It's not pandering, it's called art

Was calling it stupid a significant escalation from saying it was bad?

not surprising at all, art people can get really weird with their projects. rich folks with too much money. I’d argue however that games are an extremely legitimate form of art regardless of “quality” considering how much goes into it.


Calling LGBT representation stupid is a significant escalation from endless implication that it was done poorly, yes.


Endless? You’re probably blurring arguments here since I’ve posted here a handful of times. May wanna touch grass.

This from the dude saying it’s stupid to have gay people in a game. :thinking:

don’t forget bots, incels, racists, trumpers, russians and n@zis.
the usual buzzwords that lose meaning


Good talk chief.

Ditto. /10

I think that the example Dieliania gave is also a legitimate form of art. Would I but it? No, it is not my taste in particular. But that is what makes art expressive and fun. Everyone has different tastes and will pay for or create the art they enjoy.

I also consider games a legitimate form of art.

If you identify as any of those, I enjoy your suffering just as well.

so you want ALL russians to suffer?

Just the ones loyal to putin. But I don’t see how any of that’s relevant here.


It’s been an uphill battle but I finally made it!


tolerant left at its best here folks.


My neighbors are gay. Never once have they told me they are gay or kissed in front of me. I know because of how they talk, that they are together all the time and live together, that they love to spruce up their flowers, they are very clean and feminine acting, they are hilarious in their own way, and if you ask them, they will say they “yeah, we are”.

Theres multiple ways to subtly show that someone is gay. It doesn’t need to be over the top. Many gay people are simply likeable characters, being gay isn’t what makes them likeable or unlikeable, but they have a certain feminine, overjoyous, kind of hilarious way about them that, imo, makes them fun to be around. You can focus on these characteristics.

Having said that apparently their are straight quests noting that characters are straight, ive personally never really noticed so if thats the case it was done so subtely that, well, I didn’t notice. I think thats normal, but its not my company to run. If it was me and I was trying to convey an underrepresented group of people that causes division amongst other groups id make sure I did it REALLY well. Id try to win people over to the point these characters are just as meaningful as Arthas. Then again, Arthas could be gay for all I know since the game has never indicated his sexual orientation, which, again, is normal to me. Its not really relevant. Same with Illidan.


I believe you may have misinterpreted my post, but as I mentioned I’m talking about characters that specifically over enforce their relationship through use of both name and relationship.

After you have stated [name] is your [relationship], there is no need to make that exact statement again as it is understood through context.
Yet that is what appears in game, so that’s poor writing at best, and easily construed by many as pandering. (As why is there any need to reinforce something you have already been told?)

My statement was nothing about the implication of couples, but the actual repeated relationship stating, which I will clarify is bad writing regardless of the couple and their relationship.
If I said [name] my brother, and then in the next paragraph repeated [name] my brother, despite the fact that I know you have been imparted that context it’s just weird, and poorly written.

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He had a relationship with Jaina actually, so he’s straight or bi.


I mean, to someone on this planet, yes. All art is subjective.

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Where was this indicated outside of deep lore? Its one of those things that interesting, and hell if Arthas was gay “I mean, he looks like he could be, at least before he was the Lich King” I wouldn’t care. He would still be awesome. In all of Wrath, that im playing through heavily, ive never seen any quest noting his sexuality and that expansion was based entirely on him.

Nice lore though. I really didnt know that. I need to go read up some more.

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Lmao wow, who did you piss off to get an alt fan, Bris?