Its not that people made a bad choice of a pvp server

Waiting 1-2 hours and then not being able to play because of sweaty nerds is bad. Waiting 1-2 hours and then getting to play isn’t.


So then the real question is… why don’t they?

Has anyone ever actually thought about or tried to answer this?

WHY doesn’t blizzard balance the servers?

I’m honestly curious. Their hands off policy has demonstrably never worked so… why don’t they change?

That policy led to the very end of pvp servers themselves.

Blizzard probably doesn’t balance servers because it would cause more trouble than its worth. A server is a constantly changing thing . Players come and go. A player may roll toons on both Faction and play different factions at different times. How often is Blizzard supposed to try figure out if a server is balanced? What is a balanced server? I assume you propose not letting players roll an over represented faction on an out of balance server. So players can’t play on the same server as their friends? Or on that server that people think is cool? And to what end? Server imbalance only means something when a handful of players out of thousands decide to hassle players in one area or more area I e they act like normal players on a PVP server.

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Petition blizzard to group up a pve server with a pvp server for now and that way you can right click your name and go to the pve server for a few hours. Once BGs come out they can get rid of it but it’s needed now - this isn’t pvp it is just mindless zerging by FOTM coward horde players.

Well for one, you can’t make a character on both factions in classic on pvp servers. So blizzard could have done way better.

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Are you sure it’s more trouble than it’s worth? Don’t you think blizzard has constantly updated metrics on the population and activity of every server population?

You know you’re talking about a billion dollar company right? That owns the servers.

Again, I ask you to look at the consequences of Blizzard’s decision, in retail. Look at what has become of the live game BECAUSE they did NOT do this.

Is it more trouble than it was worth?

IS it?

Edit: and a balanced server would be one with active players no more than 10% greater or lesser than the other faction, averaged by the median player level of both factions, multiplied by hours played per week. That’s really simple math, man.

Honestly, this is the only “real” solution. Faction-specific queues or re-introducing layering (outside of world boss areas) seem like the only other options.

Ok. I grant you I was in error about rolling both factions on a server. Factioned based queues are a terrible idea. Not letting some people play because there too many of there faction currently on will infuriate people, ya know monthly subscribers.

As far as somehow connecting servers so a player can easily switch from one to the other is probably something the game can’t do. The current fix for faction imbalance is to get rid of PVP servers entirely and use war mode. To maintain the purity of Classic I don’t see that happening.

How is that different or better than the current situation? How is alienating about 40% of the playerbase and causing many of them, including me, to cancel their subs, better than pissing off a few small groups of friends?

Do you think it is wiser to piss off some social groups, or an entire faction?

Of paying subscirbers, of which I and many MANY more no longer are?


You cannot make a character on the opposing faction on a PVP server. So unless they are paying for two accounts, they will have to pay for two subs.

And the balance could be addressed with current online population. If the server cap is 3000 players but the server has 15000 unique accounts with characters on it and its 70/30 balance. You end up with a 10000/5000 approx split, more than enough players to fill the 3000 cap with 1500/1500 or somewhere around there. And if there aren’t 1500 of one faction online, you cannot log in until more players log into the other faction, or keep it within 10-15% or so.

This will have other consequences though, like raid day. If you can’t log in to get to your raid because there isn’t enough opposite faction players to allow you to log in. This would allow one faction to lock out the other in protest. Or they just quit and basically kill the server, both not optimal options.

Basically they should have made a faction cap at character creation, but that is LOOOOOONG gone.

They could make a few fresh servers with a faction cap at character creation to see how it goes, cuz we all know half of the current servers are gonna die anyway. The only hope is BGs, but the real solution would be letting the underdog faction actually play the game some how, by making them a DK after 10 deaths to every player that has tagged them those 10 times, lower the honor degrade to 2-3 kills instead of 10.

How is that any different than infuriating the minority faction into not wanting to play at all? Then you have even more population issues and more Horde players upset that there’s no competition and they have a long PvP queue time and can’t rank.

As it stands right now, both Alliance and Horde wait 1-2 hours to get in game, but then Alliance can’t really do anything at all - they can spend upwards of an hour trying to get to one instance. If the Alliance only waited 30 minutes but the Horde waited 90-120 minutes, then it’d be more balanced - and it would remain skewed until the population was more evened out.

If a server is imbalanced 80-20. How many player would not be allowed in? A lot I’d say.

Btw, the queues are because of overpopulation not faction imbalance. Reroll somewhere else.

It’d give Alliance priority until the population was closer to 60/40 probably.

You’re not paying attention or reading anything nor are you doing the math. If you were, you’d know the answer to that.

What fraction of 80 is 20?

That’s your answer.

But a PS would never LET it get to 80/20.

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why should they fix faction imbalance? they haven’t tried for 15 years and even in vanilla it was imbalanced. and no, layering should not come back.

Bro you gotta quote the post you’re responding to when you say stuff like that. Who are you responding to?

I don’t know what the faction ratios are on PVP servers. If it’s 60-40 there is no problem. You make it sound like the imbalances are extreme. Aren’t they?

Vanilla wasn’t terribly well balanced, but it wasn’t as ridiculously one sided as it is now. Classic isn’t vanilla. It’s very clear.

Blizzard has to do something to fix this, or else they’re going to bleed subscriptions starting with Alliance players followed by Horde players.

They are much more extreme than that.

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Uh, are you sure you’re talking to me not the hunter?

I’ve been arguing this whole time the faction imbalance is the problem, and that there are very easy solutions, implemented years ago, to fix it.

Uh… yeah probably, the dude who was riding OP for no reason. Sorry for the confusion.