Its not that people made a bad choice of a pvp server

No, its most definitely because people that rolled on PVP servers should have rolled on PVE servers.

Getting rolled over by groups, being camped, these are well known conditions of a PVP servers.

Most snow flakes join PVP thinking it will be fun to kill everyone they see… until they realize that kill everyone you see thing also drives the opposing faction.

And even if factions were completely balanced. groups will still roll over smaller groups and solo players… and they will also camp and kill lower level players at the same frequency.

If you don’t like this. if you can’t cope and insist the problem is the people doing it and a lack of balance… then PVP ruleset is not for you.

Re-roll on PVE and spare the rest of us the constant whines.

Unless I am misreading his idea it sounds like it is based around character creation. We need some kind of login queue system that is faction based. The reason I do not propose one is because there is always a work around unless you force log out players as the balance changes. There is not a good fix for this and it was player created unfortunately. War Mode would work but that would be a change from Classic and no idea of the impact it would have on the community. For the Alliance it would obviously be welcomed but for the Horde it would likely destroy their fun. Is that any worse though than what we have now where the Alliance fun is completely destroyed?

I feel since this is a player created problem it really needs to be a player created solution. That solution will likely come in the form of players just rerolling on other servers OR quitting which will condemn the PvP on PvP servers. BGs won’t even fix the issue as the queue times for Horde will be atrocious.

Sounds exactly like a PvE server is your solution.

and sounds exactly like playing Horde right now

Worked for me. I’m much happier.

Nah, this is all down to the choice that people made.
If you rolled on a PvP server then came to the forums to complain that PvP happened, you absolutely made the wrong choice and there is NOTHING and NO ONE to blame but yourself.

100% Wrong ^

On Deviate Delight we had NO choice Blizzard was going to allow free transfers to our server or how alliance would flood it. Your opinion is trash.

What does that have to do with complaining about PvP on a PvP server? Your comment is trash.

From the Sticky.
They CAN release BG’s without VENDORS but REFUSE.

Well no, he said “play on pve server” and he is right.

sorry i made this post when i was really tired last night.

either way population issue being either density or ratio of players per faction , something needs to happen to take the pressure off for some players and that is not just rerolling on a pve server.

Do you seriously think EVERYONE doesn’t know about the problems you perceive on PVP servers? You think the problem is there are too many players in one faction and they gang up on the players in the other faction. It’s quite simple ya know. This sudden increase in PVP activity is because of layering being eliminated and the honor kill system being added.

I imagine over time and with the addition of BGs it will all calm down. If it doesn’t, so what? How many thousands of players are there on your PVP server at any time? How many of that number are camping your flight masters? Do you figure if your server had a 50-50 faction balance, those groups of other faction players wouldn’t still be camping your flight masters? Do you think if you had a more even faction balance, your faction players would come running to your defense? These are real questions, by the way. What makes you think that faction imbalance is the problem? It really isn’t.


Nope. The issue is the content release. When I was playing in vanilla, at this point I wasn’t at 60 yet. Most were not.
3 months after the vanilla launch, most people had no idea how to do damn near ANYTHING in the game.
Now, three months into the classic launch, people have all BiS gear, farming MC, and so on. All dungeons are mapped wtih guides spelling out how to do everything.
If you wanted a guide on where to find any navy blue item in the game, someone out there knows.
Then, blizzard makes dumb moves like releasing honor without BGs. Of course people are rolling around in squads of 5 or more farming honor.

It absolutely amazes me that Blizzard, for every 1 good decision they make, they make 2 equally bad decisions.

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It went right over your head.

How did everyone not assume that every pvp server would be horde dominated?

How did everyone not assume that pvp servers would be a savage griefing zone.

I mean…come on.

because they weren’t savage grieving zones IN VANILLA.

It’s not just the population imbalance. It is the huge difference in total population that is creating the most issues for people I feel.

People are everywhere. Not just a couple of people in the less favorited zones, but whole swarms trying to compete for farm or resources.

You can’t help but stumble into a bunch of the opposite faction.

Because the Horde also wanted to roll on a pve server. Basically every single Horde that rolled on a dominant server, and wants even more Alliance to leave is a pve player that just wanted to be able to say they’re on a scary pvp server despite there being literally nothing to fear.


You see… the PvP server ruleset has no rules that prevent that.

If you need rules to prevent that, then you need to NOT play on a PvP server.

There really is nothing else to say.

However, I don’t see anything wrong with implementing some solution to balance factions. As long as it is an actual solution and doesn’t just change the problem into something else.

But can you think of a solution that would not just make it so some OTHER player can’t play? Or play with their friends?

If your solution means some OTHER player can’t play then might as well keep it like it is.

Reminds me honestly of private servers. When 15k people are online, the world was saturated, which made every inch of the map a pvp fight and gank fest.

I was so happy when classic was announced because I knew I would get legit PvE servers unlike the Private Server space that had next to zero populated PvE realms.

Now Im loving every second of the game on Pagle. Sorry for yall that never tested PServers to get a glimpse of what this would be like :woman_shrugging:

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