**Easy Faction Ratio Fix For Balancing Servers**

EASY RATIO FIX - I have been saying this for 10+ years-CAP CAP CAP Each server faction at 500 players (OR for example 5 % ) over the other faction. When the Cap is reached a Message pops and Says “The Server Faction Cap Has Been Reached” when the opposing faction creates more characters this will open your Faction to more available character creations. Side Note Allow the Player a choice to create the character but PUT IN A QUE to get in line for when a spot opens. This will maintain a 1 to 1 ratio or close enough to make servers better and less lopsided. Also if you do not log into a toon for 14 days (or w/e) you should be counted as a non existing player and put into a QUE hold and only allowed back in if the ratio guidelines are met. This would create a balanced world where 1 faction is not steamrolling another. This will fix the game- Period ( The Cap has Nothing to do with Logging in only making new toons so the servers stay balanced )


IF there was an easy fix blizz should have done it already
you need to take into account people that pay and will complain about getting into a Q just because other player complains and so on

so you didnt read my post- ffs do you work at Blizz?


never read anything that is not written in paragraphs


faction queues make so much sense im not why we dont do it


Blizzard already made an easy fix.

Cross Realm. It’s rejected. Now live with imbalance.


No support. I like being on the Horde.

you cant impose chinese population control in freedomland!


Sure, make the servers have less population artificially, that’ll go over well.

What if there’s only 500 alliance on the server? suddenly there’s only a 1.5k cap?

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Merge, all like type realms, bring back layering. Faction balance the layers.

About as balanced as it can get.

doesn’t work with world boss, the aq event, etc.

WBs and layering can’t coexist. Not to mention, it seems there’s more horde on pvp in general, even if you took the whole pop in general it would still be horde influenced

because it’s a dumb idea.
Hypothetical situation using the OPs dumb idea then I’ll get to faction queues :
Let’s say you and 39 of your friends are looking to start new on a new server and start a raiding guild so you choose a server and start making characters, after about 30 of you make characters suddenly 10 of you can’t play with your friends today as you have to wait for others to make characters of the opposite faction. Yes that will go over well.
Now let’s move on to the abject stupidity that is faction queues to get onto a server :
Let’s use the 80/20 split population and the 60/40 balance that everyone spouts that they want faction queues to maintain.
Now comes some small assumptions to make the math easier : the 80/20 split = total allowed population on the server so when all 80/20 are online the server is full.
Now using the forced 60/40 faction ‘balance’ translates to 30/20 % of the total population or total of 50% which is low population server. Now let’s say you are part of the 50% of the population that is now sitting at multiple hours long queues to get onto a server that is showing low population … how is that a good experience ?


I honestly have no idea what you are saying


so lock players out of factions to make others happy?deny people to play on horde where they want to plsy to make people happy?..nice fix.

What if you can’t play with friends and family then because they are all horde on a certain server?

What about bank alts?

As you can see it is not an “easy” solution.

I am saying faction queues are the dumbest idea ever and showing why.

If the servers alliance population is a certain levels, which many servers it is, you can actually lower the overall server cap artificially creating much smaller servers than intended.

If the server cap is 3k and you only have 500 alliance that play concurrently on the server, that means only like 800 horde can play at a 60/40 balance, so the server would be artificially limited to 1.3k.

I disagree, they’re a good idea. Why the hell would horde transfer of Skeram/Herod/Stalagg right now? No reason to at all. Faction queues would actually give that incentive along with restricting new character creation on that realm for the dominant faction if they already do not have a character there.

How you shift this will depend the total population. Pulling numbers out of nowhere for an imaginary example. 3000 horde to say 1000 alliance. It’s not unreasonable to lower the cap for horde specifically to like 2500 or 2000.

The seemingly inevitable result of doing nothing will just be a horde super majority where they’ll cry they have nobody left to kill, which is why they made the thread on reddit to make faction locked transfers even though they came too late and won’t help in any noticeable amount.

The idea is to try to be constructive on the topic and not just let the poo that’s sitting on the bed stink and fester. What isn’t constructive is “PLAY ON PVE NOOB” because if every alliance player did and rerolled or quit we may as well have left the faction transfers unrestricted.


Hahaha, you sweet summer child. We cannot even convince them to remove the 3 lines of spam we get when we block a goldseller channel invite.


wHaT iF tHeRe aRe 5 pEoPlE oN a SeRvEr?

Look, if there are somewhat even populations on a server, that server will grow. ESPECIALLY if the free transfers are set up properly, pairing up realms of opposing bloat.