc. They just arent out yet. Team matches will happen. RN people are just trying to get their phase 2 BIS and get a jump on ranking.

Well blizzard should have made public realm population and faction balance numbers when the whole world was creating characters, if everyone was made aware most servers were horde heavy alot of people would have probably rolled alliance to have more balanced serverā€¦

I agree, blizzard would go far and definitely would improve if they would finally just use some common sense for once.

I will add that FFXIV, the other MMO on the market these days, declares realms full and does not allow creation or transfers on them. Granted, they donā€™t have factions, but people like to say ā€œlol players decide the populationā€ is just giving Blizzard a lazy way out when they should be monitoring things to make as many players happy as they can. It is clear from these forums that players on both factions on several PvP realms are not happy with their game quality.

If a faction on a server gets so many players, they should not allow creation or transfers to it until the other one evens out. Itā€™s not rocket science.

And in retail - there was no reason to NOT roll horde, because of normalization. Which made their ā€œfaction balancingā€ a thing that they felt they needed to do.

Reroll on Blameux - if youā€™re interested in ā€œfair faction balanceā€ that seems to be the most equal server. Or, take a break if you feel you cannot re-roll. Battlegrounds will be out soon and there will be less deathsquads roaming around cuz theyā€™ll all be in BGā€™s

Dude youā€™re playing on horde. You can stay in the barrens til 30 and donā€™t even have to enter a contested zone to get there. Then after that you can farm SM til 45, again, without being contested.