Its not that people made a bad choice of a pvp server

Yeah, I really don’t understand why anyone finds being ganked/attacked, when you’re just trying to Fish, fun, on any level.

this is so wrong it hurts. there was servers back then heavily favored towards one side or the other.

if they try to fix it they lose subs, if they don’t fix it they lose subs.

YOU CHOSE THIS YOURSELF. why does blizzard need to fix it? you chose this yourself.
you chose a high pop server.
you chose to stay despite knowing it was heavily dominated with horde.
you made your choice, and now you want blizzard to fix it for you.
too bad i say, you made your bed and you don’t want to sleep in it.

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Because LOOK what them NOT doing it has done to retail?

Why do you think there are no pvp servers on retail? Cross realm everything was implemented, pvp servers removed from the game? Dead zones filled with NPCs to make them look not-dead?

NOT doing anything about this has helped to warp and pervert the game into what it is now.

I should think 15 years of failure is enough to prompt a phiolosophy change?

I didn’t choose to be outnumbered 3-4 to 1 on every PvP server that isn’t Heartseeker.

lol I’m on heartseeker… Alliance have taken over Org and they have kinda… moved in.

Right. So you understand the problem. It should be fixed for you and your horde on your server too.

Now understand, on every other pvp server, we are in your shoes. It needs to be fixed for everyone and it would be SO easy.

Ok. If the faction imbalances are much worse than 60-40, say 80-20, the not letting players onto a server to bring the balance closer to 50-50 would mean many players wouldn’t get to play when they want to. That would infuriate paying customers. And if Blizzard did gate players as you describe what keeps groups of players from harassing players of the other faction. There’s no obligation to help other players on a PVP server.

Why doesn’t blizzard just merge the high alliance - low horde and the low alliance - high horde servers together? Instead of bothering with server transfers, which just made a lot of the servers worse.

you mean where everyone who is hardcore is horde? yeah i know it sucks.

because people like you complained about pvp on a pvp server. that is exactly why there is no pvp servers. cross realm was implemented because of dieing populations.

false. bleeding subs in retail due to a variety of issues is what caused that. the problem with classic is people like you who didn’t care to take your free transfer you were offered, or reroll when advised too, or just unhappy because of YOUR CHOICES THAT YOU MADE and not liking the end result.

so what do they do? give me an answer that isn’t layering. keep in mind. this issue wasn’t caused by blizzard, it was caused by players. players like you.

you knew this was what pvp servers were going to be like. people were guessing this a year ago. pve servers would be alliance favored, and pvp servers horde favored.
yet you chose pvp server anyway.
yet you chose a high pop server anyway.
yet when advised by blizzard that your server was going to have issues, you chose to remain. zero sympathy from me.

how? how do you fix it?

okay - explain how to do so.

because server merges are awful and force people to rename themselves, rebuild new communities and guilds, and heavily impact the economy?

IT IS ALREADY LIKE THIS except for 40ish % of the playerbase! Please think!

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I mean, they have to find some way to fix the mess they caused by the transfers.

Blizzard has never merged servers for the reasons previously described.

People are in server queues because the servers are over populated. That issue has nothing to do with faction imbalances.

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I don’t get to play when I want to and even not at all, so what’s your point? What Blizzard is doing (read: not doing anything) right now is infuriating paying customers. Faction specific queues have been tried and tested. Layering is a much more ideal solution to the garbage fire we have now.

And honestly, doing nothing is the worst of all - it’s a permanent death of the servers. Blizzard not doing anything means more Alliance quit, which means Horde will have longer and longer BG queues.

I have a wonderful meme for you. but I cant post it because swear words.

Anyways. The dude riding the bike, who sticks a stick in his own wheel.

“jUst LeVEL atYOUroWN PacCEE”

-sticks stick in wheel himself-


is the gist of it.

You rolled on a PvP server.

People have been waiting for months about this.

You should have been absolutely expecting this to happen XD

Yeah well like mentioned before, the decisions they made severely hurt them down the line. A change of perspective and direction might be helpful for once.

And who cares about forced name changes when there’s not enough people remaining on a server to even make it playable for a faction?

would have been a mess even without transfers.

people being in queues isn’t a problem.

Thank you. I am so tired of saying things and it’s just shouting into the howling troll-wind.

Apples and oranges.

“You should be punished, not other people” is how this is read - either by abandoning your character and your friends, or by not playing on a server you want to play on.

I expected camp and ganks. I didn’t expect this one sided boring mess.

How do you know I knew? How do you know what other people thought? I’ve been here since they opened (and even before then) and I don’t recall people expecting 70/30 or 80/20 without Blizzard doing anything. Blizzard has the ability to fix this. You just don’t want them to, for whatever reason.

And again - I chose one of the original servers. How is that my fault?

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