Its not that people made a bad choice of a pvp server

Lol be there in about 10 min

How am I playing dumb? I know exactly what he wants, Iā€™m just pointing out how ridiculous it is. He wants the freedom to attack other players at any time like a PvP server, but also the safety of not being attack until heā€™s ready (ā€œlet me farm shardsā€). He wants literally both. You canā€™t have both.

As far as i know Blizzard never said anything at all about population management. Big server pops and layers kind of prove they have no interest in population or faction management.

Sure you can. On a PVE server. He can flip his PVP flag whenever he wants.

I think a lot of people who rolled on PVP servers have forgotten this.

No they didnā€™t say anything about server management. Thatā€™s part of the problem. Thatā€™s one of the major things that weā€™ve decided in this thread is Blizzard has completely dropped the ball. No server caps, no faction caps, no giving a damn about the server populations at all or the people on them.

Just straight up give me your money now I need it. Iā€™ll give you a little tidbits. You donā€™t really want classic wow. Weā€™re going to give you shadowlands instead.

Works every time :+1:

Yes Igotyoursix. Not to many people here in orgā€¦ But it said full, lol.

No its that they made a bad choice, if you cant hack it you need to leave ā€¦Suck it up butter cup and re roll you will have a much better time, complaining on forums will change nothing.


Yea. Thats my pointā€¦ these low med high full are based on created names probably and not actually played charactersā€¦

Cause its always dead except for prime time raiding 530pm server time

Is the horde side the dominant faction on this server

So just like vanilla.
The only reason vanilla had pop caps was due to hardware limitations and those are gone now.

If those are gone why have a queue at all?

Yeah Iā€™m all for PvP and all the fun that comes with it, but the population ratio is atrocious. Private servers learned to combat this, why didnā€™t blizzard. There should have been faction specific queues and transfers right of the bat.

I tried rerolling on a PvE server, but itā€™s just not the same. Stakes are lower and nobody communicates, because you donā€™t have this additional pressure from the enemy faction. But itā€™s still better than the mess of an unbalanced PvP server.

At this point, I think Blizzard can add short faction specific queues and push some horde players to Heartseeker. Not everyone will go, but some will. Or might as well paid faction transfers, so people can transfer off their characters to wherever and keep playing.

There are no dead servers. Just servers that donā€™t have 10x the pop it was designed for. Every single server has a higher population than capped servers did in Vanilla.

Mega servers are the main reason you PvPers are unable to play.

I had some sympathy for you because Blizzard could have prevented this. Now Iā€™m just convinced that PvPers are a bunch of delicate flowers that need Blizzard to hold your hand.

Theyā€™re not going to. This isnā€™t the Blizzard of 2005. Theyā€™re incapable of making good decisions for the game and if that hasnā€™t sunk in by now youā€™re a fool. You were a fool for rolling on a PvP server with 10x the pop it was designed for.

So go ahead and stay on your overcrowded mega PvP server where every little spot has players ready to steam roll you, or is totally empty of the opposite faction. Seems to be working out for you guys.

And the game was designed around those caps. This is why private servers, who had far fewer players than Classic mega servers but were still overpopulated, upped the spawn time on nodes, had dynamic spawns and had faction queues and in some cases faction locks.

Blizzard doesnā€™t make good games anymore. But everyone knew this before they rolled out Classic.

Yeah what youā€™re describing is a pve server if you want to be attacked when you want you flag after youā€™ve farmed shards and head over to south shore for some pvp

Yeah this TBH

Honestly any Hordeā€™s opinion is by default ignored on this topic. I am not saying they rolled Horde for the faction advantage (though many did). I am saying if the roles were reversed they would likely be crying on the forums the same as the alliance players are.

Players themselves created the faction imbalance so really this is not an issue Blizzard has any reason to fix until the game is going under because of it. Eventually there will be so few alliance that players who want to PvP will probably quit because even when BGs come out it will be 1 hour + queues for Horde and instant queues for Allianceā€¦ and that is IF enough Alliance players are even playing at that point.

Found this guys idea, itā€™s along the same as we have been talking here.

As far as ignoring us horde done of us have been your biggest voices, shouldnā€™t dismiss all of us

ITT, people being deliberately obtuse.

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