It's not pandering, it's called art

i am going to be honest i think the complain mostly just come from people sick and tired of the Woke narrative that Holywood and a huge chuck of entertainments company have been trying to force down into people.

i personally am ok with some of this stuff it doesn’t bother me if we are talking about new characters and very well written stories.

for example:

the questline in the Rubylife pools where we help a gay guy that wanted to create a gift for his husband?

i enjoyed doing that quest because he helped me understand how the new profession system and material work and i didn’t mind the whole story.

i admit i am not gay and the whole gay love did made me feel uncomfortable a bit, but i didn’t hate on it or did i complain about it because let’s be honest here that story wasn’t made for me to enjoy.

and i did like the new profession system in this new expansion.

just saying even if i feel uncomfortable sometimes, as long as the story is good or ok or maybe even great i don’t mind anything that is related to the LGBT.

that is a story for the people that can connect with that, not me.

i just want to enjoy a good story and have fun in the game.

that is why i don’t mind of Mathias Shaw being Gay, so long as his character isn’t change so much that he become unrecognizable i don’t mind him being gay.

that is my one and only problem with most stories in movies and games lately, that when they try to do things for the LGBT they change things so much it just end up looking bad and that makes the LGBT look bad too.


Than we will also conclude in agreement that this discussion will come up again now for years because it’s not one-dimensional and needs to be discussed until changes happen in the game, yes?

You can clearly see how people feel and it’s a common issue that postings like this one

shows a problem within the extreme left wing people’s discussions culture, who just deflect for the sake of deflecting and have an easy way out that there is something wrong with them but not the game. I don’t see the middle ground here.

Yes. That’s the problem LGBT-people are not supported, they are put on a wall to be shoved into everybody’s mouth.

It feels bad to write this but I think it would be for the best to change the characters and texts and move the LGBT-quests into the other zones, instead having it all in two.

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I’ve seen that it’s commonly divisive. Neither side really rules the day in these threads, and I really wish people would stop using bandwagon to argue.

I’d ask you to reword this, I’m mildly confused.

The topic comes up any time someone catches wind of and decides to add paratext to the content they dislike or like in the game. Including but not limited to LGBT representation.

damn, I haven’t had McDonald’s breakfast in a literal decade or more. I’d go with the hotcakes and sausage I guess.

It’s activism, not art. Keep trying though.


Well someone spread bodily fluids and solids on canvas and it was considered art. In fact I believe it sold for like $2.3 million.

Activism and art are not mutually exclusive.


These are not mutually exclusive.


Damn you for getting to it before me. :fist:

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i heard they have a new sandwich that it’s made of pancakes, it had egg and bacon and they give you syrup dip so you dip it and eat it.

these are optional side quests we are talking about that most people actually wouldn’t know existed without browsing these forums. blizzard as far as I know hasn’t advertised them themselves so it’s really silly when people say things like this.


Good deal. It’s bad art and bad activism then.


I put the OP on ignore last night, and automatically 5 others went on ignore all by themselves lmao!

Yes, they do have alts that talk to each other, making it seem like there are more people on their side.

Funny thing is, after i pointed this out last night, all of a sudden all six of them vanished from the thread they were in, no more this is ignored content notifications in the thread!

Way to funny!


Someday I’ll be cool enough to have an impersonator.


Is this supposed to be a zinger of some sort, lol

“oh yeah well it sucks! ha!”

Not really, no. The quests aren’t nearly as bad as the people throwing tomato soup on a van Gogh - to use that as a phrase - on the forums. Whatever message that could have been delivered has been wrecked by the overzealous forum Karens, which is fine by me, because the message was stupid to begin with.

Fascist tears fuel me, so keep crying please.

Well, at least you’re being honest about how you feel now.

I wasn’t hiding how I felt to begin with.

Hiding and obfuscating are adjacent but different, so I suppose you’re technically correct.